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John and Johanna

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Status Updates posted by John and Johanna

  1. wow de wowsers, we have our NOA2, finally, wooohooooooooooo

  2. Hi, I see we have about the same dates.....How are you guys doing?

  3. Still praying that our N0A 2 arrives soon

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. John and Johanna

      John and Johanna

      thanks and good luck

    3. i'm-in-love


      u will definitely have it soon :)

    4. dulcehh


      hi, i saw your coment in the wall from liz. my name is jimena, we´re waiting for our NOA2 since 7 months (with this 20 november) i´m so tired and everything is so complicated for me, i miss him so much and i wish see him, i wish be with him. we wish be together but we don´t find help us a solution or justification why? i need to know what we can do. thank you so much. sorry for my bad english but i don´t speak english. just a little.

  4. Still praying that our N0A 2 arrives soon

    1. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      hola how r u? Me too I'm waiting they approve my application I129F still,but truest my God and know he'll help us,we need pray and be strong!!

    2. John and Johanna

      John and Johanna

      Hi Liz

      Thanks for the friends add.

      We have phoned the uscis this week, and were told to wait another 45 days. Last time we phoned in september they said wait 52 days. Told us it is beeing processed. ??

      Hope all are getting their Noa2 very soon.

      Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

      All good will come to those who wait.

    3. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Hello cool I hope very soon we have answer about,we called too last week and USCIS said the same wait 2 months more,and our processed is very good,only we need wait :(

      God have the time for each blessing,only God need we truest and pray,greetings!! :)

  5. Hello all, still waiting...I think we are going backwards with Vermont.....I wonder if they are on vacation!....LOL

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