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Erica & Phil

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Status Updates posted by Erica & Phil

  1. How many EAD card production updates will it take before I actually get my card? Third day of the same updates.

  2. Woot Interview date set!!

  3. Yes we got an RFE. It'll be sorted soon.

  4. What is it with July and August people being approved? What happened to May and June. Get your life sorted CSC or do away with this stupid Fiance Visa scam!!

  5. 12 more days for USCIS to pull a thumb outta the ####.

  6. 14 more days and the nice man in Congress can start causing trouble. Yay looking forward to rattling the cage a little.

  7. Getting f**king sick of waiting now.

    1. ineedhelp
    2. Christy&Ken


      I am still waiting for it...

  8. Hey, So we do. It's just amazing how incompetent they seem to be around this time of year. If they were trying to even up with VSC well they are well behind now and should get their lives sorted now. It is good to know other people are as crazy. lol.

  9. Have CSC been laid off? I hope so, that's the only excuse for such low approvals.

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