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Posts posted by dwarf

  1. You do not have to, but it is a good idea to update your status to permanent resident in their system. There is no charge to get the new SS card without that stipulation on it and your number remains the same. Just take in your green card to the SSA, fill out another form, like you did for the first one, and you should receive your new card in 7-10 business days.

    Thanks. How about the EAD card, does it get invalidated after I receive the Green Card?

  2. It's your first job in a new country. I think you both should be happy. Once you get some more experience, you can get raises and promotions.

    That's a decent salary for a recent grad and entry level position. It's around $20 an hour, so you can use that to compare with low income jobs (yours is not low income). Also, you won't be taking home 3500 a month because you'll be paying taxes.

    So, I'll say, congratulations!

    Thanks. Much of it will be going to apartment rent, utilities, insurance,tax...

    Houses/Apartments in mainland(Cali and Texas), are they generally cheaper compare to here in Hawaii?

  3. Hawaii is expensive and the salaries here are lower than country's average.

    I just arrived Hawaii a week ago and about to file for AOS. I have a master of science in engineering and to be honest, I would take that job with $43k too. Just to get started with something, especially in Hawaii, it's all about who you know and your network connection rather than your credentials.

    Congrats with the job, keep working but also keep your eyes open and networking.

    Yeah, I think that's true. I kinda believe that in this state prices are high for commodities, the salaries are not as high as those for the mainland. I'm starting to think of relocating but I have to pick up experiences first along the way.

    Is it also true that there are more jobs there compare here, I'm thinking of West coast like California or even Texas?

  4. She is being a tad unfair, for a few reasons.

    $43 is lowish, but for an entry level IT job, I've seen worse. I am gathering by your comments that you have little experience and recently graduated? In which case it will take some time to build a better salary.

    She's not doing that hot either for an MBA and management position, if you frame her position in her own frame of reference.

    Oh, and BLS statistics in 2009 showed that 40% of women outearned their husbabnds. Nothing to be ashamed of, though some men have hangups about that. My wife earned more than me, and often we've overtaken each other. All goes the same way at the end of the day.

    yes recent grad with 3 yr experience though but not here in the US. Of course, gaining experience iN US is way way better than other country esp third world country where pay is way way too low. I was earning like 500 usd monthly back then but now its like 3500usd monthly, which I am not sure if it puts me in low level income earners in US or in the middle level earners??

  5. this is a hard one to answer, because "to each it's own". You have to rememmber your in Hawaii, the cost of living is high. I know my daughter lived thier for a year in college. So your wife may be taking that into consideration.. For me if my fiancee (nigerian) can find a based IT job starting at 43,000 in Michigan when he gets here this fall..... I will be leaping for joy.. because that's very good for a starting salary "at a desk Job" in the IT field. Have you two discussed this in detail before coming over or while you were waiting on green card?? This is certainly on of those things that needs to be discussed. Find out her expectations, and both of you look to see how reallistic they are in your field , in your location,with your credintials and experience. It might help her to relax and be a bit more grateful.. If not you can at least bank some money and continue to look for better positions.



    She earns more than I do. I know she is here in the states for very long time and studied here and worked after MBA, she must have really high standards, so I am doubting myself because of her comments of my salary being too low. Of course, my salary is low because I am not MBA, I just finished a 4 year course in PH, and you know education in Phil is nothing as compared to here in US, where 4 year college course here is already a very big thing, while in PH, you can enroll to any schools and pay way way less for a 4 year college degree like IT, COMSCI,compared to schooling here.

    Plus, I dont feel very comfortable with my english yet so during the interview it was really like gasping or nosebleeding for words. While of course for the natural borns US citizens, its their first tongue so naturally interview for her will be as easy as it is like talking to anyone else. Well, i commend her for being able to get us thru the AOS interview where she did more of the talking while I just listen and keep quiet.

    I will definitely look for other jobs higher than this, I just feel to RUSTY because of the AOS process. been like 6 months of NO WORK(waiting in agony) and in the Philippines culture experiencing such thing is very BIG already esp if you are a GUY and not able to contribute any to the household. Also I need to improve my English so next time in the interview I can negotiate more with regards to the salary...

    But do you think the 43k is below poverty line in Hawaii?? I am just curious where I am exactly position in the 'society' of US culture? is it the low earning or the middle?

  6. okay.we just got approved AOS recently.

    The interview went smoothly. Took us like max 30 minutes. Most of the time the IO was just doing some paper works like browsing thru the papers we submit and quite a bit of questioning. Most of the questions dated back from the time we first met, and how the relationship transitioned. Similar to the visa interview I had in Manila for the K1.

