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Posts posted by malene

  1. Appointment time for the interview: 7:30AM. I arrived at 6:15 at the US Embassy. It was November 9, a Friday. There was some gentle rain (but stopped after a few minutes I got there). I sort of considered the area and saw lots of people already waiting outside. There were also guards walking around and assisting people.

    First step was done outside the gate, lining up until we got to the women in blue shirts who checked for the appointment confirmation and passport. They put a sticker with the name of the applicant on the passport before placing it inside a ziplock plastic bag. Please remember to keep the passport in there. ;)

    Next, joining another line to get to the security check facility. All items go through the x-ray machine. Other than the typical items that are not allowed like cellphones or cameras, once detected, lighters, food and even flash drives are also confiscated. That's what happened to the 2 persons who went ahead of me. :oops:

    After that step, there was yet another seemingly secured door leading to the internal grounds of the embassy. I got in line again to get my number stub, it's 6154. ^_^

    Apparently, specific sets of numbers are assigned to particular visa application categories. So just because one gets that number doesn't mean the interview will happen after you've fallen asleep or have lost vitality and enthusiasm due to dullness out of endless waiting. :clock:

    As I was getting the number, the woman at the window was asking me 'Is it on CD?' and I got confused as to what it was that's supposed to be on CD. When I overheard another that's it's about the medical exam and since I got the CD for that as well, I answered yes and she handed me the stub and I was told to sit at the back part of the waiting area.

    This waiting area has roof but no walls, it's got ceiling fans and there's a food vendor to be found in the middle part. Guys and some women who got handheld radios with them, also in blue shirts, were there to give instructions like where we should be seated as it's according, again, to the visa category. They also tell you when to get inside that building where interviews take place and some other instructions. There are LED queuing boards that give the numbers being served with the corresponding windows. Just a reminder, there really is a need to persistently look at the boards as the numbers are in fact, randomly flashed. :rolleyes:

    It was about 8:30, when a woman called our numbers to get inside the building to submit the DS forms, i.e., DS-156, DS-156K, and DS-157. As one enters the door, there is another walk through metal detector and guards check the bags again, and yes, no food again.

    After submitting the forms, we had to go back at the waiting area outside as the waiting area chairs inside the building were all occupied. I needed to wait again and tried to read a book. I was not feeling well at the time and so I did not talk much with other people around me when it’s the usual thing that I do, like when I was at St. Luke’s that I got to meet and was able to get my new friends’ (6 women) addresses even. Then I saw my number flashed on the board and so I went inside. This is why you really need to keep up with the queuing board because most of the time your number or your name will not be called out. This experience gave my primary sense a real work out. :goofy:

    At the window, I found out that the purpose of this next step was the fingerprint scanning. True as the instructions being shown on the queuing board, one has to place the "first four fingers" of the left hand on the scanner, followed by the "four fingers" of the right, and lastly, both thumbs. For sure, they will ask you about a few questions like your full name and date of birth before all that.

    When the scanning was over, I decided to just sit at the waiting area inside the building as I saw there were already seats available. While seated, one can see queuing boards on the walls and there are flat screen TVs that are tuned into some news or kiddie show but are muted so as most likely to avoid interfering with the announcements made by the embassy people.

    Time and again, the guys in the blue shirts would ask questions like "Who are the ones who haven't accomplished the fingerprint scanning or interview with the Filipino consul or haven't gone through any of the steps at all?" I must say they can be very helpful because it can be easy to lose track of your number on the queuing board. So in case you need help, they are the persons who can attend to you. :help:

    I probably waited for 2 hours until I saw my number again on the board. It's the interview by the Filipino consul I thought. He was a bit stern when he asked me to bring out all the certificates like birth, NBI, police clearance. Afterwards, he made sure I filled in correctly some parts of the DS-156. Remember that part on the DS-156K that tells you not to sign yet? That's the guy's job to tell you it's time you put your signature there. ^_^

    While he was checking the forms that I returned to him, he was, at the same time, asking me questions. For instance, "Have you been married?" That question was nevertheless brought up even with the CENOMAR or Certificate of No Marriage that was already in his possession. But then even being asked "Do you have children?" when it's clearly stated in the form that I don't have any did not come as a surprise anymore. "Where do you teach?", "What do you teach?", "How long did you stay in Japan?" were the other questions.

