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Posts posted by knicksfan

  1. What will you use as evidence of "current income". Tax returns are historical. You qualify to sponsor based on current income.

    Hi pushbrk, I am planning on including 8 pay stubs, which translates to pay checks for the last 4 months. Should I send in more months?

    I'm also sending in an employment letter from the HR department at work which details my salary, title and how long I have been working there.

  2. I have a question about the G325A & I-130 regarding the Alien Registration Number. I'm a USC but not US born. I have a certificate of Naturalization. The certificate has a INS Registration number that starts with the letter 'A'. The G325a in two places and the I-130 in one place has a field that asks for a A number. The first field on the G325a is titled 'File Number' and in the second place its asking for an Alien Registration Number. The I-130 asks for an Alien Registration number as well.

    - Should I put the A number from my 'Certificate of Naturalization' on the G325A and the I-130?

    - Is there any reason for my wife to include my A# on her G325a?

  3. This is big help! Thanks for replying. We have decided to go at this ourselves and not hire an attorney. Two quick questions:

    1) My wife and I have to fill out the G325A forms. Her part is fairly straightforward. She just puts in all her information. When I fill out the G325A form, the first part is my name, address etc. The other part refers to applicant information. Should I put in my wife's information in the 'Applicants residence,' 'Applicants employer' parts or should it be my information in that part? Sorry if this is a dumb question.

    2) Can the affidavit letters be from our parents or do they have to be from others as well, as in brother, sister, uncle etc?

  4. Hi guys, this is a fantastic community with great information. The I-130 guide has been immensely helpful in starting out but I have a few questions. I got married earlier this month in India. I'm a US Citizen and am filing for my wife.

    1) regarding the G325A form, will a scanned copy work or does it have to be the original? What I mean is, can she fill it out, sign it and scan it and send it to me? Or is it best if she sends the original signed form via international courier?

    2) While filing the petition, should we have to send the photographs with the package or the photographs are just required during the Visa Interview? Should we also include phone bills and email logs?

    3) We have been recently married. What proof can we give of an ongoing maratial relation as we do not possess any joint property and have not co-mingled our financial resources.

    4) Can we handle the whole process ourselves (forms, NVC requirements and interview) or would people recommend that we should hire an attorney?

    Thanks again for all the help guys.

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