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Posts posted by blackrose

  1. Hi,

    No there were no signs, not one, we were together all the time in his country, living with his parents, happy, loving, trips, like a great family.He was very good to me. 3 weeks after he got to America, BOOOM!! He started his terror! Yes it is great advice! I have talk to other woman and men, who their spouses waited 3 years, they got their green card, had everything joint, and Wammo! The America citizen gets left with nothing! Like I said, not all will do this, but there are more scammers out there, than true love!! And they are sooo good at it!

    Too late for me, but everybody saying, 'Why find love in another country, when there are so many people from other countries here who are already citizens, they are so much safer and its cheaper!'

    I spent thousands and thousands and lots of work, to not only loose my whole life, home and everything I own, but I lost my trust too.

  2. While you meant well, if someone followed your advice then it's likely their foreign spouse would find it difficult or impossible to remove conditions two years after getting their first green card. USCIS relies pretty heavily on evidence of comingling of finances. In their opinion, if you don't trust your spouse enough to give them complete access to your finances then your relationship isn't real. It's true that keeping everything in your name will help protect you from a scammer, but most people's foreign spouses are not scammers. Keeping everything in your name might result in a legitimate and loving spouse being denied a 10 year green card.

    The bottom line is that you should be absolutely sure about your mate before you say "I do". Your mistake was not in trying to share your entire life with your husband, including your property and finances. This is what normal married couples do. Your mistake was in marrying someone who was intent on scamming you from the start. Keeping everything in your name would not have prevented you from making that mistake. Knowing beforehand that he was a scammer would have. If you want to help people then don't give them advice that could be disasterous for a legitimate couple. Instead, give them advice that might have helped you if you had received that advice in time. In most of these nightmare cases there were signs early in the relationship that something wasn't right, but the USC spouse often shrugs them off or ignores them. Were there any signs that things weren't completely right before you got married?


    No there were no signs, not one, we were together all the time in his country, living with his parents, happy, loving, trips, like a great family.He was very good to me. 3 weeks after he got to America, BOOOM!! He started his terror! Yes it is great advice! I have talk to other woman and men, who their spouses waited 3 years, they got their green card, had everything joint, and Wammo! The America citizen gets left with nothing! Like I said, not all will do this, but there are more scammers out there, than true love!! And they are sooo good at it!

  3. Hi wuhan, I have an attorney, he will claim fraud on the home. He already knows the truth and everything he did to me to get the deed in his name. I have so much evidence. I also have an injunction on him to stay away, but it didn't do me any good, he still came to the home and held me captive, hes so crazy! I.C.E was informed, I emailed them 4 days ago, so I think they know. Unless they don't read their emails. But I think they did cause I saw the no Bond and illegal alien status on him. He was all over the news, so I also gave I.C.E the link to the websites. And the prosecutors name.

    Just wanted to thank all for you comments. I will keep you all posted to let you know what happens. I am trying to get exclusive use of my house for over 1 year since I got back from the state I fled too. Now I know why they call lawyers "liers", and not lawyers, I'm still here since, and not in my home and cant go there because when I fled to the other state because my ex was threatening me, he automatically got exclusive use. And I had a pending false charge on me while I was in that state, So I cant even go home until the court decides and my attorney goes to the hearing. Still waiting since 2010. I lived in my home 2 months that was it! They protected him not me. And he's been in jail over 70 days!

    That's the law right? What do they care about us.

    I just wanted to ad this comment. Anybody deciding to bring someone here, make sure you keep everything in you name,bank accounts, etc..And watch them like hawks! Not all people are like my ex, their are some goo people out there from other countries. I just trusted mine, cause he came from a wealthy family, his dad was a judge in his country and his mom and dad treated me like a queen. He was the actor, and scammer, and the lier, he was good at it too, everybody believed him , even the courts and police. Always keep evidence of everything. I did! I was smart enough never erase anything,emails, letters etc,, and take photos of everything happening. I finally got to show my evidence when he got arrested recently.

  4. Hi all,

    Its been a long time since I have written, been going thru a lot for the last 3 years. My Husband, who I am still not divorced from since I files my petition is now in jail. He finally got caught after coming to my city to kill me.

    We are blessed! Since I brought him here, I have been in hell, getting false charges and going to jail, getting my home I bought and paid for taken away from me under death threats, being held captive and almost dying from his beatings, I then I fled to another state, which he stalked me more and placed more false charges in me. The police and the courts did nothing, I never got to show my evidence! They believed him! He was a very good actor!

    The man was getting away with a lot! I was going nuts from all this, I lost my life and my job and all.

    So finally after coming back to from where I was and moving back to florida, hours from where my home is, where my husband has been living with another woman since I fled for my life, living in home I never got to live in myself, has finally got caught and arrested I couldn't believe it! After all I went thru!

    He came all the way here, in a rented car, watching me for days, then decided to steal a truck. When they caught him he had a death kit in both vehicles and a loaded gun. He is now in jail awaiting trial.

