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Jerry R

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Posts posted by Jerry R

  1. Good afternoon, I have a question for anyone who has been through the K-2 AOS. I filed my K-1 AOS and the K-2 AOS together and filled out all of the forms for each AOS, I copied the K-1 I-485 and attatched it with the K-2 paper work and sent in two separate checks, both for $1,070.00.

    Today I receided my I797C notice for the K-1 and it was accepted. I also receided a I-797C for the K-2 and the form said the fee was not correct for the I-765 for the K-2. I called the NCSC and asked why they sent back my check and only the I-765 and said the fee was incorrect. All the NCSC could say was the fee for the I-765 was the wrong fee and they could not tell me why the rest of the paperwork was not sent back and no help with what to do other than send another check for the I-765 with the correct fee.

    Can anyone give me some advice how to procede? I am afraid if I send the correct fee for the I-765 the AOS processing will not complete because of the wrong fee.

    Thanks for any help!

  2. Good evening everyone! My fiance has her interview in China on the 12th of July. Up to this point every thing has been OK, slow but OK. I have an attorney in China helping her get ready for the interview. I just found out that the attornery has told her if asked about belonging to the CCP she should say NO. Well I know that is not entirely true. Yes she did stop paying dues in April of this year. The attorney told her because she stopped paying dues she can answer the question NO. I do not feel very good about this and now she does not know what to do and she is very nervous about her interview. Any ideas? Thank you for your help. I only hope that some day I will be able to help some one else!

  3. Hello every one! I have been reading the forums for weeks now and I really want to say how much help these have been. The waiting with out reading about other couples experience would be almost unbearable. Now for my question: My fiance works for the government and is a CCP member. We are waiting for a interview date. Is being a CCP member an automatic blue slip? Thanks in advance for your answers.

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