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Posts posted by Morenita203

  1. You are all soooo wonderful. This has really made my day, I was leaning more towards the marriage anyways-- so hopefully we can really get this done right this time.

    :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

    I honestly love all of your tips. I thought about getting married that same day of the denial- but I think having a nice little ceremony on the beach will suit us just fine.

  2. In terms of any other red flags-- I'm not sure where there would be any. He has never solicited a visa and we answered all the questions honestly. It really is super hard- but like sam&jensi said, we may need to just travel more. Gather everything up and pray that the next round is easier. I know anything that's this much much has to be worth it- so we will keep going strong, I'm thinking that the marriage route is better only because at least we will legally be together and then worry about the rest later.

    Does anyone know how long we have to wait before we get married?

  3. SO-

    As some of my friends on here will know that my fiance and I were denied the K-1 visa. The CO was very upfront about questioning the validity of our relationship. We were even moved into the interrogation room for questioning. We answered all of those questions the same.

    CO questioned us after the interrogation and then determined on his own that we could not be in a relationship because I had only visited my fiance for 3 days in the last 2 years.

    I explained to him that we had been together for much longer than two years and brought all the evidence to prove that. I also explained that I had lost my job in 2009 and had since started a new job and have been employed for about 2 years now. The circumstances under which we could meet were limited and brief because of both of our jobs. I filed in June and interviewed in Dec. We were given a white slip and he circled the option that said " relationship was for immigration purposes"

    What can I do-- I was thinking maybe we could motion or appeal the decision-- but I'm thinking we may have to just get married in the DR and petition him with a CR-1 visa.

    Thanks for all you help!!!

  4. Hey Everybody!!!! I want to remind you all to be patient and try to stay sane!!! I've been driving myself crazy trying to stay on top of the process. We just got our interview date today!

    I don't want to upset anyone posting here-- this is why we all come together on VJ. We cry, vent, get angry, and celebrate milestones together.

    All of you are doing the right thing- stay strong and stay focused on the end of the journey!

  5. At first I was clueless on this visa slang but found out along the way "touched" means how many times your application was handled, whether that means moved from one shelf to the other or actual work performed on it. I was just wondering about that mostly I see on average applications are "touched" twice while at the service centers, and I was a bit alarmed seeing my application "touched" 3 times. I just hope that it does not scream out loud "RFE coming my way". oh well at this point i'll just wait and see. :whistle:

    HOw exactly do you check to see that your application has been "touched" ? I don't get how people find out this information.

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