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Immigration Forms
Posts posted by joej
We did not go through Zurich or Paris, rather we do go through Amsterdam, and neither of us need a transit visa.
no, for you to be able to claim a dependency exemption they must be resident in the US (I believe there are exceptions for Mexico)
What about a credit for there college tuition? I guess I'm grasping at straws here.
Hi everyone,
Husband is getting his US citizenship in a couple of weeks. We do send money abroad to support foreign siblings. Can this be usefull to us on our taxes?
listed in the form instructions...
oH MY GOSH, it says all I-130's half to go through CA, and there processing times for siblings are 10 years. Can this be true?
Not so fast yah'll !! Let's admit it. She barely knows who this man is that professing he loves her. One visit for 2-weeks and she sold on marriage. I know because I did something similiar; but I went to see my green card opportunist twice there in his home country Nigeria......LOL
The truth of the matter is that you really don't know this man; but you do hear and understand the word that he's saying to you which is that he loves you so-so much. Now your blinded by his words because you lone to have someone that loves you.
My ex husband professed that he loved me so-so much also, he was convincing enough for me that I all the sudden lost the importance of letting him proof his love; I became his biggest sponsor sending money to Nigeria for him and this man was a doctor there, but none the less I just had to prove to him that I had his back and that in me he would find a very supportive woman.
Well Ha ha, to my dismay; this man took my money when I sent it let me run the show while he was still in Nigeria and once getting here I was still in charge until we married; that's when everything changed. He started being at odds with me in any situation he could, he became argumentitive, and just plain nasty towards me. He tried to say that my kids where trying to fight him and just all kinds of plain lies. It didn't matter to him that he was making things up tho; because in his mind all he needed from me was to get him into America.( Guess he felt his work credintials could carry him the rest of the way. )
There have been too many on here that have sponsored men on here only to have them cut up so so bad that you just want to be rid of them ( which by the way is there plott; to get you to ask them to leave so that can run to the homeless shelter and immigration and tell how you brought them here and kicked them out.
Please keep in mind that once there here and you put them out all they have to prove is that they married you in good faith. And by you putting them out and divorcing them kinda helps support what ever lie the choose to make up to secure their visa on there own without you.
You have to understand the history of Nigeria, they live to survive, they are constantly getting over on each other in that Country and wouldn't blink twice at using any American to get what they want ( A U.S. Greencard ) I liken my ex-husband to a farytale concerning a tortise; and you will see; whenever your husbands get caught in a lie they will laugh, I guess you have to hear the fairytale to totally understand me.
My ex-husband is still here in the state inspite of all the letters I wrote and proof I sent, he's somewhere slithering around in this country and totally neglects his own son, I imagine him working in the mental field somewhere in a little town trying to tap into the mind of the psych doc in order to gain more understanding of Americans. My husband was a real piece of work. He loved me so so much while he was there in Nigeria ( I now know it was all a lie. ) Then accused me of being abrusive towards him in spite all I had done to get him here and for him while he was here. He took and took and took, then he left all the while accusing me; the women that was so good to him of being abrusive.
The I-360 is something that all third world countries know about and they use it for directions just as they follow the directions on other immigration forms. Our laws as they stand now allows these third world parties to have a great atvantage on the American sponsor. American sponsors have lost their homes and jobs behind lies that their alien spouse's have accused them of.
Because lonely men and women can now use the internet it only helps these people in the third world countries with dreams of coming here to achieve their goals.
I challenge you to take a good look at yourself and your alien spouse, do you think that you'd be able to catch such a man here in you hometown ? For the people that have traveled over to Africa they seen first hand that African women are just like us here in America, they go to the beauty shops and alot of them are in shape they have their matching garments on and some are beautiful women. Just ask yourself why does he want me so bad. Please, be honest with yourself. I used to type in this room about meeting his real wife or girlfriend who came over while I was there but he introduced her to me as his friends girlfriend. I think she wanted to see me first hand to gauge me for herself as to if he would stay with me or leave me as planned........LOL
Do your homework read about when Nigeria was ruled by the Britts. Read what they had to say concerning that Country. Alot of information was not available online when I went thru the immigration process like it is now. There have been too many women and men that have brong people from the third world here to America only for them to purposely cause problems within the relationship so that they can flew that relationship once you have done everything the feel that they need you to do for them.
Buyer be ware!!!
