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Posts posted by PaulnUsa

  1. Hello.

    I have very recently started to look into the K1 visas and still don't understand some aspects,since many websites have contradictory informatio, so I guess it will be more accurate to ask someone who's been through the process.

    I have lived in the United States for a total of 4 years. First tiem, I was there on an exchange student visa in highschool (2006-2007) subject to the 2 year home stay requirement. I returned to my home country - Moldova and finished highschool. I came back in 2008 of a student F1 visa, completed and Associates Degree and got a permit for Optional Practical Training in 2010. I never worked because I didnt find any jobs in the area though. In 2010 I met my SO (American citizen) and we lived together for 13 months. I left the USA to complete my home stay requirement so I can come back in the future and be able to get work visa, or Green card or be able to get married. I now have 3 months left of my home stay requirement. Until now I was going to come back on a F1 visa but that's not going to work out. Me and my SO consider getting married, but are confused about a few things. From my understanding - I can apply for the K1 visa, come to the states, get married and apply for a work permit and adjustment of status and STAY in the USA? Or do I have to leave? Also, I assume the wait time depends on queues and where the fiance is from. Me coming from a country with small immigration population to the US should mean that the process will be shorter? Or it doesn't matter? Also, what proofs that we've been together for a year would suffice? We weren't considering gettign married anytime soon back then so we might not have "Enough" proof. It's kind of strange when you think about it - take any young couple and ask them to prove they're dating, especially one that doesn't have any possesions together or any joint account. We've lived with his parents, would a letter from them be considered as proof? And pictures..Yes we have plenty of pictures but we were too poor to go on vacations or anywhere memorable, they're all from around the house, would they be enough of a proof? How will the officials view our relationship? We've met in August 2010, moved in together in September 2010, lived together until September 2011, then had a long term relationship for a year? I wouldn't think it should be too hard, given the fact that we met in the USA, where I've been for a while already. Can anyone tell me what hardships are we awaiting? Do you advise we hire a lawyer? Some people on here say that it's not worth it. But how about in our situation? Thank you.

    The K-1 process is very easy. No need for lawyer. Only takes about 6 months from date of filing K-1 to getting Visa. If you want to work as soon as possible better to get married there then file CR1 if you just want to be in the usa with your fiacee.. the K-1 is the fastest way. 6 months where a CR1 will take more like a year. Benifits of CR1 is you come here with a 10 year green card and have most of the rights as a us citzen. Where with a K-1 you first have to get a 2 year green card then apply for the 10 year after that and can not work until your AOS is approved.

  2. Hello friends.

    I will meet my g/f next month people say you have to be engaged with her than you can get k1 visa.But i don't know what's difference between gf and engaged ?Is it condition to be engaged to get k1 visa ? if yes what should i do when i meet her to engage her?


    just ask her to marry you and for her to say yes.. then you are engaged. Then she will have to swear that she intends to marry you upon arriving in the USA within 90 days

  3. Hello there!

    I am a new member of VisaJourneys and I am proud to be a part of your community. I have read so many happy stories on this website but now I am in need of some help from anyone who can help me.

    Let me give you a backstory to start of with. I live in the UK, my fiancee lives in Tennessee, US. We have known each other for 8 years, been a couple for over 2 years. This March, I took her to Miami to two weeks for her first holiday (ever!) and I proposed to her (see video link below, and she did say yes!). However, when we got back we found out that her only family member has been rushed into hospital. Let's just say that it wasnt how I imagined we would spend my last week with her in the US.

    Why did I bring this up? Only because I told her that to take the pressure off her, I (the beneficary, NOT the petitioner) would do all the paperwork for her on her behalf and will send it to her when I feel it is completed. So far I have managed to do the following:

    * Covering Letter

    * Declaration of Right to Marriage (Myself and hers)

    * G-325A (Myself and hers)

    * I-29F

    * 1 x passport photo of myself (will sign it before I send it to her)

    * Proof of being in a relationship:

    * Photocopies of my boarding passes, hotel reciept, credit card evidence & 1xphoto for March 2011

    * Photocopies of my boarding passes, credit card evidence & 1xphoto for October 2011

    * Photocopies of my boarding passes & credit card evidence for January 2012

    * Photocopies of my boarding passes, credit card evidence, hotel reciept & 1xphoto for March 2012

    * Photocopies of Facebook messages dating back since March 2010, MSN log, engagement ring receipt, phone bills (mine not hers) & 2 other photos of us together

    Please understand that I have already checked out the guide for filling in the K-1 forms, however it is not the petitioner that is completing the forums I the beneficary is (although once it is all completed I will send it to her, who will in turn will send this with a cheque, 1 x passport photo of herself and sign all forms and photographs).