    He's got burglary with a fire arm, which was his gun and fully loaded, grand theft auto, and aggravated stalking charges, I wrote I.C.E and told them of the charges and what I have been thru. Who knows if they will care! They didn't before when I wrote them years ago, I even dismissed his support 3 months after he arrived and it was approved!! He got his green card thru the VAWA after I dismissed his support and placing more false charges on me. He has only been here 3 years.

    \Do you all think he will be deported if convicted of the armed Burglary? I don't know how weak the other charges are, but the armed burglary is a strong case.The theft of the truck too. I hope he gets a conviction, because I am afraid if he gets let go, we will be dead meat. Please let me know what I can do to get him deported, because he will kill us for sure if he gets let go, who knows what going to happen at trial, look at Zimmerman!!. I don't know if I should believe in the justice system anymore, look what happened to me! Thanks all!

  5. Hi all Im back,

    Ive decided to write to immigration to try to deport that torrorizer and write them my story..Where do I send it?I live in Burbank California

    I saw one adddress its,

    San Fernando field office [Room 1001]

    300 north los Angeles california 90012

    Can you give me the right address if this is not the one.Thankyou all for your help and prayers again,I hope they listen...

  6. We american citizens are being abused and accused of false charges and the ones who we think love us and bring here are getting their green cards without us!! Use us and leave us after suffering so much to bring them to the united states because we think they love us!! Immigration does not care and does help us american citizens! We american citizens have no rights? No say so? This is unjustice!! We need to change that law that they get a green card because they are abused!Yes there are alot of immigrants being abused by their spouses when they get here.But what about the citizens being abused by the immigrants!! They have no law for this? I going to tell the world ,and write to Obama! This is not fair!!! :help:

  7. Hi all again and thankyou so much for all your prayers and help,but its not overyet.I went to an info pass appointment,I told the immigration officer my story,had a stack of proof of all the things my husband did to me.All the sudden he says to me to hold on a minute,ill be right back.Well I thought he was going to help me!

    All the sudden another immigration offcer a big woman with a mad look on her face comes out and says to me,We dont want to hear your story,you must write an 8 page letter telling us what happned,please no drama,and dont wine either!! Oh my God!!! Then shes says to me since hes only got a conditional residency,when he has the interview we will decide ifyou will pay all the benefits or half the benefits!! Dont think we are going to arrest him now or send him back to his country!!I said wait a minute,I withdrew the petetion 2 months after he got to america or putting me in jail and beating to almost death to get a green card.he acused me of false charges and did so much to me.She said the with drawl of the petition means nothing,you might still have to pay half the benefits because you brought him here!

    I dont understand this.I am so devistated,this man took away everything from me,amost killed me,is living his life in my house and im left with no job,no money,no home.My body aches from all the beatings,broken finger,my back is messed up my neck,and this is what I they say? Can they really do this?

    My husband I found out is trying toi serve me with immigrationcourt papers now!! To go to court so he can say I say that he was the victim.Is this fair? Hes 27 im 53!Hes a 6 foot 3 man I told them.Hes used me and this is the answer I get?

    To all reading this,I dont know what to do.If I avoid being served to go to court,will he be able to get money from me?I have a home that he forced me to put jointly in sept.Can they make me give him half if I win the divorce case thats pending? Please help,I cant belieave this is happening to me.Im not well.He destroyed my life! I have nothing because I fell in love! I never did anything to hurt me.He used me sooo bad and hurt me soo bad.As I am writing this I am crying my eyes out.This cant be happenning to me.I ask God why?


  8. Hi again,

    when he was arrested 2 times ,he was let go both times,he answered his excuse for what happned and they let him go and he was never convicted.Will it still be hard for him to get a green card at the interview in March??

    I also had restraint order on him but since I couldnt go to court,they took it off him even with my laywer being present.Now I have no restraint order,but hes trying to file another motion to put it back.

  9. 1) Domestic abuse - you did the right thing by reporting to the police. Now he has arrest records. I am sure this will be coming up during interview for green card.

    So you let the law and court take care of itself. I am sure that someone with criminal records, it won't be easy to get green card.

    2) Divorce - I really thing that you should seek a legal help. Divorce is not simply saying good bye. IF there are assets, like house and etc such things can get complicated.

    When you do contact USCIC , try to provide all court documents and police reports.

    Also I am not quiet sure if this is a fraud. Did he tell you that he is going to leave you after green card? A reasonable person who is really seeking a green card would not go thru all these troubles (beat you, get arrested) to make it harder to get it down the road.

    A reasonable way to get a green card is to live with you with a hidden life until gets green card and ask for divorce.

    I really feel like ur husband has issues and even more so considering he has been sicked into hospital. He has anger issues.. maybe drinking issues? He needs help too.

    But I think best way for you is to remove from in that unsafe environment and stay in safer area. Also consider putting a retraining order against him.

  10. Hi to all and thankyou so much for everything.I thankyou for all your prayers and blessings.i tried to email ICE but the email does not work,also I reported him 4 months ago and never heard anything,but I did talk to someone..I am going to make an info pass right now!

