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Posts posted by heyray

  1. I sent in the DS-3025 with my AOS application. I heard nothing through the whole process, but at my interview I got an RFE for the I-693 vaccination section only. The IO said that rarely do the doctors doing the medical exam fill it out correctly. I had all of the vaccines required but I just needed it transcribed onto an I-693 form. I went to a civil surgeon on Tuesday to get it done but then he said that I needed a full medical exam again. I said no way and that the IO said to make sure that the civil surgeon was told he only needed to complete the vaccination section. So after going home angry I rang another 4 civil surgeons on the Nevada list before I found one that would transcribe the DS-3025 to an I-693 only. All of the rest wanted me to do another medical. So I have an appointment with him for the 13th of November, and then I will submit it. The IO said that my green card woudl be approved after he receives it.

    So long story short....to be safe get the DS-3025 transcribed before sending in your AOS application. I know others have been approved with out it but I wasn't and I did not get REF'ed until my interview.

  2. I didn't realise that you already had a bad experience with your visa journey. I am glad that you did the right thing by going to the civil surgeon first. Just be a bit more patient and it will all happen. I think calling or emailing the USCIS yet is a waste of time as they will only say that they don't know, or that you are not in the system yet so they can te you nothing. I hope that your AOS journey goes well

  3. If their medical was done before it was flu season and all the other required vaccinations are marked off on the DS-3025, then they do not need to go to a civil surgeon and get a flu shot now. IF the DS-3025 does not have everything marked off properly and/or all vaccinations were not done at the time of their medical, then they will need to see a civil surgeon for an I-693. Since they will need to get the I-693, the new date of when they see the civil surgeon for the I-693 will be the one that USCIS will go by and in that case they will need to go ahead and get the flu shot as required for flu season.

    When I said it was not sufficient, I did not mean that I was missing vaccinations, well I was missing the flu shot. I had all of the vaccinations I was required to have to enter the USA. The IO told me that in 99.9% of cases the DS-3025 was not completed correctly or to the USCIS's liking and that is why people need to submit the vaccination section of the I-693 during the AOS process. I do not know why they just don't get the doctor's who complete the DS-3025 to complete an I-693 instead. It would seem to make the whole process a little bit simpler. I think it is just another grab for cash from immigrants who have to pay a lot to get and be here in the USA with their loved ones. I wish I had gotten married and then applied for a CR-1 visa. It may have taken a little longer but it would have been a lot cheaper in the long run

  4. Don't sweat it. It took them 10 days to send me the text notification saying it is being processed after they received it. Also did you send in the I-693 vaccination only form. I have seen some people say they didn't and still get approved. I didn't and it wasn't until my interview that I got an RFE for it. I did send in a copy of the vaccination record I received for my K1 visa but it was not sufficient. Remember now is also flu season so all applicants will need to include a flu shot with the I-693, even if all other vaccinations were up to date. As I said some have passed without the I-693 but I didn't. Good luck with the more waiting ahead

  5. Hi all. I have a quick question. I have my AOS interview coming up this week (on the 10th) and I am wondering if I have enough evidence. I know that the letter the USCIS sends regarding what evidence is needed is just a standard form letter they send out. But I have a few problems. Here is a list on my evidence so far of a bona fide relationship: Pictures (a lot of them) my wife has changed her name on her drivers licence and SSN and a letter from my mother in law stating that she holds the lease and all bills on the house we live in. I have not had the money to get a drivers licence either (so I have nothing with my address on it either)

    Now the problem is we went to change her name on her bank account, but despite having changed her name on the licence and SSN, they needed to see the marriage certificate. We sent in our original marriage certificate with our AOS application. And because I had to wait to get my EAD in hand to get my SSN we never had enough time to get another marriage certificate before the interview date to change her name. We were however able to add my name to her account.

    She is unemployed and looks after her kids at home, and I will only be starting a part time job on Monday the 8th so I will not be paid either enough or in time to try to get other documents, such as joint health insurance or life insurance, to provide more evidence. But yay at least I have finally got a job I say.

    So my questions are do I have enough evidence? If not what else should I get? I am getting worried about nothing? Our case has been remarkably easy up to this point (K1 visa 6 months from application to visa issuance, EAD in 70 days and no RFE's on the way either).

  6. Yep you need to pay the visa fee and yes it is another fee that you need to pay. I did mine with Australia Post, I just hope that you get an agent who knows what they are doing. If you do it this way remember to keep the receipt they give you for it. If you lose it they do not give you another. Also you will need to buy a platinum express post satchel for them to post your passport (with visa inside) back to you. But it can all wait until you have been scheduled for your interview. All of this will be explained more to you when you get your papers from the consulate in Sydney.

