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Posts posted by Hounslow

  1. Well per your letter you know it is at Laurie Auditorium. You should be through by 4 P.M.

    As you are aware traffic starts to get busy about that time on 281. The best place to park (the only place as construction has depleted the parking available next to Laurie) is across the street in the stadium parking lot. You might go there prior and check out the routing for a quick getaway after the ceremony. If to SAC no problem, if to UTSA go 281 to 1604 then west, probably better south on 281 and then west and go out 10 to UTSA.

  2. Also send them a copy of your drivers license, and if you do not have one, acquire a state issued ID in its place. Otherwise you will get a yellow letter reminding you to bring one.

    Remember to only send them copies of everything with your N-400.

    Make sure you sign the N-400 and date it.

    At your interview bring what originals you have (your passport, original marriage certificate, tax transcripts, wife's naturalization certificate, etc) and copies of everything else you originally sent with your N-400.

    Are you in the age group required to register for the selective service? if so you need to bring that evidence to the interview?

  3. You mail the application and leave the country.

    I recall the "received date" on the application is what they go by, not when you mailed your application, or when you signed it.

    During your interview you will need to provide any travel dates between the "received date" and your interview.

    The IO will note you were out of the U.S. during the "application received date".

    I think one has to be in the U.S. to file.

    Maybe someone can give a definitive answer, or maybe i am missing something.

  4. She has many travel trips over the years so the IO only glanced at her passport. We think the reason, was during her the first N-400 application they had researched her passport stamps thoroughly, so yesterday the IO only asked about travel during this second time around (from this application date to her interview yesterday). With a passport full of stamps it is easy to miss a stamp. The problem is after recommendation for approval by her IO, the approval supervisor will do a thorough computer check, and sure to catch this travel she neglected to admit to.

    I agree about sending USCIS info they did not request, however if they catch the travel dates on their computer, by sending a letter by Fed-Ex overnight last night, at least she admitted to her mistake for reason of nervousness. If they still deny her petition, they will do so on information not given during her interview, and not taking in to consideration her state of nervousness. In may well be a hard lesson learned.

    The problem here is Infopass appointments take 2 weeks, so too long after the fact.

    Thank you for all your input-- and will advise of outcome

  5. Today was my wife's of 5 years second N-400 marriage application interview, the first N-400 application a USCIS denial stating she did not meet residency requirements. Before filing her application this second time around, she did meet the continuous residence and physical presence requirements. After filing this second N-400 application and her interview today, she traveled to Colombia for 14 days. (even traveling the 14 days she still meets both residence requirements) Well before this interview I had made copies of her travel days from her passport, and while waiting for her appointment today, reminded her no less than 5 times to be sure to bring this matter up and give this copy to the interviewing officer. At the end of the interview she was "recommended for approval". On the way home, I asked her what questions were asked, and if the interviewing officer asked if she had traveled. Well she could not remember if the officer asked her if she had traveled before filing this second application, or asked her if she had traveled since filing the application and the interview today. Well she told the officer no. In any case I then find out she never gave the officer her copy of travel either. My opinion is mine alone and decided she is as about as incompetent as one can be, and being nervous is a non issue, as this is the second time around and should have been a "piece of cake".

    In any case my question is---Should she write a letter tomorrow to the interviewing officer with a copy of her passport stamps of the 14 day travel and explain she misunderstood the question?

    I notice the form N-445 naturalization form it asks if one has traveled asks "have you traveled outside outside the United States" but only stats between the interview and naturalization


  6. Look up CFR 319 8 USC 1430 -- It clearly states you have to be married 3 years immediately following application filing. It appears your attorneys were incorrect in their instructions prior to your filing. It is quite easy to look up the CFR's on the internet that are applicable to the N-400, and their reading is pretty much straight forward. Although not applicable in your case due to the above, realize USCIS has internal directives not available to the public, which is why attorneys generally say just refile rather than waiting for up to a year for an appeal. Besides why appeal when the appeal is at the same office with the same people. (Kind of like one going to the same cookie jar with the same mom waiting for you).

    If you already refiled you will not have to have your biometrics taken again (even though you pay the fee and nonrefundable)so should save some time. I recall biometrics are good for a year or 18 months.

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