    Then he came to the fiancé part. He asked how I and Richard met.


    "How many times he got divorced?"

    "Does he have children?"

    "When did he come here?"

    "How long did he stay?"

    "May I see your photos?" I showed him our photobook sent by Richard. When he saw the picture of the engagement ring he asked me of it so I showed him my ring, my beautiful ring to be exact. ^_^

    He looked into the photobook further and so even the picture of the fresh fish taken at a market in Zambales did not elude his interest. That's what transpired during that interview. I did not forget to thank him and with a more relaxed tone, he responded, "You're welcome...teacher!" :)

    At about 10:50, I was somewhat amazed that I was called to go to the next window after the interview with the Filipino officer as I thought I needed to wait longer again. But it was a welcome surprise indeed. I knew it was the last interview. The American consul's initial words apart from the ‘good morning’ pleasantries were "How are you today?"

    "I'm fine, quite nervous!" was my response.

    She smiled and asked me to raise my right hand as she did the same and stated "Do you swear that everything here (she was looking at our documents right in front of her) is true?"

    With my right hand raised, I answered "Yes, everything is true."

    The American consul's questions were mostly about my fiancé Richard and these were generally the same questions asked by the Filipino officer. She asked me of the pictures and so I showed her the photobook. While going through the pictures, I told her of my bracelet given by Richard. "Oh yes, and I see your engagement ring too" as she took notice of it. Her final question was, "So he's the one for you?" It’s a question that required no thinking. I answered as naturally as the beat of the heart, "Yes, definitely!" I knew it came with a vibrant smile when I said that, despite my not feeling well. :D(L)(L)(L)

    She was smiling as she closed the folder that contained our documents and told me "Well, your case has been approved, please be seated and wait for the last instruction, have a good day!"

    "Thank you so much!" I told her. I was more than grateful! :wow:

    I returned to the waiting area and about 20 minutes later, names were called out that included mine and so we got in line for the last step. The woman asked me which BPI branch I paid the visa fee at and then said, "Everything is okay now, please wait for your passport to be delivered."

    It obviously rained while I was inside the building but at 11:20AM, the sky was clear and there was sunshine as I stepped out of the embassy. ^_^

    My fiancé, Richard, was the first person to know of the great news. :wub:

    Thank God for answered prayers! May your applications be approved as well! (F)(F)(F)

  2. Last march 2012 my fiancé filled our K1 visa application in USCIS, and we should be able to hear about our case within 1-3 months starting the date of filling, but It’s been 3 months and I guess they didn’t prioritize our application so my Fiancé decided to get an Attorney for our K1 Visa application to help us out with our case, thankfully he found a good attorney in L.A and she helped and guided us with our paperwork/important documents. Our Atty. filled a new application for us last June 2012 and my Fiancé requested for an expedite of our application so It won’t take too long after a month we received a notification that they are starting to process the application and we’re so happy that the expedite works they approved our visa last August 2012 and forwarded to the National Visa Center for checking everything, we’ve been waiting for almost a month for our new case number (MNL#) and finally It was forwarded to US Embassy Manila and I took my Medical last October 4, 2012 at St. Lukes Extension Clinic and we’re so happy because my medical was GREAT! I got 4 shots of vaccine the other applicants got 2 and some has 3 shots but It’s okay because the additional shot for me is for my protection because I am a nurse if incase I will be working in US then I will be fine and protected. So here’s the last step of our Visa Journey my Interview appointment, it was scheduled last October 24, 2012 at 6:30am. Here’s my story…

