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Posts posted by kevleigh

  1. Interview for my Fiance' is on Tuesday and I'm a nervous wreck. We've been over everything at least 100 times and I think we're as prepared as we can be. Now all we can do is wait for Tuesday to get here. I just can't help but be nervous and I'm the USC! Anybody else getting close and feeling like this???

  2. She will have a W2 from her 2012 substitute teaching. That's a good proof of a whole year's worth of income and better than bank statements. For the retirement, Capri said it well. The Teacher Retirement System from your state may be the payor and can provide the letter/statement. She will be getting a 1099-R probably detailing the retirement income for 2012.

    Does she have a 2011 tax return or better yet get her 2012 taxes done ASAP?

    London is not too picky and 2 proofs is plenty. Just show them proof of her income and don't worry about proving it 5 different ways. Many people are handed back everything but one proof. Someone interviewed in December and they didn't even bother taking anything from the Mom sponsor except the for I-134. Get some sleep. I think you have it covered.

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Mom is already on top of filing her taxes just waiting on the schools W2 so I think i'm good to go!! I will get some sleep! you have put my mind at ease! Thanks so very much!! Goodnight!!

  3. I have read and read and read all pages of this and I see what you all say about employer letters and tax transcripts, and/or pay stubs ect...here's my particular problem, I personally do not make enough to sponsor Kevin, my mom is a retired Teacher and gets retirement income on top of that, she substitute teaches. She will be our co-sponsor and while she can easily get a letter from the school regarding her employment her retirement is simply a direct deposit into her bank everyone month. I've printed out her bank statements for then entire year(2012) plus the 1 deposit for Jan. Is that going to be enough? the letter from the school, her pay stubs from the school and then the bank statements with her direct deposits? Or does she need to go to the bank and get some sort of letter from them verifying those deposits. I just want to be sure I send Kevin enough evidence. That the one thing that keeps me up at night with worry. Thanks for any help you can give.

  4. Yea, the first few months were better. Now when I see people from 18th July I check to see if I've been approved also, its sad because I know if we've been approved my fiance would get an email and he would have forwarded it to me already lol. I hate weekends now because no applications will be processed, and this monday is also a holiday i believe. I just keep thinking its going to happen sometime in the next 3 weeks, it has to. And thats not so bad compared to the 6 months I've already waited.

    Sigh I spend a lot of time tricking my mind into calming down and not focus on this.

    The wait is awful. You miss out on so many things you could be doing together.

    It is horrible! The days do seem to get longer as the approval of everyone but us happen. I pray every night that this will be the week! Let's hope!

  5. I KNOW I hated seeing the dates shift from one day to the next!! fingers crossed it is very soon for you!!!

    That's probably one of the worst things ever! I mean from the 8th all the way to the 20th?? UGH!!! it's impossible for me to have any hope around those dates because every single day or 2 it's different. It was awesome when it was moving backward, but that only happened for a couple of days and then it started the other way and now it's just going further and further into Jan. I think i'm doomed to be into Feb. at this point....

  6. Yea I touched 6 months on friday also. I dont feel like asking my fiance to spend hours on the phone during work hours because I'm not even sure if calling them will achieve anything. I'm trying to force myself to focus on other things like work, spending time with friends and family while i still can. It helps for a while but then i still end up checking whether we're approved first thing in the morning. I hate that.

    I know if i call they're going to tell me they can't help me yet i'm still within their timeframe according to the website. So i haven't bothered. And at this point nothing is helping me, I'm the USC so other than going to work and being busy during the day, the evening and the weekends are dreadful for me. I tell myself I'm not going to check the websites, i'm just going to ignore it all and one day that wonderful text or email will come but instead like you, i find myself checking each morning just in case...The first few months weren't so bad because I knew it would be at least 5 months, once we hit that, it's just gotten worse for me every day and now that we're at 6 months, i just want to cry all the time. This waiting...no one but those of us going through this can understand how awful it is.

  7. ok, i know the website says june 4th, but, how come that igor's list shows petitions from july being approved already. and those petitions are around me too. i'm from the 6th, i've seen petitions from the 19th, 2nd etc...being approved. When is the last time the USCIS updated their website. is it nov 30th? or january....

