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Posts posted by ricardoswife

  1. :ot:

    I know this is totally off topic...but does anyone know of any good legal websites? I am looking for a DIY kit or something similar for Washington state...I am finding all sorts of stuff but I want to make sure I get something legit. Any ideas?

    you should check on your county website. It will have the most accurate info on what steps to take for divorce or legal seperation.

  2. Texas Bound....it's sucks and I will be praying for your strength. I know it may not feel like it right now but it really is a blessing the truth came out BEFORE you got married! I know that one day you will be thankful that this revelation didn't come on the 91st day! He obviously isn't very bright and he will definately reap what he is sowing!!! Holla!

  3. Hello Ladies,

    Wow, was it quiet in here today :unsure: Where is everyone? I'm just at work as usual. Same s***, different day :whistle:

    Still hard to believe I'm really preggo :wacko: Am I supposed to feel different? I don't feel anything!

    No not yet....it's still really soon. You may start feeling tired and if you are "oh so lucky" to have morning aka all day sickness...you will "feel" pregnant...trust me! From then on it really gets rolling. Just relax, get as much rest as possible and enjoy your pregnancy! I enjoyed every minute of each of mine!

  4. "It bothered me too about Evans family not participating in the wedding. Thats one of the BIGGEST reasons why we decided to do the wedding there. They are all about weddings and celebrations. I actually have nothing really to do with the whole planning process. Evan is such the little wedding planner"

    I planned NOTHING when we got married in Ja in 2003. Ricardo did everything...down to makming the archway we got married under. It saved me a whole lot of stress. i figured he had all the connections and knew everybody, why not use them. It was stress free

  5. I see someone else has a husband named Ricardo! That's cool

    We don't hear from you for months and that is all you say :no: I don't think so :protest::lol:

    Girl how are you doing? How is the mister and those sweet boys? How is your baby girl doing?

    We have missed you so much! :luv:

    I know I know....I love you all too. i haven't forgotten about you..it's just been a year of changes....big changes. Don't worry Ricardo and I are doing great!!!!! We will be married 4 years in August( man time flies by)We will be moving into our first house on May 1st! The boys are 2 and my little Makayla is 7 months now. I will put a picture when I get the chance. I went back to work FULL TIME in February. So I am crazy busy!!! Having 2, two year odls and a 7 month old is a trip!!! I also work about 1 1/2 away from home and anyone that know L. A. traffic know that's nothing nice. I loved being home but I really needed more of a balance. God really blessed me with a job that I love. I am the executive administrator to education for Junior Achievement of Southern California. It's awesome and I know this is were God wants me. I can even appreciate my kids more because I am not around them 24hrs a day! It's also cool because since we have been use to living off 1 income, now that I am working it's like we won the Lottery!!!! Now that I have adjusted more to the work load i will be able to chat a more.

    ..I've been reading the past couple of days and things have been interesting I see....for good and bad. Not that I'm an expert but I do feel like a a veteran of some sort ( is anyone over 4 years married yet?)...if nothing else I know I've got the most kids by my Jamaican love!!!! If anyone has any questions( I'm being serious now) I will be happy to share our story and my experiences. I will say this, God may not save you from the fire but he will preserve you while in it! And when you come out...You Won't Even Smell Like Smoke! I'm a living witness. Holla!!!!!

  6. Hello All!

    I guess I will add on to the Christmas tree discussion... actually this will be the first year we will even be in the states. For the 3 years we have been married (and even before then) we have always been in jamaica. Last year we went back for his CR-1 interview( wow it's been almost ayear!) Anyway.....back on track...I really want to do it up this year. I want Ricardo and I to take the kids to pick out a tree and cut it down ourselves. Then we can all decorate it. I think we may have a bit of trouble deciding on the color scheme but that's a part of the fun I guess. Makayla is only 2 months so she doesn't have a clue but the boys are almost 2 now and i think they would really get into it!

  7. Hi everyone! Just doing my usual check in. I wanted you all to know that i finally posted some updated pics of the kids on our yahoo site so you all can check them out. The boys are almost 21 months now and Makayla is 7 1/2 weeks old. i took the pics about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Makayla already looks older so I guess i'm gonna have to post some more but this will give you guys and ides. Hope you enjoy! ......Oh and although I may not be around much i do think about you and love you all!!!

  8. Wow Myisha!! 19 months old already -- the boys are almost ready to go to college....how time flys!!

    Congratulations!!! You gotta post pictures....I am sure she is just beautiful.

