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Posts posted by mer&damby308

  1. Wow, I don't feel as bad now that I see people who's case was completed in June but yet didn;t get their interview til December :S :o What was going on--was the embassy really that backed up because of the Jan 25 protests? Has it been closed recently because of the recent turmoil? Anyways, good LUCK to everybody!

    Atogetherforever13, I can't remember what day I sent my i-130.....it's been a while, I think itm ight have been March 2?

  2. Im not an expert on this but I live with my parents and they file jointly all the time. I used only my fathers income and when i filled out the forms he was my household member not co-sponsor. Do not forget though that if she is your household member you have to also send proof that you two are related.

    one has to have proof that two household members are related?!! you've got to be kidding...what do they want blood? :blink:

    as per advice, i am having my mom submit i-864 as my joint sponsor and my dad the i-864A has my MOM's household member since they file jointly.....even though i actually physically live in the same house as them, i believe that's an easier way to go about it.....

    so, does my dad need proof that he's my mom's husband? or does it not matter since she's only a joint sponsor? pffff c'est ridicule!

  3. Answers in bold again:

    Well, since i am filling out a i-864 and so is my mother (and my father filling out a i-864A) i would assume she is the only JOINT sponsor, as my father is merely a "household member" even though he's "offering" support, correct? so she is d. the only JOINT sponsor.

    LAST questions regarding these stupid forms (I swear!!):

    on MY i-864 for part 3, question 8: i check yes correct? on my mother's i864 she checks YES as well?

    for MY i-864: my household size is 2 (both me and my husband) correct?

    for my MOTHER's i864: her household size is 3 correct? (her, my father and my husband) although i WAS listed on her last tax return as a child dependent bc i was still in university--so would it be 4??

    P.S. RyanH thank you SO much!

  4. Looks good. Yes, IRS Tax transcripts are perfect and since you are using both your parents, you don't need their W-2s.

    (with Joint filing, W-2s are required with IRS Tax Transcripts when only one of them is sponsoring - otherwise how would NVC get to know the amount of the one joint sponsor)

    A couple of last questions regarding the forms(i sincerely hope!) as i will be filling them out with my parents tonight:

    On MY i-864 do i

    1.check under part 1. that i am A.the petitioner?

    2. under part 24 do i fill anything out? i believe that my mother on HER i-864 would have to fill in info about my father---correct?

    3. even though my personal income doesnt exceed the poverty guideline, i DONT have to fill in part 7 since i do have a joint sponsor correct?

    2. for my mothers i-864 under part 1 does she check that she is D. the only joint sponsor or e. the first/second of two joint sponsors?

    THANK YOU one and all for the help and responses!

  5. Transcripts are sufficient.

    When you make a claim of how current income is being received, you need to provide proof to substantiate that claim. Simply listing your current income on the form without proof to substantiate it that income figure will likely result in an RFE.

    thank you RyanH :) i was going to include pay stubs, though just a few because i have only had my current job for a little more than a month....

    BTW, so in reference to my main question on this discussion, it appears i MUST:

    submit i-864 for MYSELF

    have my mother submit i-864 as joint sponsor

    have my father submit (and my mother sign?) i-864A bc his name is also on her tax return

    submit some pay stubs for myself and my mother

    i believeeee that's correct :unsure: :unsure:

  6. I agree with Ryan & Anh. You need to file I-864, your mother (joint-sponsor) needs to file I-864 and if your father income is also used, then he files I-864A (he is your mother's household person). You will need your parents full tax return filed or IRS Tax Transcripts for 2010, 2009 & 2008. And the other stuff - Employment letter, latest pay stubs, letter from bank (if bank account balances are used).....

    Hmmm so many people saying different things, quite confusing.....

    WHY is my mother not considered a "household member"

    If i have tax return transcripts sent from the IRS then i don't need the W-2s i believe this is correct? and btw my parents dont have their W2 forms because one does not keep W2 forms!!! isn't a tax return transcript enough????

    On the government website checklist it states that you don't NEED to provide the employment letter or pay stub unless you feel it will help "Strengthen" your case....so they are NOT neccesary for me OR my mother, correct?

    LASTLY, my parents file JOINTLY so it the tax return doesn't break down who earned what--it just has a combined total listed on it.

  7. So I talked to my Dad and he is going to be the joint sponsor. Since I'm living in Australia only temporarily, I've kept my place of residence in the US by using my Dad's address (actually I've been using that address for several years now as my permanent address while I was attending college). Is that going to matter if we both list our place of residence the same on each of our I-864 forms we fill out? I'm not a dependent on my Dad's tax returns, so according to the instructions for the I-864 I'm not part of his household. But since it is my "place of residence", will the NVC get hung up on that at all?