    Me and dad fly going to manila the day before the Interview, we stayed at my Auntie’s house at Las Pinas City which is an hour ride going to US Embassy Manila. After Dinner I prepared myself to sleep it was around 8:00pm after few hours I didn’t know what’s going on because I’m hardly trying to sleep, but my brain was awake, until It was already 1:00am and my Fiancé is calling on my phone and I was so happy he called we’re both very excited for my interview because finally this will be the last step and we will be with each other’s arms and goodbye for the distance. We had 30 minutes phone conversation and since Its lunch time for him he need to grab lunch and go back to his office J I still can’t sleep because of my excitement so I went to the living room and decided to do my prayers since It was Wednesday I prayed my novena for Perpetual Help and prayed a lot to Papa God and to Inang Penafrancia (before going to manila I went to Basilica church in Naga City and I touched the dress of our patron Inang Penarancia and asked help and guidance for my Interview) and also right after we arrived in Manila me and dad went to Baclaran Church we lighted candles and prayed (I feel so great and confident because God is with me and everyone is praying for me). After my prayers and novena it was around 1:45am so I went back into the room and try to sleep, alarmed my phone clock at 3:00am, I woke up at 2:30am and I’m thankful I got to sleep for an hour YAYS :D. I took shower and I woke up my dad and he prepared for my breakfast (THANK YOU DADDY). Finally I’m prepared It was 3:30am when we leave the house and arrived to the US Embassy Manila around 4:15am. It was a long line and I meet some friends and some are familiar because I saw them during the medicalJ. And this is it the last and final step ^_^ We’re all excited, praying a lot and hoping that our visa will get approve. Around 6am the guard told us to make a 2 lines and all of us are for K1 visa (Fiancé Visa) and Immigrant visa, estimated we’re thousands there :D and some Americans come with their fiancé and spouse during the interview and no worries because It’s allowed. At the gate they asked me my appointment letter only the first page, DS forms (156,156k,157 two copies each) and my Passport. I just followed the applicant ahead of me and we get into the big door and they scanned our things, gladly I leave my bag to my dad and I just brought my documents and proofs inside so no need for the x-ray of my stuff J after the scanning we went to another line again they asked me the application letter and gave me my permanent number throughout the Interview and my lucky number is 6062 :D so I go inside Its another big door and hard to push haha if you have a bag you need to leave it to the counter area so it would be a hassle for you if u will bring bag :D. They instructed us to sit and watch out the monitor and if your number appears then go to the designated window for the 1st Interview. Btw they gave me a list for the documents that you need to submit at the first interview and finally my number flash 6062 go to window 55 :D I am kinda nervous and keep praying but I told myself no need to be because God is my shield and he is with me as well as my fiancé and my family :’’’). I went to window 55 He was a nice Filipino Consul and I think he’s at his early 50s, I greeted him Good morning Sir! And he replied “good morning Mary Joy give me your NSO BC, CENOMAR, NBI, bank receipt, Affidavit of support, latest ITR and W2 from your Fiance” he asked me the following questions:

    (btw he speaks tagalog so it’s okay to answer tagalog).

    1. What is your name and Birthday?

    2. How did you meet your Fiance? In Facebook through mutual friends...

    3. Is he still in active duty? yes

    4. Isn’t difficult when he deployed in dangerous places? yes it is however, I always support my fiance 101% because I truly love him.

    5. When did he visit you? For how long?

    6. Do you have pictures? Then just show it to the American consul later.

    That’s all it took 5 minutes he was asking those questions and writing my answer to the paper while checking my financial documents from my fiancé. He told me to sit again and they will flash my number for the final interview with the American Consulate. After few minutes of waiting my number flashed again for finger printing at window 39 and after the finger printing I’m just waiting for the last step the Final interview I was sitting in front of the other windows where the American consuls are starting to interview some applicants and I can feel my nervousness hahaha they are asking so much questions and after 30 minutes around 9:00am my number flashed and Its window 59 I was like OMG this is it! Sigh God help me please. :’’) The American consul looks so serious not smiling but I didn’t bother because I smiled at him I think he is at his late 20s too young maybe he was stressed lol. So I greeted him good morning and he didn’t respond he told me to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth and blah blahh blahh, I answered YES SIR! Hisquestions are the following (btw he sounds very strict :P)

    How did you meet?

