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Status Updates posted by Babygyrl233

  1. he got it! about time

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Omeka
    3. evoria


      Congratualations! Good to see so many many approvals.

    4. evoria


      Congratualations! Good to see so many many approvals.

  2. The countdown begins. Just a week and a half until his appointment date!

  3. His appointment is 7 months away! YaY I get another vacation, GH here I come!!!

    1. Beingme3


      Hi Babygyrl233, Wow, 7 months seems like a really long time. did they say why the date is so far out?

    2. Beingme3


      Hi Babygyrl233, Wow, 7 months seems like a really long time. did they say why the date is so far out?

    3. Babygyrl233


      no,they are backed up. thats all they can say.

  4. Yea, he goes to the embassy tomorrow to see when his appointment date is so I'm crossing my fingers.

  5. thanks! have always viewed the site but never officially joined

  6. I'm tired of waiting for my fiance!

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