    How are things going? We sure do miss you around here :blush:

    Things are going well for us. The boys are doing so well and really adjusting to their baby sister...they want to do everything for her. I didn't realize how big they were until I got home with Makayla. Ricardo is doing well and has already been promoted at his job with the county. He even got his class B license and gives me a hard time about just having a class C :P

    I am definately going to get some pics up by the end of the week so I will let you all know. I'm glad to see things rolling around here .

  9. Hello everyone. It's me Myisha doing my quarterly check in( hee hee hee) As some of you heard Ricardo and I had our daughter Makayla Elizabeth on sept. 1st. We are all doing great and it has definately been a worldwind for me dealing with the twins( now 19 months) and anewborn but i really love it. As soon as I can catch my breath i will post some pics on yahoo.

    So how is everyone doing? For you newlyweds...has married life treatng you?

  10. Hey ladies! Just doing my usual "few week" check up. I hope this week is going well for everyone...starting out well for us. Holla

    ...oh and kimone...i would not change my interview date it work out and you don't want them to reschedule for a long time off. I thought that Ricardo and I were going to have to go back to Ja right around the time I was due with the boys but it worked out and it will for you to. Just try to get some rest and definately don't stress about it...what will be will be

  11. Good Morning Everyone! just popping by to say hello. I've been quite busy lately. Anywa...just wanted to say congratulations to all the peopel who are experiencing great sucess as of late. Looks like a lot of pisitve things are happening.

    Just a quick update on us....at of the blue Ricardo got this grat job offer to work for the county where we live! It's very exciting because county jobs are hard to come by and the pay/benifits are great. It's one of those type of jobs you retire from 30 years down the line.....let's see what else.. the boys are great so is baby Makayla( inside)....oh yeah I rememeber telling you about my new van...well the finace department called about a week after that and said the bank wouldn't finance the car because Ricardo was a 1st time buyer and had not been at his job for 2 years...bummer but God is really good because when something doesn't work out there is always something better around the corner...anyway, less than a week later we ended up getting a New Expedition w/ some 22s on it!!!! It is exactly what I wanted and definately is more "my style". It's almost as if getting the van was a test from God for me to see if I would be happy and content. Just goes to show you that you never know what God has in store!!!

  12. Kim what name are you going to give your new fish? Have you gals ever discussed why they have such werid nicknames for people in JA? I think some off them are so silly. I go for Ray Rey for the name :lol::P

    That's a good topic - what are your man's nicknames in Jamaica?? :P Tony (aka: Anthony) has at least 3 that I can think of: Dread, Matterhorn, and Franklin :wacko: Don't ask me how they came up with them. The only one I understand is Dread because he was very bad when he was a kid and always getting in trouble. I guess it's short for dreadful? :whistle: His parents and certain family members call him Franklin. How the heck did they get that out of the name Anthony? :o

    I think we did this question last year sometime in the old thread...who's man's name was "#######"?? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    I know I am really late responding but yes it was my dear sweet Ricardo who has the nickname #######! After all these years it's still funny when people call him that....when we were in Ja and ladies would call him ####### I really wasn't feeling it. I know it has to do with a chicken but my mind goes to one thing when you say that word :lol::lol::lol:

  13. Hello Ladies! It's pretty quiet in here right now. I hope everyone's weeknd was nice. We just got back today from visiting my parents. The boys had a ball.

    Ricardo bought me a new car on saturday! It is a really nice mini van( i thought i would never buy one but ours is really cute!) We needed a new car because we need the 3 rows cuz I can't fit 3 car seats in 1 row! It's so special because this is his first car that he has ever financed and he did it all on his own. It''s all his credit and without a cosigner. FRom here on the skies the limit!

  14. " anyone ever stay at the doctors cave beach hotel?"

    The family and I have it is was cool. Nice place and not that bad of a price. The food at the restraunt was aslo good..besides it's right on the strip/beach so everything is in walking distance

    nope still looking for her. something is fishy about that entire case though

  15. christine James- I already know what Ricardo would say...He is just obviously one of "those guys" He is use to doing whatever he wants and getting away with it. The fact that he can have is new girl in Ja and still call you on the phone talkin bout sex is just a boost to his ego. If you are going to talk to him he is going to continue to call and push further and further.....and why are all his girlfriends from the US? That just seems like a red flag to me....just my two cents too

  16. "-After I give birth, we can't have sex for a year or the baby will grow retarded "

    "No sex for a year I heard all the other ones, but never that one. I hope Rohan doesnt beleieve that"

    Ricardo DEFINATELY hasn't said that one...we did even last the 6 weeks (like you are suppose to) last time...tee.hee...hee

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