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Status Updates posted by Natadow

  1. Just got our dhl waybill number so he can pick it up and buy his tickets in the morning :-) Soooo happy!

  2. thanks for the info. waiting at this point is killing me!

  3. How long did you have to wait for you dhl waybill number? Just trying to find a realistic estimate for my fiance who is waiting for his in juarez..

  4. how long did it take your visa to arrive after being approved??

  5. my fiance has been in juarez for a week...we made the mistake of having the visa sent there, so he has to wait for it. Do you know how long it take to get the visa back?? We're getting anxious..

  6. I didn't go because I live in the US, but my fiance went alone and he said it didn't feel any more dangerous than where he lives (Acapulco). He said its like a ghost town..very empty.

  7. Interview approved today :-)

  8. Interview date is December 1st!!! This is way faster than expected, thank God!

  9. NOA2 came in the mail today!!!! 3 months and 3 days after NOA1!!

    1. VisaJourney2011


      That is Fasssst !

      Congrats !

    2. wissnan4ever


      Congrats! I see Vermont is moving hopefully they stay that way

    3. HARMONY2012
  10. Congratulations! what did your estimated noa2 date say form visajourney? we have the same noa1 date but they estimate my noa2 will come in october. looks like they're ahead of schedule :-)

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