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Posts posted by Morgan41185

  1. the marriage act does nothing for his ability to stay. once he quits his job, his work visa status is no longer valid, you would need to petition for him to stay and then complete his immigration process for permanent residency

    I guess I meant, once we get married, and send all the paperwork and fees in...then could he quit the job? Or does the entire process have to be completed first? Thanks.

  2. My boyfriend is here in the U.S., on a work visa...which doesnt expire till Dec. of this year. The company that he is working for is making him travel to different states to work, therefore, him and I cannot physically be together like we had originally thought. My question is...if we get married this summer, would he be able to quit his job, so he could be here with me? Or would this not be legal??

  3. My boyfriend is from England, and I met him last year while he was working here in the US. Now he is back in the states working again, and his work visa runs out in early December. We really love eachother and want to get married while he is here, so we dont have to be apart anymore. My question is, how soon before his work visa runs up, should we get married? We want to make sure that we get all the paperwork filed and approved before his work visa ends. Also, I am confused about what all we have to do exactly after we get married.

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