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Posts posted by patorioto

  1. The USCIS website says to send the RFE documents in the envelope provided, but they only provided a folded up letter sized envelope and there is no way all of my papers will fit inside as many include translations.

    Will they really mind if I just send it in a mailer? I have to send it from Japan and there's no way I can fit all this in a tiny little envelope.

    Any help greatly appreciated!

  2. Did you save your plane ticket stubs (boarding passes) when you or your fiance went to visit each other? Those can be used as primary evidence. Also you didn't mention what your RFE was for, it could be that the RFE has nothing to do with the need for more primary evidence if you've already submitted some when you applied.

    They specifically requested primary evidence that we met in the past 2 years. My fiance has managed to come up with ticket stubs for a flight we took together here, but of course due to the wonderful ways of Japanese airlines they didn't print the year on the boarding pass. I have her boarding pass from when we went to the US together, but not mine. I also have eticket boarding passes for another flight we took together that actually has the year on it.

    My last resort is a rental car receipt from the same trip that has both our names.. the thing is I have her passport and we can prove she went to America and came back to Japan. I wonder if all of it would be enough...

  3. I received an RFE today, but the problem is that at some point in the last year or so I seemed to have misplaced my passport. I have lived in Japan for almost 3 years now and my fiance and I have traveled back to America together, but I currently have no passport and can't send any copies of my visas.

    Any suggestions for primary evidence for me? I can provide pay slips from work or copies of credit card bills or bank statements, but I have a bad feeling this won't count as primary evidence. Am I completely screwed? :(

    I noticed that my passport was gone last week when I got the email from USCIS that they had sent out an RFE, and have searched daily for it but it looks like it really is gone. I can't believe this horrible timing.

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