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Posts posted by mkharvey

  1. I am a Canadian citizen engaged to an American citizen. I work for a cruise line and am frequently travelling in and out of the USA and other countries. I spend all of my off-time in the USA at our apartment in florida. I usually do this on a tourist visa. My work visas are C1/D1 which are non-immigrant visas so they are of no help to me.

    We are getting married in April which is about 9 months away, in Florida. Until then I still want to work for the cruise line which means leaving the country from time to time. After we are married I want to find work in the USA. If it turns out there is no way for me to continue this line of work while appyling for what ever visa I apply for, my ideal situation would be to remain in the USA for the duration of my visa journey.

    After reading everything I can find on the internet, I cannot decide if it is better to apply for a visa as a fiancee, or to just wait until we are married (so I can continue to easily come and go from the US as I please) and then apply for a spousal visa in such a way that I can just wait out the process in Florida and then get a job as soon as it's complete.

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