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Leo and Meggan

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Posts posted by Leo and Meggan

  1. Hi There!

    Wow am i relieved to find a whole online community of people who are going through the same exact thing i am! It isn't something you exactly want to share with everyone in the real world so i'm glad that i came across this website! My name is Meggan and my husband and i had been married for a year and a half before we decided it would probably be smart to start this exciting yet suspensful journey. After hearing so many unsuccesful stories where lawyers had ripped people off...or husbands being sent to mexico waiting for the interview to then be denied we were almost sure my husband would be living here in the states undocumented for the rest of our lives. But then a good friend of ours who was in the exact same situation was successful..IT WAS TIME! As much as i have been biting my nails so anxious to see what happens next i'm sure i could never understand how it feels for my husband who migrated from Mexico alone when he was only 16 years old. I know that i'll be sad when we are separated during the time between interviews ... but it will all pay off!!!! And i can't wait! We are waiting for our paperwork for the National Visa Center, and according to the Immigration Lawyer the most important part comes next! Wish us Luck!!!!


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