    The website says they update approximately the 15th of every month. So i'm hoping they'll update again soon and we will have a better idea where they are now. This is all so frustrating knowing we're bound to be close but having no idea when.

  8. According to YOUR VJ Timeline...any day now...see below copy and pasted from your profile.

    "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between January 20, 2013 and January 26, 2013*. "

    I know what my timeline says...it's gone from Jan.8th to now the 20th it changes nearly everyday! It's horrible! I hope you're right and that it's soon, this waiting and watching those around me with dates after mine is pure torture!!!

    We were VSC and we were approved literally 2 days prior to the VJ estimated date(s) of adjudication! Should be soon for you! Best of luck! :)

  9. That's what we're working on now, printing out all her bank statements and highlighting the direct deposits for both the retirement and the substitute pay and she's also getting a letter from the school district where she's working. I'm beginning to feel a little better about it now. I was concerned they wouldn't allow her to combined both incomes. We also have her tax returns from 2010 and 2011. We won't have 2012 because of course we won't have filed yet. She won't file her taxes until April and I (well God willing) pray we have our NOA2 in the coming month.

    I also forwarded him the link regarding self-sponsorship, that's interesting and something he might be interested in. Thank you both for your input. I think i can sleep now. :-)

  10. I don't make enough money to support my fiance' by myself and my mom wants to co-sponsor, she is a retired teacher and gets a check every month from that as well as earns a monthly check from substitute teaching. Both of these together put her over 125%, is that ok? What exactly do they look at? Do they consider my income at all? The support part of the process is what is giving me the most stress of all of it. Any help or advice or suggestions from anyone who has already been through the interview in London would be most appreciated.


  11. All i can do is share our experience. My fiance is British. He came over for the first time Oct. 22, 2010, for two weeks. Then came back for 90 days Dec. 17. He went back in early March and then came back again in May again for 90 days and this time he was detained for hours, he missed any connecting flights and it was late into the evening before he was finally able to contact me to let me know he was still in Detroit and would fly into Virginia the next day. It was awful, to say the very least. He said they were nasty to him, they accused him over and over again of "living" in the US and no matter how many times he told them and I told them because they called me numerous times I can only assume trying to trip us up to prove we were lying. They also told him NOT to come back again without a Visa of some kind. He went back in Aug. of 2011 and we didn't see each other again in person until 11 months later. He did come here to Texas where i live now with no trouble and we're contemplating him coming back in Dec. but not sure if that will be too soon. Just be careful. Make sure when you come again you have all your documents that prove you have ties to England and that you have no plans to stay. Good luck to you on your journey.

  12. ]So excited to see this. Like everyone else, I'm happy for those at CSC getting their approvals but the wait in awful and It's hard to see that day and day out. We filed July 13 got our NOA 1 July 16 and here we wait. He visited me in July and has been gone since Aug3 and due to work and money chances are we won't see each other again until he comes for good. Praying VSC picks up the pace soon!

  13. Kevin and I met in Jan. 2010. Met for the first time in Oct. 2011. In Dec. 2011 he came back to the US and proposed. and came back a 3rd time in May. Unfortunately while my divorce went through with ease he isn't having the same luck. We've now been apart for nearly 6 months while he's fighting it out with a woman he's be separated from for over 5 years simply because she thinks she can get money out of him. He has decide to just give her whatever it is she thinks she wants and hopefully in doing so it will finally be over. Assuming that it is i'm trying to figure out our next step should be.

    We want to be married as soon as possible to get our life started. I'm assuming him coming back and us marrying and just applying for an adjustment of status wouldn't be a good idea. The idea of him coming back only to have to leave again is almost to much to bear. So our other 2 options are to continue living apart as we are filing for the k1 and waiting that out with maybe a visit. OR he comes back and we get married and file for the K3. I'm just wondering what anyone else's thoughts are about all of this.

    I realize this entire journey is a waiting game but neither of us expected this extra 6 plus months of nothing happening and it's killing us to be apart.

    Thanks for any advice or suggestion you all may have.

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