    My question is is this enough? Have I got too much evidence or not enough? My only concern was that I have been going over to see her; not once has she come to the UK to see me because she is severely disabled. Will this affect our petition? We have been talking about her coming to the UK in early July so should we wait until she does that or send it as it is now because we could use her visit as part of our evidence when I have my interview to prove that we still have a continuous relationship after filing this form?

    Also after the petition is send and if it is apporved, I know that she has to send evidence of her payslips so it can be proven that she will be able to support me when I move over. Due to her disabiility, she will be claiming disability from the state ( it will be commencing mid-May). Could this be acceptable proof instead of the payslips?

    I am sorry that this is so long winded but I could really need some help. I am getting sleepless nights because I keep going over the forums and forms to see if I am missing anything and learning from other people's advice from this forum. I am wanting this to be perfect so the sooner I can move in with her the sooner I can look after my fiancee and soon to be wife. Thank you VisaJourney community!

    Kind Regards,


    sounds like you have all you need

  4. We are in the last part of the process for the k1 Fiance Visa…. My fiance received "packet 3" or the letter with instructions on filling out the forms. He is visiting me in the states and we completed the forms online and mailed in the forms and the DS 2001 ready letter…. We have included his medical date which in one week from today…. So………… My question is…. Where do we send our i-134 for to? I read someones topic that it needs to be mailed the "slow way" but it did not say to mail it off in the instructions of forms to mail to the U.S Embassy in London. SO….. Do we just have him take it to the interview with him or were we supposed to mail it off to the Embassy as well? Thanks so much for all of your help.. I would be lost without this place :)

    Send the I-134 to your fiancee to take to interview with her

  5. Hi everyone,

    I’m Derek and my fiancé is a British Citizen. I am currently looking over the K1 visa. With my questions, I found this website. There seems to be a great community here, full of knowledgeable and experienced people.

    I understand this process is long and precise, so I want to do everything right the first time to get a smooth approval and prevent any unnecessary delays. If I can learn from all of you and get any advice, that would be great

    Our Story:

    In 2004 my sister met Holly online in a forum when they were in high school. They became great friends, pin pals for 2 years before they met.

    In 2006 Holly came to the United States to meet my sister. This is when I officially met Holly. She stayed at our house for a month. My sister and Holly remained great friends till this day. But I also kept in touch with Holly via Facebook and Skype.

    In 2010 our friendship grew even closer.

    In Feb of 2011 we were officially a couple.

    In Feb of 2012 she came to the United States for our first year anniversary.

    February 14, 2012 I proposed, and she became my beautiful fiancé.

    She is back home (in England) while we get our papers in order for the K1 visa.

    My questions:

    1. For question 18 on the I-129F form, the box explaining how we met in person, I can fit a short explanation there. But is it recommended to provide more on an additional sheet of paper? Is it good to have a long detailed story or is keeping it short and simple on the form just fine? What do you recommend I write?

    2. Proof of our bona fide relationship. I have record of daily calls and chat logs via Skype. I have email history and Facebook message history as well.

    However, we don’t have any photos together. Reason being, in 2011 I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, although they are still unsure, as my stomach and intestines continue to have a mind of their own. Doctor’s are still trying to figure out what treatment plan is best for me. In February I had my gallbladder removed. Holly was here when I had the operation. But because of my sickness, I look like a skeleton and I don’t like my appearance. So I never took any photos of myself with Holly. We have tons of photos from our vacation but of only her in the places we visited. If only there was a way to prove that I took the photos.

    So all I have are daily Skype calls and chat logs. And of course email and Facebook history. How many logs would you recommend I include with the I-129F package, perhaps a month of logs? And will this be sufficient enough since we do not have photos? Should I explain why we don’t have photos or would that be unnecessary?

    I also have many tickets for events we went to, with the dates stamped during her vacation here, but they do not have our names. Would sending copies of these be pointless then?

    3. Bellow is what I have gathered to send. Is there anything I am missing or should add to the packet for extra benefit? Any other advice you can give me? Thank you in advance!

    My Packet:

    My I-129 F Package includes:

    Cover Letter

    Check Payment in the amount of $340.00

    I-129F form

    *maybe* I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18, explanation of meeting in person

    G-325A and passport style photo of me

    G-325A and passport style photo of her

    My Birth certificate copy or copy of my US Passport

    My letter certifying intent to marry

    Her letter certifying intent to marry

    Proof of having met in person in the past two years (Feb 2012 flight ticket)

    Proof of ongoing relationship (Skype call time and chat logs)

    I think it is best to meet again and get pics before you file your I-129. I think very likely you will get RFE or be denied.