  7. When I was waiting for my K1 visa, I came over to visit my fiancee and left one of my bank ATM cards with her. I then asked the bank to allow that card to be accessed in the USA so that she could use it when she needed. I found this to be a cheaper option for me as both of our banks (my AUS bank and her US bank were going to charge us around a total of $80 for each transaction). This way it cost me, I think, $4 for each transaction plus 3% (for exchange transfer). I don't know if that would be a cheaper option but that is how I got around it and saved some money as well.

  8. It depends on how much longer her I-94 has before it expires. I think if it is within one month then you will have to wait until your EAD is approved. You don't need your SSN to apply for AOS. However if you have longer left on your I-94 then I suggest that you should get to the social security office and apply for her SSN. It will allow her more freedom, such as joining your bank account, maybe insurance and other things. This will all help when you need to have evidence for your AOS interview. I am currently in the situation where I did not get my SSN and as a result I have very little evidence for our bona fide relationship. We live with her parents and have no lease or utility bills in our name and we do not have a joint bank account. The only evidence I have is photos so far. But my EAD was approved last week and I will be going to the Social Security office the day I get it. Then at least I might have some time to do some of the other things and get more evidence. BTW my AOS interview is on the 10th of October

  9. My interview is on the 10th of October. I just got an update from the USCIS saying that the USPS has picked up my EAD, so I expect that next week. As soon as I get it I will go to Social Security. I hope it all gives me enough time. Thanks for the advice and I will get my in-laws to make a statement saying that they have the lease in their names and all the utilities too. They are my co-sponsors as well so I hope that will all make sense to the IO

  10. I don't think it is strange at all. I am confused about whether or not I will become a US citizen when I am able to. I have seen posts and internet pages spouting on about how great it is to be a citizen, but I don't really see to many advantages to it myself. In fact one of the citizenship questions is "Name one benefit to being a citizen of the United States?" and the response is "Obtain federal government jobs; travel with a U.S. passport; petition for close relatives to come to the U.S. to live". To me the main benefit would be to be able to obtain federal government employment - because you know that is usually a well looked after employee.

    If my wife was able to move to Australia with her kids we would have chosen that option rather then me coming to the US. I know it may sound like I am America bashing here, and I guess I am a bit, but don't get me wrong I am happy here with my wife. I just don't see it as important to become a citizen just to get a US passport. And I have seen how long the wait is to petition for family to come live here (the wait for my visa journey so far is long enough). If I could become the President then maybe I would think more seriously about it though. HAHAHAHAHA

  11. Hello all. I need some advice. Today I got my AOS interview notice and on the letter there is a big long list of things I must bring with me. I can easily bring my wife, so that is not a problem. And we submitted the affidavit of support documents when we applied so that is not a problem either. However, we never submitted a I-693 vaccination record (I did submit a copy of my vaccination record I got from my K1 visa. Will that be sufficient? Also we submitted our original marriage document and my wife's divorce decree with my application. Will we need to get another to take with us to the interview or will they have the original AOS petition? I did not apply for a SSN before my I-94 expired so I have no SSN and have been unable to have a joint account with my wife. I have received approval for my EAD and as soon as it arrives I will be going to Social Security to get my SSN. Will this be a problem if it does not arrive in time for me to be put on my wife's account? My main concern is the lack of supporting documentation we have. My wife is unemployed and has no insurance, she receives child support of 500 per month. We also live with her parents so we have no lease. Her phone is on her mother's account so even that is not in her name. All we can provide to support or relationship is photos. Photos of our wedding, photos of me and the kids, photos of me and her family. Will any or all of my questions be problems at the interview. After months of not being concerned I am now starting to be. Our marriage and relationship IS real and I want to spend the rest of my life with her

  12. I am unsure as to how long it is valid for but I believe that the police certificate is valid for 12 months. When are you planning your trip? I would suggest that, depending on how your case is progressing at the time, you go to your police station shortly before you depart for overseas. But with that being said you will also be required to take a medical at an authorised physician. In my case the doctor would not schedule an appointment until I had my consulate case number (which is different to your USCIS number). So I had to wait for everything to be approved, sent to the US consulate in Sydney and then sent to me. That took a few weeks too.

    I do believe too, that once approved (get your NOA2) your USCIS approval is valid for 4 months too. So that is another limitation on you as well

  13. From my experience it is a nationwide police check that can be done at any police station in Australia. It is an easy process that takes a few weeks to get the results back. You should enquire with the police station to see if you need an appointment but I didn't need one. For the K1 visa you need to have fingerprints taken at the same time to go along with the police check. Do you currently live in Australia? If you do not I am unsure as to how to get the fingerprint check done with the police check. I hope this helps.

  14. Hello, as suggested I would go and get the medical done again. I do have a few questions though if you don't mind answering them. Could you let me know when you submitted your AOS forms and how long it took to get this RFE? I only ask as I too came to the USA on a K1 Visa and I submitted my AOS in mid June. I have had my Biometrics but I did not submit the I-693 form. All I did was put in a notarised copy of the vaccination record I got from the Consulate. I have not received an RFE for this yet but I do expect so. Also the USCIS has not updated my status online from the initial Acceptance so I have no idea what is going on...As most people don't when it comes to the USCIS.

