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Status Updates posted by AHandSD

  1. Thanks so much, and best wishes to you both.

  2. Hi, seems we are in the same boat, or, at least similar boats!

  3. I've got Gmail. How do I give you my address without broadcasting it here - I plead ignorance!

  4. Yeah, I called. It seems they're not of much help. They say we're in AP but I don't know why we weren't told that, and why they kept the passport and gave us no paper. Confusing to be sure. I am now operating under the assumption that it has something to do with the commonness of his name(s) and it's just going to have to work itself out.

  5. If you want to swap Yahoo IDs or something like that, for the purposes of comiseration or simply needing to vent, I'm online, like, a lot, since I work at this machine also!

  6. Okay...I guess I'll stop whining that we're not able to do that! Five weeks Tuesday for us.

  7. Are you able to track your case on the website? Honestly, I think this is the most gut-wrenching part of the entire process for me!

  8. Well, we were never told we were in AP, we were told "congratulations" and "you are approved" and "we will return your passport as soon as possible" (they kept his passport) and gave him no paper at all - but I guess we're in AP!

  9. Thanks for the add!

  10. Congratulations to you both!

  11. He's coming right after the visa fairy arrives - any day now, we hopeth!

  12. That will teach you for having an opinion!

    We're in IL too btw.

  13. oops...

    ...not alone

  14. Those posts annoy me too. I myself decided to block them after reading your post and the response to it. I agree that we all have access to the news at our fingertips. If one read only these "clips" they would have a very distorted view, as it does not take long to see the bias suggested in the choice of which articles to "enlighten" us with. Just letting you know you're no...

  15. APPROVED!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tru_loves_journey
    3. theunknown



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  16. Hi, to answer your question about how we found out about our interview, he simply received packet 4 via DHL. Sorry for the late response, and, best wishes to you both.

  17. Thanks for your message, but that approval was for the NOA2 in September (also in timeline). We have not gotten a visa approval yet.

  18. I added you as a friend, if you would like; our timelines are similar, and maybe we could be of some support to each other. :)

  19. The medical exam (unopened) gets sent back DHL.

  20. He paid CIB, yes, and no the I-134 doesn't have to be notarized, I just signed it and sent, it says this in the instructions, I believe.

  21. You have to call that number and let it ring and ring and ring...I almost fell asleep, and was shocked when they answered. I wish you the best.

  22. Did you get anything yet?

  23. Reached them through the number on the consulate information page here, the same as this other person posted.

  24. Got it through DHL.

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