  6. Hi Dear lovely VJ poeple,

    I got my NOA2 and now need to contact NVC to inquire about my case number for the next step to our visa journey, but I need your help. I read through the information some of you great poeple asked, added or responded, however, I am still confused. I need to have a list of things I must do, so here are my Qs....

    1) When calling NVC, what I need to ask them and what information I need to give them?

    2) When I get my case number from NVC, what is next? What forms and documents I need to have ready and where to send those?

    3) Do I pay any kind of fee to NVC, if yes for what and how?

    4) When to send the package I have ready for my fiance's interview, when it comes to that time?

    5) What should I expect next once I have submitted the forms and documents required/ requested by NVC?

    These are some of the questions I can think of now, but please add anything you can think of to help me with my next journey. As always you guys are great can't do it without you guys' help and guidance.


    Wow these are questions you should have answered way before receiving your NOA2.

  7. I know getting a visa to USA can take a looooooooooooooooooooooong time..


    According to the USCIS, cases may be expedited if they involve a serious financial loss, an

    extreme emergency,or a humanitarian situation.

    I wanna know, does anyone here tried to expedite their application? how? :help:

    yes once you get your NOA 2 if you go back to the philippines with her.. you can have Visa in hand within 30days if you have verything prepared ahead of time. That is what we did. It took 6 months to get from Noa1 to Noa2 but then had Visa within 30 days of NOA 2

  8. Hey guys over there, need words of support, I submitted my I-129 November 2011, my package had K-1 multiple submission waiver letter and the, circumstance how we meet, primary proof of meeting within the last two years before submitting my petition, etc. I had two K-1 Visa that was submitted in the past one was 8 years ago and the marriage did not last for many reasons, and the other was last year that I withdrawn and it was terminated accordingly per California service center (CSC)letter. All the documents that supporting my request for multiple K-1 petitions waiver were mailed with my present I-129 petition. For my surprise and upset, the RFE I got was asking for all the documents I submitted with my initial petition, I mean, they are asking for waiver letter, primary meeting evidence, and multiple divorce pages of my Fiancée, and to make it more painful the RFE letter (Not the blue page) was stating the "Director intend to deny my petition" so, why in the hell then they are RFE!!! :bonk: : Do I have bad luck that my file went under new hire adjudicator!!. They were asking for multiple pages of my fiancée’s divorce certificate, My Fiancée country (Russia) issue only one page certified stamped divorce certificate that was sent along with the English translation and the translator statement as required by USCIS. I do not know did those guys at CSC lost all the documents that were included in my Package when first submitted? I'm going Crazy :bonk: Upon receiving my response to the RFE, my case was updated on April 20,2012. I need some support from some over there who went or is going through these stressful times. :(:help: : and Thanks

    I would do all they are asking but I also think it might be a good idea to get your comgressman involved at this point. They get very strict when it is your 3rd and final k-1

  9. Hello everyone! I had the incredible luck of meeting my fiancee this last winter while working on a cruise ship with her, and we are planning on getting married this coming Winter. This is a moment of incredible joy for me, but I'm finding that our situation is sufficiently complicated to merit asking advice.

    She is currently on a US work visa, but the ship she is on will not be back to a US port until November. I will join her on ship then for about 4 months, and we're hoping to get married down in the Caribbean somewhere (US Virgin Islands seems like a likely choice). We will both leave the ship in March, and she will come to my city here in the US for 10 days before she and I go to Indonesia for the inevitable family ceremony there. From there, we'd like to have her move here as soon as possible.

    The question becomes whether to file for a Fiancee visa now, or to wait until we get married and file for an IR/CR-1. The complicating factor will be that there will be no reasonable way to schedule a US Embassy interview until our contract is done in early March (for all intents and purposes, it's impossible to schedule when she can get off the ship in port - in my position I have a lot more flexibility).

    Further complicating (or helping?) matters is that she is technically "in the US" right now... She joined the ship in Florida, and will debark in Florida, and she had to obtain a work visa to do that. When her contract ends, her work visa gives her 10 days before she has to return to Indonesia. Is there any reason we might be able to skip the K1 and just do an adjustment of status after the wedding? For what it's worth, I think we should have no problem with the interview process, as neither of us has ever been married, she's got all the documents she should need with her, and we've got plenty of proof of a real relationship (I had an amazing visit with her friends and family over in Indonesia a few months ago!)

    Any advice and information anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated. I've gone through the USCIS website, called them (a singularly unhelpful experience), and read through a number of posts here. Thanks in advance!