    When did he visit you and how long?

    Where did you go when he visit you, what places?

    How old are you?

    How old is your fiancé?

    It was only 2- 5 minutes and he didn’t ask me for any proofs he told me “OKAY YOUR PAPERS LOOKS GOOD, AND THANK YOU. JUST SIT THERE AND WAIT UNTIL YOUR NAME AND NUMBER CALL/APPEAR AND THEY WILL GIVE YOU THE LAST INSTRUCTION.” (I told to myself that’s all Sir? I prepared a lot of proofs our emails, chats, phone logs, phone text, and I have a big scrap book haha! He didn’t look anything even one picture of us. LOL and I was like is my visa approved or not because he didn’t congratulate me LOL some consul are saying welcome to USA and congratulations! HAHA I was expecting for him to say that but oh well he didn’t LOL.)

    While waiting for the last call I was praying hard, after 30 minutes of wait it was 9:30am and my number flashed at window 72 and the guy instructed me to WAIT FOR MY VISA AND CONGRATULATIONS! HAHAHA I AM THE HAPPIEST! :D whohoooooooo FINALLY! :D

    I would like to say BIGGEST THANK YOU PAPA GOD for another answered prayer. To my FB friends, close friends, bestfriend who wishes me a goodluck and for prayed for us thank you guys! J To our US family for supporting and praying for me and my fiance throughout the visa journey thank you and I love you all, I just can’t wait to meet you momoola my mother-in-law to be and all of the members of the family. To my Ph family, daddy thank you for coming and guiding me in manila during my medical and interview ^_^ I know It takes a lot of patience to wait for me outside the SLEC for 14 hours during my medical and 6 hours during my interview and its all worth it daddy Thank you so much you’re the best! :D To my mommy who prayed so hard for me thank you mommy love you. :’’) To my Big brother Kuya for also praying and supporting our relationship, to my sister Tt and brother-in-law kuya Jovan thank you for letting me experience my first plane ride :D It was so fun and I enjoyed the flight! :D Thanks also for the prayers tt and Kj. To my youngest sis pie thank you for praying as well. To my Auntie Letty for always letting us stay in your house thank you auntie and for all my relatives who prayed for me Thank you everyone. I LOVE YOU ALL and I will surely miss you. Opsss and also to my sweet dogs Cheeko, Chivas and Harry who kissed me when I got home haha my dogs miss me already. And of course to my ONE and ONLY loving, kindest, sweetest, very supportive, understanding and God fearing FIANCE baby, saying thank you is not enough I want you to know how much I’m truly blessed and grateful to have you, you changed my life, you show me how real love works and I truly adore you my young man with an old soul :’’’) I truly love you baby and soon we will be together forever (OMG I’m blushing a lot ^_^) Thank you for supporting me emotionally, financially and spiritually. I am forever grateful to Papa God for choosing me to be you wife forever. I will love you, take care of you, cherish you and adore you forever. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND SEE YOU IN FEW WEEKS MY LOVE MY DESTINY, MY SOULMATE. LOVE LOVE LOVE

    Congrats, Im also Happy & Thanks to both of U for Sharing your Story to us :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

  3. Last march 2012 my fiancé filled our K1 visa application in USCIS, and we should be able to hear about our case within 1-3 months starting the date of filling, but It’s been 3 months and I guess they didn’t prioritize our application so my Fiancé decided to get an Attorney for our K1 Visa application to help us out with our case, thankfully he found a good attorney in L.A and she helped and guided us with our paperwork/important documents. Our Atty. filled a new application for us last June 2012 and my Fiancé requested for an expedite of our application so It won’t take too long after a month we received a notification that they are starting to process the application and we’re so happy that the expedite works they approved our visa last August 2012 and forwarded to the National Visa Center for checking everything, we’ve been waiting for almost a month for our new case number (MNL#) and finally It was forwarded to US Embassy Manila and I took my Medical last October 4, 2012 at St. Lukes Extension Clinic and we’re so happy because my medical was GREAT! I got 4 shots of vaccine the other applicants got 2 and some has 3 shots but It’s okay because the additional shot for me is for my protection because I am a nurse if incase I will be working in US then I will be fine and protected. So here’s the last step of our Visa Journey my Interview appointment, it was scheduled last October 24, 2012 at 6:30am. Here’s my story…

