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Posts posted by HARMONY2012

  1. I don't think S_R was "puting a price on love", but rather looking back at the journey from beginning to where he is now. I have done that many times myself....so to say it will not "end well" just for reflecting on the financial aspect of this journey is a little harsh. Anyways S_R nice post....you forgot the cost of having university credentials evaluated .

  2. Sam, I dont even know what to say. I know you have fought with everything you have to bring the two of you together. Its a damn shame that people can be so cruel and ungrateful. But God is watching...and God dont like ugly. I know you must be in so much pain, but my dear pick yourself up and try with everything you have to keep it moving and remember that time heals all wounds. Im praying for you and I send to you BIG HUGS!!! xoxoxoxoxo

  3. Yes my husband had his own vehicle...but :wow: really...to stay in his truck all night???!!!!! You cannot be serious!!! My husband and I are very serious about his interview and no matter how lively the island is...he will not be sleeping in his truck rather he will be in a bed, getting some sleep so that he will be well rested for the big day. Thanks, but no thanks


    I have been referred to three places:

    1. Biscourt Apartments, Lekki (I guess they do short term accommodations).

    2. Royal Tropicana Hotel (This one is a little expensive N15, 750 for a standard room BUT it's in VI.

    3. Lekki Astoria Hotel. (This one is 20 mins from VI). For a Mini Standard room it’s N10, 500

    Anyways my dear I will continue to inquire and let you know what I find. Remember not to book anything online instead make sure your husband will go to any hotels you direct him to first to make inquiries.

    Take Care.

  4. What a joy it is to have times like today where I can enjoy seeing my fiancé, friends and future in-laws via cam. Whether it be Skype, Yahoo Messenger, IPhone. Just a wonderful thing to wake up to when missing our loved ones abroad. Again thank God for technology, where would we be without it?

    God is Good. "when life gets too hard to stand... Kneel"


  5. @HARMONY2012......if wisemen kept quiet....are u saying those whose post uv read dat hv helped u are fools?my friend u are selfish...come out of ur shell and contribute ur quota/input wether positive/negative...it will help others and i believe dats why VJ opened this resource for u and i

    I am not saying that at all at all, please dont twist this.....I am speaking specifically to your case...and I am simply saying that YES it's good to be confident...I am also confident, but to go around saying "I know I will be APPROVED, I will be APPROVED" is setting yourself up to look foolish....keep it close to you so when it happens then you can SCREAM IT TO THE WORLD....becuase there is ALWAYS a chance it might not so then you have now made yourself look silly...believe me im rooting for all the genuine relationships. Anyways declare it and keep it close to you then when it happens you can now tell the world....But seems you have your own way of doing things and thats fine.

    Wonders shall never end.....Me selfish? :rofl: LOL...If you only knew....Look at yourself very well my dear someone who has no timeline and who has been "secretly reading several posts..while going thru my visa petition", and who's only post on VJ has been to tell the whole world that he will be "APPROVED". Abeg, im not here to fight with anyone....I have said my own and I stand by it....Like I said before May God Bless your journey...

  6. there are several red flags...age difference...correnspondence emails..marriage photos and pre or post marriage pix...wedding video..proof of communication with both relatives..cultural and ethnic racial bkground....i believe if a genuine union has close to 60-80% proof of most of these...its only a wicked or shud i say racial CO dat will want to delay u....as i await my interview im SURE of an approval at first visit...ask me why lol....my wife is US citizen,we are born the same month and we are of same age bracket..and my motherinlaw and i are name sakes on a rare name...lol right from the day we met ppl hv marvelled at our union dat its GOD's handiwork...irrespective of dat we overmeet the poverty guideline and others at USCIS/NVC stages...im not just confident..im thankful to GOD and internet resources like VJ...we shud be hopeful..confident...and prayerful...ill post my APPROVAL in a couple weeks

    Wise men keep silent and then speak once they have achieved. Wish you the best of luck "Genuine Immigrant", and I will surely be waiting to hear your "APPROVAL in a couple weeks".

    May God Bless.

  7. :thumbs:

    I appreciate the point u are trying to make but i think ur comparing apples and oranges (apologies to Herman Cain)with these examples. A terrorist doesn't need to get married to anybody because they are solitary in nature. A spy on the other hand needs the kind of cover u are referring to. I stand to be corrected with examples of which terror suspects in history used the route u have so eloquently laid out. Half the marriages are scammers...any statistics to back this claim? I see that notion didn't still stop u from finding a hubby in Nigeria....

    Well said S_R you took the words right out of my mouth... :thumbs:

  8. Information about getting the police clearance and Medical reports are pretty straight forward. The same cannot be said about the issue of birth Certificates.

    Can somebody who has actually gone through this process spell out in simple clear terms were peeps can get the illusive long form? The NPC says they don't issue BC's to people above 18yrs bla bla. Peeps who have BC's from their LGA's are being told they will not be accepted by the almight US embassy because it doesn't contain enough information about their parents.

    I am beginig to think that maybe the BC's are being issued by the embassy in conjuntion with Ikeja Local govt! :whistle::rofl:


    It's time for the veterans on 9ja portal to be explicit on this topic with clear directions.