    I would do CR1 because of her job. a k-1 does not let her leave the country right way if she would need to with work. With a CR1 she comes in as a permant citizen much more flexiblity

  10. Hi everyone,

    My boyfriend has recently applied for a fiance visa for us. but the problem I have is that, I have another case running.

    in year 2007 my mother applied for my immigration to US. my category is F1. and last year it got approved and I am supposed to wait till my PD gets current.

    but the visa bulletin moves very slow. so my boyfriend and I got decided to go for the fiance visa.

    my question is that is it possible for me to get visa? we got a lawyer told us there is no problem having two cases at the same time.

    but I am not sure if the officer in embassy approves my visa.

    do you guys have any idea about my situation? I am really worried and tired of waiting :(

    Thank you

    You should be fine but be sure and be ready to explain your reason for having two cases so they don't think your just trying to imigrate by any means. This could cause some red flags

  11. Hi VJ Members,

    I've listed both of my children on my application form as requested. They are both over 21 and therefore not accompanying me to the US. Should i have included a side note to confirm that they wont be coming along or will the Vermont processors know this already from their dates of birth.

    I'm hoping they will but after reading some of the other members experiences anything is possible.


    It is always better to add a note to it. Always better to have to much info on the safe side then not enough and get an RFE

  12. SO-

    As some of my friends on here will know that my fiance and I were denied the K-1 visa. The CO was very upfront about questioning the validity of our relationship. We were even moved into the interrogation room for questioning. We answered all of those questions the same.

    CO questioned us after the interrogation and then determined on his own that we could not be in a relationship because I had only visited my fiance for 3 days in the last 2 years.

    I explained to him that we had been together for much longer than two years and brought all the evidence to prove that. I also explained that I had lost my job in 2009 and had since started a new job and have been employed for about 2 years now. The circumstances under which we could meet were limited and brief because of both of our jobs. I filed in June and interviewed in Dec. We were given a white slip and he circled the option that said " relationship was for immigration purposes"

    What can I do-- I was thinking maybe we could motion or appeal the decision-- but I'm thinking we may have to just get married in the DR and petition him with a CR-1 visa.

    Thanks for all you help!!!

    yes at this point a CR1 would be your best move

  13. Can fiancee travel to another country other than USA while we are in process of K1?

    Fiancee live in Japan, I am US citizen living in US. But my mom and dad live in Taiwan. We want to have non-formal ceremony done there in December, then once K1 visa is approved, fiancée will enter US and we will get married officially at the court and have another ceremony with our friends and family in US. Is this possible?

    yes no problem with that as long as you only get legally married in the USA

  14. Thanks for all the helpful responses. Sadly after paying all the money to st lukes she never got any of her shots just wrong day and dealing with a nurses who clearly wanted to make some extra money on the side. Not sure what happened but now we are here in the USA and need to get the shots here. Anyone know what all shots are required for the AOS?

  15. For example, if i call nvc to follow up if they receive my noa2 aproval from uscis, If the nvc give me a case number and the packet is still on the way to my fiancee's consulate country.. can my fiancee buy a visa already and set up for interview date while the packet from nvc is still on the way to my fiancee's consulate country? or we have to wait until the packet will receive by the consulate of my fiancee's country? I heard that only 1 week to arrive the packet from nvc to my fiancee's country.. any advice? Thank you!

    Once you get your MNL case number you can pay your fee and set up the interview as soon as you do your medical exam. My fiancee never waited for the packet it acually did not show up at her house until she was already in the USA.

    I went there and we did her medical 2 days after geting her MNL case number. We logged on that night and got embassy interview 2 days later. Got her visa 1 week later and was on a plane home a week after that.

  16. Very true. I was there for my wife's USEM interview. The interviews lasted about 3 - 5 mins for each Consulate. The longest part is waiting for your number to come up on the board. We were approved quickly. We even joked with the American Consulate. It does make a difference in showing proof of relationship and commitment. As long as you have all the requirements in the packet, required forms, supporting documents are in order and complete, applicants should not have a problem.

    On that time my father was even there with us. He had to wait outside the embassy but it was such a moral support for my wife at that time. She was calm, re-assured and happy.

    I understand some petitioners are unable to afford this trip. I suggest reading the VJ guide ask many questions here in VJ. Triple check everything on the forms, supporting documents, Affidavit of support etc... Just when you think you have it all checked. CHECK IT AGAIN!!!

    I believe if you can afford it and have the time. Be there for your future wife. What better way to show your fiancee, consulate and your fiancee family how serious and committed you are. Plus you get a chance to see your fiancee country, culture and people.

    Once again congrats..!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

    :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

    Yes I was so supprised we were not asked to show anything. She was not even asked any questions other than how we met and if she planned to marry within 90 days. The American consul told her she was approved before she even finished answering how we met. They were very nice and thanked me for coming. I think anyone who is worried about their petiton should go if they have the budget.

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