    I think I already know the answer, but just could use some assurance from somebody that this is ok. Just don't want my case delayed more than a minute longer than it needs to be. :)

    You apparently are still part of his household, since you "live" there....thus he is a household member and he needs to fill out the i-864A (i just had to figure this out myself!)

  8. I have the same question! I will be checking to see answers. For me its the opposite my father is sponsoring my husband and they have a joint tax account. Good question! thank you

    from what i can gather from the government website, my mother would be a "household member" and therefore fills out i-864A.

    i still am not sure if my father also has to fill out an i-864 since he is listed on the tax return.....

    also, it seems (after reading the instructions for i-864A) that my mother might need more than just the tax return for 2010---it seems she needs a W2 form as well?? ughh if someone could clarify, thank you!

    P.S. it seems that we have a similiar timeline for similiar countries! :)

  9. Am now filling out the i-864 to send to NVC. my mother is going to be the co sponsor for my husband as i don't make enough. i live with her and my father still and they have a joint tax account, hence her tax returns state my father's name as well.

    so what is she, a household member or joint sponsor???

    either way, she fills out a i-864 correct---is there a difference between the two in terms of what one is sending/filing?

    furthermore, does my father have to fill out a i-864A too as his name is mentioned on the tax returns??

    thank you!!

  10. I guess I was just unlucky. They now say there must be a system glitch so something was not done right with my case. They are looking into it and today they emailed to say that the Choice of Agent package as well as the AOS bill is on their way to be sent to me (GOOD!) and I should expect to receive them within 2 to 4 weeks (ARRRRR!)

    They cannot just email them to you??? THat's what they did for me!

  11. In the past till very recently, they are pretty prompt in sending out that invoice email once a case number is assigned. I don't know why that's not the case for me. Maybe they start to throttle their case load by deliberately delaying sending out the first instruction email, because a case can not start to be processed until it is invoiced and the fee is paid.

    Hi PALLADIN, so today i check my email and i received the invoice and the "Choose your agent" form and such! (i also happened to receive an email that was addressed to my husband---i guess they made a mistake even though i gave them my husband's email on the phone)..........did you ever email NVC? because maybe that's what prompted the sudden response! (i don't know, trying to "figure out/understand" the NVC is a mystery lol)

  12. I have been waiting for almost three weeks for the invoice to be generated, after I got my NVC case number AND the invoice number.

    Let me know how long you have waited, when you finally get the invoice.

    Hi PALLADIN, i will definitely let you know when i get a response! i called and talked to an operator a few hours ago and gave them my husband's email address and the man said that they would be emailing both me and my husband...which made me think, gosh how long does it take to "generate" an email??? gah! how do they have an invoice number but no actual "invoice" to send/email me so i can pay??

    and thank you to the other responses!

  13. so i called the NVC and listened to the automated system and finally found out my case number....only took like a freaking month! lol anyways, now i am completely unsure of what happens next, bc i read different things on here and then my husband and his friend are telling me something else.......its driving me completely bonkers! somebody please tell me what happens next/what i have to DO next?

    (i have a general idea)

    appreciate it so much!

  14. Oh thank you for the links and great information! I see you received your NOA2 about the same day as i did, and yet NVC contacted you that fast? Really? That's crazy, considering I've been waiting almost a month.

    {GENERAL QUESTION--to anybody--]So there is no OF-69 or OF-230 that IIIII have to submit? just the ds-230? it appears from what i've read and heard that this appears to be the case, since no one mentions receiving by snail mail any packet of forms!

    Thank you!

  15. thank you--it looks like NVC receivd your file pretty fast, and recently too! is that also the same day you received the packet from them? also, [general question to anybody] does the nvc first contact the us citizen or the immigrant? is there another way to find out if they have received/processed your file? b/c i've seen different things on here saying different things....

    thank you!

  16. My i-130 was just approved, and as I am trying to speed along the process I was wondering if anybody has ever submitted their forms to the national visa center BEFORE receiving the packet of papers that is the "next step." Is this possible to do, or must one wait for the National visa center to send the packet of documents stating what one needs to send, etc.? Since i know what we will need to send, this seems kind of pointless to wait, but i am not sure if there is something included in this packet that i must submit with our documents (such as a national visa case number perhaps?)

    Also, is it possible to find the of-169 and of 230 somewhere online that is most up-to-date?

    Thank you for your help!

  17. was approved july 31st....really hope i dont have to be waiting as long as you all have appeared to be!! :( can't you send your information in if you have already done it---forms, tax returns, etc etc? or do you have to receive a packet from the visa center prior to sending the visa center all the forms and such? if you can get the OF-169 and OF-230 online i dont see why you have to wait for a packet of information......:S

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