Hi Idocare...long time.
There is alot to learn from what Idocare is saying, if you can try not to be offended. I have found that I'm really one of the few one's left from my original VJ days, that is still married...So, the divorce rate is verry high. My story is good so far and as you can see we passed the "citizenship" interview today. I feel verry fortunate.
To the OP: You are in for a fight. The only way you can win this one is to get married and file for Cr1. Be advised that you may be in AR for a verry long time....years. Is it possible for you to move to Nigeria for a few months or a year?
How do I know which processing center mine goes through? We are in Utah, and I swear we went through Nebraska before, but can't remember. I'm looking processing times for siblins of us relatives.
He won't become a citizen until he goes through an oath ceremony and takes the oath of citizenship.
Different offices have different ways of scheduling that. A few have same-day oaths, so it's possible he could become a citizen on that day. But many offices have oath ceremonies about once or twice a month, where all the new citizens take the oath together. So there's a good chance there will be a wait of a few weeks after the interview to take the oath.
When he walks out of the oath ceremony, he will have a naturalization certificate and will be a US Citizen. They'll take his green card at the ceremony, because he no longer needs it.
Thats great, thanks for the information. He passed the interview, yay, so I guess we are just waiting to receive information about the oath.
Hay everyone...old VJer here. Going for citizenship interview today. Can you believe it?
We listed last 5 years including when he was in his country.
There are things to update? Drivers liscence? ss card? Oh great, I thought we were almost done.
Hi everyone. Husbands interview and test is today. What happens next? Once he passes the test, do they schedule him for a ceremony, or does he get his citizenship right there?
I am looking for ideas of things that I can make there. No oven , no electricity. Primitive cooking with camp like burners. What can I fix there that they might like ? I was thinking pancakes. Is there anything you have had luck with ? Can you get butter or milk there ?
If you are in a primitive area like that, undobtedly someone will have a small pot with burner...cant remember what those are called...Anyway, you can prettymuch make anything...Obe ata, egusi, or whatever you like...It just needs to be hot.... My intention is not to offend anyone, but I think the OP may be in an area that does not have commonalities that they have in so many other areas there. I realize, that lights off and on can be difficult, but I never had any problem with the generators. As far as American food (if there is such a thing)....put something on some bread and call it a sandwich...since that seems to be our best food here. lol.
I don't post much here anymore, but I'm still around. Anyway, reading this makes me remember how hard the wait was. I feel for you all still waiting. We were originally denied as well, but had a baby "before the husband's arrival", and I think that helped with them finally pushing it through. But the denial came after the baby, even though he had pictures, birth certificates, letters, emails, plain tickets, hundreds of pages of chat, phone logs, etc. Fortunately for us, it was temporary and he was given the visa soon after.
Sometimes I think they deny, to see if you are really up to the task, and to see how many people will wither away and not return. Keep at it though all of you that are still waiting, and make sure to dot your i's and cross your t's. Don't lie about anything, and get every sort of information you can.
I think it also helps to have coorespondence from your SO with people you personally know, as well as letters of recomendations from family who feel the relationship is valid. I did get many notorized letters from family, as to the validity of the relationship and that seemed to help.
Best Wishes
I know you must really be concerned about bringing your husband to America. I can see that your love is for real ( u have traveled 3-times within a year to see him) I believe that the peeps at the Nigerian Embassey is concerned about your husbands love towards you!! Sorry I gotta keep it real. Many men and women have gotten into America thru Marrying a citizen here and having them petition for them to come here. Actually I did the same thing, and at the time you couldn't tell me that my fiance didn't love me, heck he told me that he did all the time, I spent hundreds of dollars on phone calls calling him and much more money in my time e-mailing him and chatting online.
All the while he proclaimed his love for me!!! It wasen't until he got here and we married and sent his adjustment of stais paperwork in that he beginned to change and become like my worst enemy. He accused me of this and that and made sure there was no peace in our home. Most cnflicts between us were instagited by him and he even tried to get me arrested claiming domestic violence. This evil man became a nitemare that kept playing out until I finally asked him to leave. That's exactly what he wanted me to do, so he would leave his son and I by my request.