    Questions were basic stuff: how did you meet? what do you like doing together? IO asked about wife work and company? do u rent or own a house? Nothing really out of the extra ordinary question. She also ask one example of comingling document, whereby we showed our HMSA card (insurance). Then the rest were paper works, we signed and were told everything is good and just wait for the card in the mail in three weeks time.

    Good luck to those on the AOS process.

    Now, the real thing --> WORK and survivable in AMERICA! I'll be starting work on Monday as IT Desktop Support 1 (base salary i was able to negotiate 43k)

    I wanted to ask from your experiences or if you can refer me to other sources, will the salary above be enough already for me and my wife? My wife also has work but in admin position. Do you think that salary is good enough for us? I kind of feel bad when my wife told me that this salary is still low I know she earns more than me, I just felt bad after her comments after I have gone through a pain thru the job interview process, I accepted the job and I was just thinking I'd take it just to keep me going.

    Is that salary able to get me or my wife through? we are renting an apartment for 1250USD monthly, no kids.

    your comments, feedbacks are very well appreciated.


    I-485 Process (AOS):

    2012-04-15 Applied

    2012-04-19 NOA received

    2012-06-09 I-485 Biometrics Appointment

    2012-07-28 EAD/AP Approved

    2012-08-10 AOS Approved

  7. *** Moving from AOS to Finding a Job forum ****

    $43'000 is very good for an entry level salary.

    However, Hawaii is expensive, so as was mentioned above, that money would go much further in the mid west than it would in New York or Hawaii. You could always check some websites to see the average salary for that sort of job in your area. Better than nothing at any rate!

    yeah that was also what I am thinking. Can I know which website typical to check to get these data? Yeah its definitely worth for paying bills :P


    I-485 Process (AOS):

    2012-04-15 Applied

    2012-04-19 NOA received

    2012-06-09 I-485 Biometrics Appointment

    2012-07-28 EAD/AP Approved

    2012-08-10 AOS Approved

  8. Hi,

    Just finished AOS process. Now comes the real thing. WORK! and Survival in America!

    I wanted to ask from your experiences or if you can refer me to other sources, will the salary above be enough already for me and my wife? My wife also has work but in admin position. Do you think that salary is good enough for us? I kind of feel bad when my wife told me that this salary is still low :( I know she earns more than me, I just felt bad after her comments after I have gone through a pain thru the job interview process, I accepted the job and I was just thinking I'd take it just to keep me going.

    Is that salary able to get me or my wife through? we are renting an apartment for 1250USD monthly, no kids.

    your comments, feedbacks are very well appreciated.


    I-485 Process (AOS):

    2012-04-15 Applied

    2012-04-19 NOA received

    2012-06-09 I-485 Biometrics Appointment

    2012-07-28 EAD/AP Approved

    2012-08-10 AOS Approved

  9. So we didnt pass the interview but she gave us a list of things we needed to send in, and one was a joint credit card.

    The credit card company told us he cant be on it unless he has a gc.

    But he cant have the gc until we pass....

    Now what? I added him as an authorized user, but I know thats not the same.

    Does it mean that you have to come again to do an interview? Or you would just have to send in those requirements and then they can re-evaluate the green card application ?

    what other things were there on the list she had given you ?

  10. Thanks a lot. So pretty much the early walk-in didn't really matter huh? My husband tried walking in (10 days before actual appointment date) but was denied so he just waited for today (appointment date). Hope he receives it soon. I've noticed from other people's timeline that some have received their work permit 2 weeks after doing the biometrics.

    :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

    Yup, does not really help fasten the process.

  11. Thank you... they only asked for evidence of me and my wife having stuff in our names so just copies of bank statements and copy or our car insurance policy... I had pics with me and all that but they didn't even ask... they only go through all the questions from I-485 like if you've been convicted of anything and then the lady (it was a lady making the interview) said "we're going to play the newly wed game!! haha my wife and I had each a blank piece of paper and had to answer the questions she asked and our answers had to match... so it was questions like how many brothers and sisters and their names, favorite food, dessert, where do we buy groceries and things like that... super easy... 15 questions total and that was it!!! I was approved right in the spot!! :D


    Just like in the movie, THE PROPOSAL,they were at the USCIS office for an interview.

  12. Aren't they suppose to process the application on a First come first serve basis?? or are they just pulling out the application from a crock of sh***t???