  15. I don't know about an invoice number but when your case is sent to the embassy (or consulate) they will assign you a number specific to your visa application (the MTL number in your case). I am from Australia and my case number started with SYD (for the Sydney consulate). So I guess you will have to wait until it reaches the embassy to get your MTL number. Not being from Canada I am unsure if they have a different list of requirements, and forms, then in Australia so I can't tell you exactly what you need. Sorry but that is all the advice I have, hopefully a Canadian, or someone else, can give you more.

  16. From my own experience going through the K1 visa process and now currently the AOS process, I do wish I came over to the USA, got married, file the CR1 and then returned home. Even though I knew it would the AOS process added the extra step before we could start our life together. My circumstances are different though as my wife is unemployed and we live with her parents (along with her 2 children from a previous marriage). And currently we rely on her parents and a meagre child support payment from her ex to survive.

    I believe I was one of the lucky ones who got through the whole K1 visa process in 6 months (from submission of forms to visa issuance) and now I have an agonising wait just for my EAD to be issued so I can look for work. But not only my EAD I can not get a drivers licence until my EAD is issued. So I think there are far more benefits in the CR1 route rather then the K1.

    Before we started our visa journey, we even considered me just coming here, marrying and applying for AOS, but to us it did not seem like the right thing to do. To us it seemed like we were queue jumping, even though it has been successfully done by many before us.

    I do not see it as a problem to come here and marry and apply for CR1 and leave (or stay and AOS for that matter). But, as with us not wishing to marrying and apply for AOS on a tourist visa you must make the choice that sits right with you both. I wish you all the best on this journey as it is a long and drawn out process, often with months of little or no action taken (or so it seems) and it can be VERY frustrating as can be identified by many of the posts in the K1 forums of people wanting to know why or what is going on.

    Again good luck.

  17. Hi. My experience with the US Consulate in Australia was that yes they do take your passport to finish the visa processing. For me the visa was not a piece of paper but rather a large image that was placed on a page of my passport. However, my passport and sealed documents were returned to me within a week. I know that unlike Canadians I could not merely cross the border to see my fiancee, so I was to use the visa when I entered the USA. I don't know if you will be in the same boat.

    Maybe others can give you more accurate advice for Canadians, but my belief would be that as soon as your visa is issued it is what you would use to enter the USA the next time. Remember though that once issued this visa is valid for 6 months and once used you must marry within 90 days. Again though as you are able to cross to the USA more freely I don't know if you could travel across the border without activating your K1 visa once it is issued.

  18. I don't want to sound mean but my 2 cents on this is that you would think that any household would be happy with an extra 43K coming in, especially if your wife is already earning 52K. You would think that earning 95K between you both would make things much much easier regardless of what the cost of living is either at Hawaii or the mainland.

    My wife (the USC) does not work and we are currently living with her parents. I am desperate to get my EAD so I can work. I know that you have a degree but it is only a starting point.I am sure bigger and better things will be out there for you. If I could get any job paying me that much I would grab it with both hands. Good luck with your decision.

  19. From my experience, I dealt with the dr's in Brisbane, you have to wait until you are sent your packet 3 from the embassy before you can make your appointment. But I suggest that you call the dr that you plan to visit to see if they will let you go earlier. I assume not though since there is a specific case number assigned to you by the Consulate that is different to the USCIS number.

    In regard to the X-Rays, I was sent to a different place to get mine done, but it was done on the same day as the medical. A urine sample was also taken for testing as well. It took over a week for the result to get to me. As I did not live in Brisbane and was unable to pick up the results personally and it cost me extra for them to be posted.

    Remember that this was all done at the Brisbane dr's and I do suggest you call the Sydney pyshican to see what they do.

  20. Hi, when i moved to the USA I stopped over in Hawaii, from Sydney. My flight arrived early in the morning (around 8ish) and the lines at immigration were very long. After waiting through the line I got to the front and was then told that I had to go to a different area. It was in the back corner of the area where you line up for immigration. So remember to tell your fiancee to ask someone where to go. In this section they give you some more paperwork to fill out and I was taken to the front of the queue where I was seen by the first available border control officer. Processing took about 30 minutes after that and I collected my bags and went to the domestic terminal, which is a bit of a walk away. All up with my wrong choices and wrong turns along the way I think it took me around 2 hours to do

    If it was up to me I would either see if there was a different flight that would give you more time to get through customs at hawaii or try to get a different flight that did give you more time at a different POE. You maybe able to get it all done in the 2 hours you have but there is a lot of walking at the airport in hawaii. It is a long walk from the international to domestic terminal and then a long walk from the domestic terminal to the actual flight gate where yoi board the plane. I gave myself a 5 hour layover while at Hawaii just to be safe.

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