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Posts posted by PinkReload

  1. Well, I don't know if this is the right section of the forum to be posting in. . . but I'm desperate for information and need to post somewhere for help.

    As a bit of a back-story, I'm 18 year-old natural U.S. citizen, and have just finished my first year of college in my hometown in Oregon. I met a girl online from Canada 4 years ago, and we quickly became best friends. We talked religion, politics, humor. . . just anything, all of the time. We're so alike. After several failed relationships on both of our parts and a very bad abuse situation on hers, last year in August she confided to me that she had feelings for me. Amazingly, I had/have the same feelings for her!

    Now, no one asks for an online relationship. It's difficult because of the distance, to say the least. However, me and her have done well for this year. We've fallen very deeply in love. Because of the fact that we are both in a tight money situation, we haven't been able to visit each other yet. However, we both did plan on her coming to visit in September. Originally, we wanted her to be able to stay here once she came, but we don't think that's possible. My parents originally told me that she would be able to legally, but I'm pretty sure things changed since 9/11.

    Without any more blabber, I will get out with my question. What would be the easiest, cheapest, and least time-consuming way to get her here, married to me, and able to stay in the U.S. without having to go back to Canada? I know that it's a sticky situation and not the most favorable, and I know that any way of getting her here will take a lot of time and effort. But, it's something I have to do. I love her very much, and she's been through so many terrible situations in her life. She was even living in a homeless womens' shelter in Canada a couple months back. It hurt me so much to not be able to do anything about that. She always tells me how much she needs me, so I'm going to fight tooth and nail to get her here. I'll even postpone college for years if I have to. I'd even call my governor or get 1,000,000 petition signatures for her to stay here if it were possible and there were no other option.

    What is the best, legal way of getting her here? I've heard horror stories concerning immigration bureaucracy, and I don't want to be a part of those. It's my worst fear. I've been so emotional and teary the past couple days because there is nothing more that I want than to get her here, and it's such a nightmare to imagine not being able to give her the safety and comfort she deserves.

    The past couple of days I've talked to her and done my best to convince her that she -is- a very strong person and will survive anything in her life, no matter if I'm there or not, at the expense of her confusion. No matter if I die tomorrow, or if her living with me doesn't happen as efficiently as we thought, I always want her to know that she'll be able to do anything she wants.

    Please, I am desperate. I pray all day to make this work, and I believe the Lord will help. I just want confirmation. I have a basic idea of the things such as "fiancee visas" and such. Can any of you explain what the best way of getting her here to stay with me is? I'm sure there are at least some of you there who can sympathize with my situation. I would be eternally grateful if any of you could help. I've even thought about scheduling pricey immigration lawyer appointments just to make sure I have a foolproof plan that won't end in heartache.

    Also, I have some questions that she wanted answered, in her words:

    - If I come and then have to leave in 6 months, how long till I can come back?

    - If I become an American citizen do I stay Canadian? Or is there a special process I need to go through to keep my Canadian citizenship?

    - If I can help with support/your parents do you need to have a job, therefore delaying school?

    - How long does the whole process take for each step?

    - What type of identification should I have/bring with me?

    - How long should we wait till we get married?

    - Can I stay in the country under the premise that I am studying there in the USA as an international student? [she wants to go to school here, too, eventually]

    - What health-care options do I have?

    Please, I'm begging you, if any of you could help, my life would be much happier than it is now. I've been through thread after thread, site after site, but can I please talk to one of you about it who knows first hand? I'd keep you in my daily prayers my whole life.

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