    I am getting annoyed of their unorderly and unjust process. While some of my fellow APRIL filers have started getting their approvals, all I could do each day is to refresh their freakin' update website but there is no update recently!!!

    I have nothing against to those who have been approved. I am just unhappy of the process, having to pay for at least 1000++ for an unjust process.

    I have to call to USCIS hotline and speak to agents reading their scripts all the time and providing no help at all other than to be verbative about their jobs. Ended up given a service request asking me to waiting another 15days of hell waiting!!

    These bastards in the USCIS does not have proper procedure in this process..I am unemployed and sit doing nothing (except to cook, clean, watch) and feel worthless at home!! I want to start work but these jerks at USCIS are not doing things properly, they are holding up my life!!!

    Extremely frustrated, dunno what to do else!!!


    April 15, 2012 - AOS AP/EAD/ Sent

    April 20, 2012 - Delivered to USCIS

    April 27, 2012 - NOA1 letter for EAD/AP/AOS

    May 15, 2012 - Letter for Biometrics

    June 16 - BIometrics done

    ?????????? (waiting in vain)

    Hang in there.... and pray! :innocent:

  13. Hello everyone, just passing by to tell how was my interview, as i think some info could be useful.

    Yesterday 2pm we had our interview for AOS in Lathan, NY. So close to Albany.

    Is important to say I didn't submit my Medical with all the AOS package, as I had full medical overseas. So I only sent a letter explaining that and a copy of the medical examination receipt.

    We were called in at 2pm, the officer was really nice. I had a ton of papers, according to the appointment letter and the forum advise. copies, originals, translations, pictures, and more, and more, and more, and more...........

    He made us swear, then he asked if we have any joint account, lease, mortgage or insurances. I said yes and gave him copy of our bank account statements; we don't have lease or mortgage, so I handed him my husband credit card statement, cable bill in my name, and electricity bill in both names, all showing same address; medical insurance statement showing all names in the policy. And I had some school reports cards of my kids, where it shows my husband and my name as parents or guardians. He said that was good, he asked for copies, but as I didn't make copies of the bills or kids report cards, he made the copies.

    Then he asked our passports, my husband identification, my SSN card as well as the kids ones (they don't have any yet because their age, but it was fine) and if I had EAD to hand it to him too, which i did. I asked him if he wanted also the kids AP but he didn't need it. I asked him if he wanted copy of the agreement of tenancy and visitation of my kids, where it shows their father allowed them to live here with me, and he said he has it (as I added a copy in the package but wasn't in English), and I said I made a translation, so he said he would like that.

    He started checking the papers he had, confirmed our names, date of birth and repeated the questions about crimes, affiliations with any party and so on. I have to say the interview was really smooth, we were talking and even joking a little, then he said that Ill need new medicals, he had all our medicals there, I could see them but he would need me to have the vaccinations part review again, as we didn't have MENINGITIS shots.

    If u go the USCIS site, you will not find that shot listed, but IT IS A REQUIREMENT, so as we didn't have it overseas, we need to get the shot and new vaccination records showing that.

    Anyhow he said our Green Card was approved, and he will need me to submit by mail the vaccination transcripts part of the form I-693.

    He handed me the forms as well as a letter stating I ONLY NEED the vaccination transcripts, as some surgeons refuse to do only that and not the whole medical.

    He said we will have all the Green Cards in the mail two weeks after he receive this papers.

    Something he added was, "we make almost all k1 and k3 perform the vaccination records transcript again" I think is good to know that ...

    I was a little nervous about how the interview would be, but I have to admit it was more than good. From all the papers, proves and pictures I had, he asked nothing, he didn't ask to see originals of any paper, and he had all the copies I submitted in the AOS package plus all what was handed in the POE.


    Now another story..... medicals. As soon as we left the office, I started calling for prices on the medical part, as I know is not cheap, and we are 4 (me and my 3 children). I was given different prices from 200 to 500, and then I decided to call Albany, even tho is not so close to my area it has many offices there, and thought it could make the price cheaper. One said the price was 100 but Industrial Medicine Associates

    (1762 Central Avenue, 2nd floor, Suite 202, Albany, NY 12205 (800) 897-5252)asked 27 dollars for each vaccination records transcript and they have multiple surgeons authorized for USCIS. So is worth the gas to get back to Albany because with all expenses is still cheaper than performing it on my area. And It also give me the chance to hand the envelope my self in Latham Home Land Security office if they allow me.

    Wish this info is useful at least for the ones close to Albany.

    did interviewer ask you to leave your EAD card?

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