    I found out a processor is trying to serve me 2 days ago.Even though I am in another state now.I have been here for 7 weeks. I had to leave because this man all he was trying to do is ruin my life even more,he put me in jail again.I did 10 days right before I got here. My husband told the courts I had violated a restraint order and since I couldnt prove he that he took me to the house by force and started beating me again and breaking everything in the house and then he took photos and he even hurt himself and told courts I tried to kill him with a knife,and in court he showed a fork,again I went to jail.He showed the judge small bruises on his neck! My god,and I couldnt even show all the things he did to me because it wasnt the date that it happened! I had to show what happned the day of thr violation,I couldnt show anything prior or before this!I was devistated.My husband knew thsat if I violated a restraint order I would go to prison for 5 years! You ask why I am on probation?Because first time he got arrested he had put 2 kinds of pills in my purse,and I got the blame for it,not knowing how they got there,I dont do drugs.My lawyer was no good and I got convicted,and they put me on probation for 2 years which I have done 1 so far.I had no crininal background what so ever,never!

    I was a security officer for 30 years,and you cant have a criminal back ground,so they took my license away.And I not only lost my license but my job too.I had no money,still dont,and im on food stamps.My mother has been trying to help me as much as she can and my bother too.Its not easy finding a job with this back ground.And never doing anything but security since I was 18.I had a great job,a home woth no mortgage,a car and I had a good life,good credit.And I lost it all because I brought this man to the states believing he loved me so much.This man stoled my passport ,my clothes.Damaged my car,hurt my dog,broke my finger,kicked me,beat me,smothered me with a pillow while he was beating me,held a knife to me,left me with no electric,no water,I lived in my car for 3 weeks cause when he had a restraint order on me,and I didnt yet,he was comijg to the house terrorizing me.The police did nothing,the judges did nothing,I had no justice,they were protecting him! Thye believed a 27 year old man ,six foot three! And Im 53,5 foot four! fifty three years old!

    I lost 20 pounds thru all the suffering an abuse.I cant sleep and im so devistated that here I am suffering still and hes in my home,yes the judge gave him my home untill we grt the divorce,and hes been seen with other woman and going to 5 star restaurants.Hes got money,his family is wealthy and they send him money all the time.They have seen him shopping,and he also bought a car!He used to tell ploice and the courts that I was starving him to death! And that I wasnt taking care of him! That he had no money to survive!

    He wouldnt even pay for gas in my car when we were together,I did it all cause I was a foool!


    I know hes trying to get me served for somthing,I think its from immigration cause my lawyer cant find anything under civil in the public search.Hes eitehr trying trying to sue me for money which he cant I withdrew petiton long ago,or hes trying to serve me to go to court to tell them I abused him,and try to get his permanent green card.If I dont get served,can he still get his green card?

    P.S ,To all from Turkey,I dont believe that all Turkish men are like the one I married.I know there are some good men out there,and I dont believe that a man is bad because they were born in a certain country,there are bad people everywhere.I just picked the wrong one.This man was greedy and selfish and I never saw it cause I was too much in love and blind to see evil.


  11. Hi to all,

    long story short,My husband came here from Turkey April 2010,commited spousal abuse on me in june and july,was beating me everyday since he stepped foot in america..He was arrested 2 times, hes been to mental hospital too.

    I withdrew his petition 2 months after he arrived because I had a feeling he was just using me.He put me in jail 3 times by telling the courts it was me who was beating him up,and he had taken all my proof so I was the one going to jail for false spousal abuse.I am now getting a divorce.He is now trying to get half my home after he forced me to sighn deed sept 2010 jointly,I have the proof and will show in court,but it will take 1 year for the divorce,so I hope I can still reverse it after I tell my story in divorce court.I want to write to immigration to try to deport him after all the abuse and lies and all he did to me since he got to america.Who do I sent the proof too? Do I sent it to the office that will give him an interview for his permannent green card,hes on a conditional till august 2012?Or do I sent the proof to the people that gave him the visa?Uscis? I need help please anything information is really appreciated,this man does not belong here!!He scammmed me almost killed me and got away with it all in court and I never got to show proof..Im 53 years of age 5"4 and he was 6"3 27 years of age.How can the courts beleve his story! I just dont know.

    Thankyou so much....

  12. Hi to all,

    long story short,My husband came here from Turkey April 2010,commited spousal abuse on me in june and july,was beating me everyday since he stepped foot in america..He was arrested 2 times, hes been to mental hospital too.

    I withdrew his petition 2 months after he arrived because I had a feeling he was just using me.He put me in jail 3 times by telling the courts it was me who was beating him up,and he had taken all my proof so I was the one going to jail for false spousal abuse.I am now getting a divorce.Hwe is now trying to get half my home after he forced me to sighn deed sept 2010 jointly,I have the proof and will show in court,but it will take 1 year for the divorce,so I hope I can still reverse it after I tell my story in divorce court.I want to write to immigration to try to deport him after all the abuse and lies and all he did to me since he got to america.Who do I sent the proof too? Do I sent it to the office that will give him an interview for his permannent green card,hes on a conditional till august 2012?Or do I sent the proof to the people that gave him the visa?Uscis? I need help please anything information is really appreciated,this man does not belong here!!He scammmed me almost killed me and got away with it all in court and I never got to show proof..

    Thankyou so much....

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