You already married this man, why don't you go to your husband? Just go and live there with him; why is coming into the US so important? Isn't being together more important? Your sitting here wasting time complaining about the Embassey in Nigeria and you have a pass to be with him now. Why is it only him that's willing to leave everything he knows to come be with you, can't you also leave everything you know and go and be with him? Lots of women in Nigeria take good care of themselves and dress in the modern culture, but your husband picked you, a person far far away from his home. A person that's nothing like the girls he's grown up with, if he's willing to leave his culture behind shouldn't you also be willing to go to the man you married?
As you can see I have been on this site for some time. I met my ex-husband online and he used me to get into America. My ex was a medical doctor there in Nigeria so I thought he's and his family would have some morals. This same man tormented me throughout my pregnancy and left me with a 3-week old son. (A first son ) He turned from loving and supporting to evil and manipulative overnite. He kept getting more and more argumentive and evil until I couldn't take it any more and asked him to leave, heck I didn't know at the time that that was his goal, he didn't want immigration to hear that he left on his own but wanted to be able too say that I put him out, and boy oh boy did he use that!!!
Our son named Victor Obinna Ezike Jr. is also a victim of his evilness, he was the one that named him when he was born then a few days of me being home from having him he tried to get me arrested on a domestic violence charge. This man called the police and claimed that I hit him in the stomach he even went as far as falling onto the floor grasping his stomach just before the police entered our home. Who would think a medical doctor would behave in this manner, not me. Since he's left he's done nothing to see his son, it's been years since he's seen him. He walked away; I divorced him and now he's still here in America (so far) and you want to know the funny thing about it is that he constantly accusing me of being the one that abrused him.
The immigration office has a hard job to do espeically there in Lagos, they probably understand that your intentions are good but they may not believe that your husband is legit in his love for you. There have been many women that have married men from Nigeria only to be used financially and emotionally and left to dry. I'm a victim and I know plenty other women that have become victims of international marriges. So I beg; don't blame the embassey you do have other options to be with your husband besides living here in America, it's you that want him to leave everything behind and come to you so since you all have a wait, shouldn't you be willing to also leave everything behind and go to him? After all you all are married now!! Girl go to you man; live your life with him and enjoy the benefits of being married.
When it was clear to me that my ex-husband only used me to get him out of Lagos I wrote and continue to write to every and any governing official that I felt could assist in his removal from this country. Somehow he's still slivering around here like a poisonous snake, or an evil tortoise(enclosed in his shell) peeking around every corner and spending his lies to anyone that will listen. Too may women that were once here on this same site that we now communicate on have found themselves in similar situations and are now divorced.
Love is meant to be a beautiful thing, congrats on your marriage/love. I know that I wasen't the only person writing the Nigerian embassey telling them about how I was scammed, that may be the reason that they are taking a closer look and not being too fast in granting approvals. Ofcourse I can't be too sure, but I've been hearing about how even terriost groups are lookin to Marry Americans only to gain access into this country.
The only advice I would have for you is too go and be with your husband!! Location shouldn't be a factor but spending quality time should be. I wish you and yours all the best.
Hi Idocare, I hope you are doing well...Just popped in this site to see what was going on in the visa front lately. To the original OP, the question I have may be difficult....Are you older than your SO? If so, how much? Does he have any older brothers that are not married yet? Have either of you been married before? These are all things they may look at.
The clinic's don't make the process any easier, by not specifying what they are doing, and causing people to be, worried for nothing. It can be nerve wracking, but remember many, many others have done the same thing. I even remember one VJer who's husband got a false positive HIV result, because he had malaria at the time of the test.
You know what?! You really realy calm my nerves.I was actually worried initially, i am stable now.
Your guess is close. I was constipated two weeks b/4 the test. I treated myself NATURALLY with kinds of fruit. My digestion is fine, now.
That could be the reason.
Thank you so much
Oh yes, my husband had the same thing happen at Kamoras clicnic. It was really scarry. Results came back ok the second time though.Don't worry too much about it. They probably just want to be sure. Also, were you ill at the time they drew blood? That can cause come inconsistencies.
It is probably just a formality, don't sweat it!
Hello everyone,I was at Kamorass for collection of result but the Doctor took my blood sample the Second time for more test.
He metioned something like immunity level. The matron advised me to go for the interview with result and come back later. What is your view of this? have had a similar experience?
Thanks alot.
"A titer is a measurement of the amount or concentration of a substance in a solution. It usually refers to the amount of medicine or antibodies found in a patient's blood."