    Me and dad fly going to manila the day before the Interview, we stayed at my Auntie’s house at Las Pinas City which is an hour ride going to US Embassy Manila. After Dinner I prepared myself to sleep it was around 8:00pm after few hours I didn’t know what’s going on because I’m hardly trying to sleep, but my brain was awake, until It was already 1:00am and my Fiancé is calling on my phone and I was so happy he called we’re both very excited for my interview because finally this will be the last step and we will be with each other’s arms and goodbye for the distance. We had 30 minutes phone conversation and since Its lunch time for him he need to grab lunch and go back to his office J I still can’t sleep because of my excitement so I went to the living room and decided to do my prayers since It was Wednesday I prayed my novena for Perpetual Help and prayed a lot to Papa God and to Inang Penafrancia (before going to manila I went to Basilica church in Naga City and I touched the dress of our patron Inang Penarancia and asked help and guidance for my Interview) and also right after we arrived in Manila me and dad went to Baclaran Church we lighted candles and prayed (I feel so great and confident because God is with me and everyone is praying for me). After my prayers and novena it was around 1:45am so I went back into the room and try to sleep, alarmed my phone clock at 3:00am, I woke up at 2:30am and I’m thankful I got to sleep for an hour YAYS :D. I took shower and I woke up my dad and he prepared for my breakfast (THANK YOU DADDY). Finally I’m prepared It was 3:30am when we leave the house and arrived to the US Embassy Manila around 4:15am. It was a long line and I meet some friends and some are familiar because I saw them during the medicalJ. And this is it the last and final step ^_^ We’re all excited, praying a lot and hoping that our visa will get approve. Around 6am the guard told us to make a 2 lines and all of us are for K1 visa (Fiancé Visa) and Immigrant visa, estimated we’re thousands there :D and some Americans come with their fiancé and spouse during the interview and no worries because It’s allowed. At the gate they asked me my appointment letter only the first page, DS forms (156,156k,157 two copies each) and my Passport. I just followed the applicant ahead of me and we get into the big door and they scanned our things, gladly I leave my bag to my dad and I just brought my documents and proofs inside so no need for the x-ray of my stuff J after the scanning we went to another line again they asked me the application letter and gave me my permanent number throughout the Interview and my lucky number is 6062 :D so I go inside Its another big door and hard to push haha if you have a bag you need to leave it to the counter area so it would be a hassle for you if u will bring bag :D. They instructed us to sit and watch out the monitor and if your number appears then go to the designated window for the 1st Interview. Btw they gave me a list for the documents that you need to submit at the first interview and finally my number flash 6062 go to window 55 :D I am kinda nervous and keep praying but I told myself no need to be because God is my shield and he is with me as well as my fiancé and my family :’’’). I went to window 55 He was a nice Filipino Consul and I think he’s at his early 50s, I greeted him Good morning Sir! And he replied “good morning Mary Joy give me your NSO BC, CENOMAR, NBI, bank receipt, Affidavit of support, latest ITR and W2 from your Fiance” he asked me the following questions:

    (btw he speaks tagalog so it’s okay to answer tagalog).

    1. What is your name and Birthday?

    2. How did you meet your Fiance? In Facebook through mutual friends...

    3. Is he still in active duty? yes

    4. Isn’t difficult when he deployed in dangerous places? yes it is however, I always support my fiance 101% because I truly love him.