    S_R well said as I am also confused on the issue of birth certificates. :thumbs:

  9. I was bored at work while waiting for carpet to be installed in my office and decided to check my case status. I almost fell out my chair when it said post decision activity. I really wasn't expecting anything until November. :wow: Then I went home for lunch and the hard copy was in the mailbox. Approved with no RFE's! Thank you to those that helped with information. You may not have known you helped me but you did! :dance::dance::dance:

    Congrats...Its always when you LEAST expect it!

  10. I came here as an immigrant myself from Germany and recently someone asked me : So why did you come here, was it because you wanted to make a better life for yourself ?

    Heck no it wasn't. My life was fine.

    I felt insulted and shocked.

    Granted Nigeria is a high fraud country and Germany isn't but for a moment I felt what genuine Nigerians feel....the condescending remarks get old. Real old.

    Though I believe the people saying this to you do it because they are concerned about you and want you to do the right thing, the right thing they would do is not your right thing. Do your thing...lol. It's your life.

    When friends and family make those remarks to me I respond depending on the situation/person :

    1. Don't stereotype. Period.

    2. I am capable of making my own choices and accepting the consequences of the outcome,the good, the bad and the ugly.

    3. Why, don't you think I got it going on enough to keep my man ? Rather insulting !

    4. Thank you for your advice, I know you mean well but you are now beating a dead horse and my mind is made up.

    5. I thought it through, did my research, know my man and this subject is now closed from here on. Either support me or don't. Subject done. Conversation over. Would you like some tea ?

    Try responding with the answers confidently and they will soon stop. Never discuss adjustment problems with them but find supportive friends who know what's up and are supportive or else you will hear " I told you so's" for every little thing.

    It is just one of the little baggage deals that comes with the package.

    By the way, over here we have scammers with brief cases, CEO's and politicians dressed in Italian suits and bankers and hedge fund 3 ring circus acrobats. Drum roll :o:hehe::blush:

    Your a riot! Lol...I like that...

  11. Stats from Nigeria are not pretty , about 1/4 will never get approved by the embassy before the relationship falls apart and about 1/2 of the ones that do make it will not last past 5 years. Are you in the 75% that are doomed or in the other part , no ones knows for sure because no one would go through this if they knew they would end up in the 75% that eventually fail. For someone to grow up in Nigeria and then just up and move to the US is hard, and it is harder when you are married to someone that understands little of your culture. Get mad if you want but you friends are just pointing out the facts.

    I cannot ever get mad at someone's input. I appreciate your reply...

  12. HARMONY2012, you have never truck me the type that cares what others say or think! With that said, I feel you my friend. People talk and make judgments, but at the end of the day, it is you who has to go home to that person you have chosen to spend your life with and not them.

    Marriage is hard work if anyone wants it to work. Yes, there is a chance of the marriage of not working. That chance exists with any marriage, culture, race and religion. NOT just by marrying a NIGERIAN!!!

    Here on VJ, we have all read stories from all over the world with spouses, or fiances coming here and then leaving the petitioners. We hear the story from one side, not saying it is not true, but it takes two to make any relationship work.

    I am at the point where I just don't listen to negative comments, I look forward and look forward to someday being with my man for whatever length of time I have with him. Life is too short, and if in our life we have experienced the glow that true love and happiness brings? then it is worth it all regardless of what others say or what happens five or ten years down the road.

    God grant you all the joy and happiness you seek and deserve. :)

    Hi Love....HAHA....Giiiirrrrrl glad I struck you as someone who could care less at what people say or do because you are absolutely correct. :thumbs: Anyways I was not really asking about my situation specifically and might have worded my post as if I was...I just wanted to hear what people thought it general about the stigma placed on people coming to America that they only want a visa (thought it would be an interesting topic, come to find out its been covered on VJ...LOL). Anyways there is nothing that anyone can say or do that can break the bond my sweetheart and I have built, WE know what we have been through and where we are going....Love, keep strong and keep pushin...You know that God is working all this out for you two...Always in my prayers....XOXO

    Thank you everyone for your input and opinions. :)

  13. What do you guys think?

    I am so sick and tired of people friends, certain family members, even strangers talking about the high divorce rate among Nigerians who come to America whether male or female. I hear it from everyone its really starting to annoy me and I felt like using this outlet to let out my steam. Like I tell them if you both know you love each other and trust each other then what’s the problem. I agree it will not be easy when they get here, we all know that. There is the culture shock and everything else that comes with entering a new environment. But is it impossible? NO!! Can it work? Of Course!!

    This stereotype that all Nigerians just come to America for papers is annoying. Ok ALOT of them do, but then again some don’t. That’s why you take time and get to know the person you are dealing with. I have known my fiancé since 2005; we met at my cousin’s traditional wedding. I used to go home to see him, visit with his family, and know him from inside and out and once I felt this way it was then that I decided to file for him to come here. How do you guys handle this when people tell you "Oh he or she will change when they get to the states?" OR “The marriage will not work out?” Or “No matter what you know about him, he will leave you once he gets his green card”. I know that everything at the end of the day is in Gods hands, but I wanted to see what other people thought.

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