Someone help me! I dont know what titers is, pls!I was vaccinated when i was in Primary School. I am in early 30s now.
Does past vaccination count?
Thanks and may God bless you.
"Immunity" makes me think of titers. Maybe they were checking to see if you had been vaccinated against something and the results weren't clear. Thats my best guess. -
Yes in this case you can go to the interview,without the medical result, just let them know what happened. However, they will want you to bring it or make an apointment to bring it prior to the release of a visa. This is my experience.
Best Wishes and good luck on your interview.
Thanks alotPls this replaces my former question:
"Hello everyone, I am on K3
I was at Kamorass for collection of my medical result but the Doctor took my blood sample the Second time for more test.
He metioned something like immunity level.
The Matron(I guess she is-white woman) advised me to go for the interview WITHOUT a result if it is not ready untill my interview date, She further told me to come back later for collection after my visa interview.
Is it proper to attend visa interview without medical report on hand?
What is your view of this?
Have you had a similar experience?
Thanks alot."
Oh Chispas so sorry to hear that.
Does he have an attorney?
Thanks Sista Vjers.I was considering going to the interview like you said and tell them what has been going on. What is making me think twice is that Ido went to her interview with her husband and after she told them what he was doing, they gave him further details that he needed to remove conditions on his own. I would hate to spill my guts there and then some one feel sorry for his A$$ and help him make my life more miserable. If I do decide to go, I'm taking the email, letters, text and everything he sent me telling me that he was just using me and that I was worthless. Further, I'm taking the blackmail voice mail too so they can hear the threats he told me he would do to me if I don't cooperate. As I write more I get more and more angry at his nerve to try and use me again. It would be different if he were up front, but to continue to operate from the position of a sneak is deplorable.
Oh yes, my husband had the same thing happen at Kamoras clicnic. It was really scarry. Results came back ok the second time though.
Don't worry too much about it. They probably just want to be sure. Also, were you ill at the time they drew blood? That can cause come inconsistencies.
It is probably just a formality, don't sweat it!
Hello everyone,I was at Kamorass for collection of result but the Doctor took my blood sample the Second time for more test.
He metioned something like immunity level. The matron advised me to go for the interview with result and come back later. What is your view of this? have had a similar experience?
Thanks alot.
Hay Chispas,
It has been a while. I hope all is well.
My husbands letter for dropping conditions on the conditional gc did not request us to have a interview....We Just sent in the paperwork and... tada a couple months later got the new card. Maybe they picked up on something that did not seem right.
Hola AmigosAfter some well appreciated quiet time, I'm back with surprising news and a question. I've posted before that since I filled out the Adjustment of Status request for my husband I have not heard a single peep from immigration. Low and behold, the other day a letter showed up in my mail box with a date for an interview to remove conditions. Unfortunately I had not been to the PO box in weeks and the date for the appointment has gone by. The curious thing is that this is the first time I have ever been asked to come in for an interview and the second thing is that I didn't not file to remove conditions. Of course it asks me to bring in all the information to prove that we have a relationship ...yada yada but we are not together and don't live together. Anyone have this happen to them before?
221 g is a refusal based on failure to provide proper documentation.
In the case that it was based on the validity of the marriage:
Can you provide pictures or video of the two of you together? Did you provide a copy of your marriage liscence, copy of plain tickets from your visits, certified letters from people who know both of you and can attest to the validity of the relationship?
Or was the 221 g based on other missing documents, like affidavit of support, proper paperwork, etc?
Either way, it sounds like a refussal and not a denial. You should be able to resubmit what they are asking for.
Best wishes
Oh geeze,
I don't post too often anymore, infact I had no idea you guys split up. So sorry to hear about all you have been going through. It has to get better from here.
Sorry to hear of your experience.
I dont post too often anymore, but do read the posts every once in a while. I used to notice the looks too, mostly from white people though. However, as time has gone on, I really haven't noticed it too much these days, and it doesn't seem to be a problem for us. I did notice though, that the looks are somehow different when we have our son with us. Almost like, "oh ok, they are a family". It is annoying, but my husband and I are just doing our best to be productive, and forget about everyone else.
Best Wishes
I have no idea why ours went so fast. See below.
Transiting through Europe
in Africa: Sub-Saharan
Wow that is alot. I hear Ghana has direct flights to JFK directly from Acra. Any chance he can fly to another African country first?