    5. When did he visit you? For how long?

    6. Do you have pictures? Then just show it to the American consul later.

    That’s all it took 5 minutes he was asking those questions and writing my answer to the paper while checking my financial documents from my fiancé. He told me to sit again and they will flash my number for the final interview with the American Consulate. After few minutes of waiting my number flashed again for finger printing at window 39 and after the finger printing I’m just waiting for the last step the Final interview I was sitting in front of the other windows where the American consuls are starting to interview some applicants and I can feel my nervousness hahaha they are asking so much questions and after 30 minutes around 9:00am my number flashed and Its window 59 I was like OMG this is it! Sigh God help me please. :’’) The American consul looks so serious not smiling but I didn’t bother because I smiled at him I think he is at his late 20s too young maybe he was stressed lol. So I greeted him good morning and he didn’t respond he told me to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth and blah blahh blahh, I answered YES SIR! Hisquestions are the following (btw he sounds very strict :P)

    How did you meet?

    When did he visit you and how long?

    Where did you go when he visit you, what places?

    How old are you?

    How old is your fiancé?

    It was only 2- 5 minutes and he didn’t ask me for any proofs he told me “OKAY YOUR PAPERS LOOKS GOOD, AND THANK YOU. JUST SIT THERE AND WAIT UNTIL YOUR NAME AND NUMBER CALL/APPEAR AND THEY WILL GIVE YOU THE LAST INSTRUCTION.” (I told to myself that’s all Sir? I prepared a lot of proofs our emails, chats, phone logs, phone text, and I have a big scrap book haha! He didn’t look anything even one picture of us. LOL and I was like is my visa approved or not because he didn’t congratulate me LOL some consul are saying welcome to USA and congratulations! HAHA I was expecting for him to say that but oh well he didn’t LOL.)

    While waiting for the last call I was praying hard, after 30 minutes of wait it was 9:30am and my number flashed at window 72 and the guy instructed me to WAIT FOR MY VISA AND CONGRATULATIONS! HAHAHA I AM THE HAPPIEST! :D whohoooooooo FINALLY! :D

    I would like to say BIGGEST THANK YOU PAPA GOD for another answered prayer. To my FB friends, close friends, bestfriend who wishes me a goodluck and for prayed for us thank you guys! J To our US family for supporting and praying for me and my fiance throughout the visa journey thank you and I love you all, I just can’t wait to meet you momoola my mother-in-law to be and all of the members of the family. To my Ph family, daddy thank you for coming and guiding me in manila during my medical and interview ^_^ I know It takes a lot of patience to wait for me outside the SLEC for 14 hours during my medical and 6 hours during my interview and its all worth it daddy Thank you so much you’re the best! :D To my mommy who prayed so hard for me thank you mommy love you. :’’) To my Big brother Kuya for also praying and supporting our relationship, to my sister Tt and brother-in-law kuya Jovan thank you for letting me experience my first plane ride :D It was so fun and I enjoyed the flight! :D Thanks also for the prayers tt and Kj. To my youngest sis pie thank you for praying as well. To my Auntie Letty for always letting us stay in your house thank you auntie and for all my relatives who prayed for me Thank you everyone. I LOVE YOU ALL and I will surely miss you. Opsss and also to my sweet dogs Cheeko, Chivas and Harry who kissed me when I got home haha my dogs miss me already. And of course to my ONE and ONLY loving, kindest, sweetest, very supportive, understanding and God fearing FIANCE baby, saying thank you is not enough I want you to know how much I’m truly blessed and grateful to have you, you changed my life, you show me how real love works and I truly adore you my young man with an old soul :’’’) I truly love you baby and soon we will be together forever (OMG I’m blushing a lot ^_^) Thank you for supporting me emotionally, financially and spiritually. I am forever grateful to Papa God for choosing me to be you wife forever. I will love you, take care of you, cherish you and adore you forever. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND SEE YOU IN FEW WEEKS MY LOVE MY DESTINY, MY SOULMATE. LOVE LOVE LOVE

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