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Status Updates posted by RainbowDucks

  1. Daughter arrived last Saturday on her K2 follow to join visa. SO happy to finally hold her again !

  2. Been a while since I updated, so busy. Received my greencard a week after my son did.

  3. cool, thanks for letting me know tazzie, appreciate it :)

  4. My son received his greencard 13 days after our interview, but I still don't have mine :(

  5. oh btw tazzie, what was your experience with your POE in DFW like? I have a daughter who is follow to join and she'll be flying into dallas in a few months... just wondering about the process there cause she's only 15 and will be flying alone on that direct flight.

  6. omg tazzie, SO excited for you guys!

    I hope everything goes smoothly and there's no more little mistakes by officials that hold it up for you again :)

    Hugs to you both :) Let us know how it all goes :)

  7. Had our AOS interview in San Antonio yesterday for myself and my son. It was pretty quick and easy, and we both got approved and our I-551 stamps in our passports.

    Now starting on my daughters unexpected 'follow to join' application. :)

  8. *hugs* mate, thoughts are with you.

  9. hey d& z, sorry for delay, been flat out with wedding and AOS. In our case, i wasn't working and was renting a house, Gregory had a good job and a house here in the states, so we put that as the reason. Good luck!

  10. Thanks Tazzie! How goes things for you guys? Anything happening yet? :)

  11. Can't believe it! Received our Visa's, passports and sealed envelopes in the mail this morning, only 48 hours after our interview! Sydney Consulate ROCKS!!! :)

  12. Review for Sydney Consulate Interview completed and posted. :)

  13. Interview at Sydney Consulate this morning - approved ! So happy there just aren't enough words to describe it. :)

    Will write my review for Sydney Interview after I've had some sleep!

    I still can't believe it only took 147 days, we have been so incredibly lucky with this process.

    We're both so excited right now. Can't wait to fly out next week and n...

  14. Thanks Moon! I've been waiting 2 weeks now for packet 4, getting a little nervous because I had my medical done early (I know, I should have waited) and I really need to hit US soil by the end of December.

    The waiting is so hard, it really is. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys, I hope it goes as quickly for you as possible.

    *hugs* guys :)


  15. Packet 3 all packed up and ready to post in a few hours. Fingers crossed for a quick interview date and visa. I miss my man :(

  16. OMG, Packet 3 received today already! Excited and freaking out all at the same time! LOL. So much to do!

    It's going so fast now. Looks like I'll definitely be in Texas by Christmas. :)

  17. One step closer now... NVC received and has sent our stuff off to the Sydney Consulate... and now we have our official Case Number. Woot!! So excited and nervous all at the same time. :)

  18. NOA2 approved in 79 days! Can't believe it was so quick! I hope the rest of the process goes as quickly and smoothly. :)

    First hurdle cleared...

    Bring it on! Yay!!!!!!

  19. Finally realised there is nothing we can do if we forgot to include anything. So i've decided to stop worrying about it. Settled in for the (hopefully not too) long wait for our NOA2.

    I love visajourney.com. Not only does it have great, helpful information, it's also comforting to know there are so many others who understand & feel like we do.

  20. So, got the NOA1 today, yay!

    But found out it's been transferred to Vermont, which seems to have a much longer processing time... kinda stressed about that :(

  21. So, the I-129F went off today with the nice FedEx man... now I guess we play the waiting game and see if our nerves can handle it. All i keep thinking is... did we sign everything? Did we include everything? What did we forget?

    Talk about stress, lol. I wonder if it's like this for everyone?

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