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Posts posted by jnjune30

  1. Thanks for asnwering!! And no i have never commited a crime :innocent: . I did that criminal record in Toluca, back in 2004 i required that for my J1 VISA. so criminal record will not be necessary, I WILL CHECK IF JUST TO BE ON SAFE GROUND IF I WIL PAY FOR ANOTHER CRIIMINAL RECORD.




  2. My fiancee was stuborn enough to not pay atention to what i said, and follow a friends advise that :bonk: supposly went to the same process, he married a mexican girl, and send the petition for the k1, with out paying, of course they denied because he did not pay, i asked him why he did that.., and he told me that once we apply with the fee and all things we need to send for the petition to get the packet for the K1 , the office will put special atention to our case,and i will be faster...., i just said that is just BULL...and not true.., anyways we are going to send the petition at the end of AUGUST.

    My question about the POLICE RECORD, I DON'T KNOW WHERE I SHOULD do that, does any one knows that? i know is different in every country i have once pay for a criminal record, is it the same?

    Now i live in the US WITH A J1 visa, for one year, do i have to do a POLICE RECORD OVER THERE 2?

    2nd: even though i am from MEXICO CITY and i have an embassy pretty close, will they make me go for the enterview to CIUDAD JUAREZ?

    Thanks for reading it!


  3. Home sick is so so so normal, i am not there yet, although i already live in THE US in seattle for 1 year, so i know a lil about what you mean..,and believe or not you see those difference that you all mention since you visit for few days the differences between your country and the US, even though i love my soon to be in laws, and extended family of my fiancee, i could not help to think how much i will miss my family, my house, my kitchen, the simple smell of my house. And yes is hard not be able to live and keep our jobs in our countries and you know this situation to be backwards, our fiancees to live family, friends and work to move in to our countries, of course there is always the thing tha they already have a pretty good job in the US, in it would be a mess to start from 0. But i am glad that your husband supports you and that he listens to your pain and that he is willing to move to Canada, once you guys have the opportunity. But just like other people say here you are not alone on this journey, most of us are already there, or like me soon to be there living in strange place, in my situation, different language, so very different weather, i am from Mexico City and my soon to be husband is from MADISON WISCONSIN, and its a townnnnnnnn1!! :crying: and i am such a city person, i don't know how i am going to handle that.

    Good luck!!


  4. I am very sorry that you had to know such a bad person on your life, but seems like you have a good heart, don´t worry about her anymore, actually she deserves to be deported, and it will be better, at least there will be no other us guy that will have to deal, and sufer what you had to. God will send you a lot of blessings, cse i know even know you don´t wish her bad things for her.., let her go and ask for profesional help, you are not alone this, you have all of us and most importantly your self.

    we will pray for you


  5. Money subjects, it does not matter where are you from can be a little stressing and some how yo can have certainly have arguments with your SO when it happens.

    Just like every one saying, you really need to talk to your gf, if was on the same position first you need to cool down, and talk to her with your head cold, not angry because if you are upset, you will have a discussion for sure, what i do is to negotiate with my fiance. I think you both know that you are from different cultures, besides that you guys are use to different things, knowing that you both need to make user you are in the same pad here, first yes helping families is ok , of course ...., but her family needs to know too that cannot force you to give them money, and that does not matter if you are rich or not, if you decide to help them is because you decided as a couple to do so. Like i once told my fiance, we are not going to take our food from our table, or not paying better school from our own children , just to help your brother or sister, or parents, why because they are grown ups and the can provide for them selves, if we have the money , if we agree on it then yes we are going to help them, but always with the knowledge from both sides, that is because you want to not because they are telling you to do it.

    It does not matter if you are from Philippines or if you Mexican, like me , when you married some one you also getting married with the extended family, either you like or not that´s the way it is. But both families Philippine family and US family needs to be open to changes, and to things they are not use to, because their son, or their daughter are getting married with someone from another country.If it becomes on TAKE OR LEAVE IT, then i don´t think you should get married at all!!



  6. As far as i Know and i asked the same thing, because i have only 6 months of relations ship with my fiance, and we are planning to get married on June 30 2012, by then we will have one year and 5 months of knowing of relation ship, that is counting since the day we met in person, if i count since we started dating it would be ,1 year and six months. And they told me that it does not matter, i could filed in for the K1, but i am a newbie on this things actually we are going to send the petition on the first days of this July. I am not so sure, they told here that it does not matter but well i will know for sure when i send the petition.

    Good luck!!

    blessing to all!!


  7. And well yes it will depends on every couples definition or concept about flirting, for me flirting with or with no intention, like in a casual conversation with someone that you know. Like this (this happen to me):

    ** I had enough of the ROYAL WEDDING, i don´t care if royalty gets married, we don´t have in MEXICO so what should i care, besides i would get married much easier if don´t pay anything for my wedding**


    moments later the conversation , we were on facebook , he opened a private window and he said**

    **if some one give to me money to get married, would you marry me?**

    **a reply *you have to be kidding me, you will get marry to someone if they pay it and it will be for free?**

    **and he reply ,**not to someone, i will marry you**

    for me this is flirting, even though i tried to dismissed it and not give it that much attention he did not give up, i mean the conversation turn a really uncomfortable, actually i had to wrote down repeatedly that i was going to get married next year on June 30.

  8. mmm Flirting, with or with no intention is not correct, is like not giving you SO loved one the place that he/she deserve every moment of the day, i can bet my life that if i guy knows that his significant other do that at work or at bar, or what ever, with no intention, he wont be so pleased about it. So my question is why flirting with a co-worker or with a friend or with a girl you knew ( by the way it does not matter it you do it online, is the same), when YOU ¨SUPPOSED¨ to be in love of some one else? i just don´t get it, for me is flirting=cheating.


  9. It is so nice to read the love stories that every one has.., sometimes our friends area little hard with us, saying that is to fast to know that you want to get married to person you just have seeing 3 times. If they only knew that there is a lot of couples now a days that met online and then everything goes from there. I met Justin online while we were cancelling our accounts on speedate.com hahhahahahah lame i know!! never used until i met him, while we were figuring out how to cancel the account, data base from the website match each other and we both had an open window. We never say hello like after 3 minutes, Justin was reading my profile and found out that my favorite movie is Sleepless in Seattle, and he was watching that while he was working at his house. Anyways we spend more than 5 hours talking, we ask each others cell phones, i sent him the first text message that day...after that from NOVEMBER 18 2010 to December 19 we decided to start dating and give us a chance to meet, we decided to meet in July this year , but we have change of plans and we met on Denver he invited me to his cousin wedding. So we met for the first time on January 13th 2011 in presence of his mom, sister, grandma, uncle an pets (it was really embarrassing) at the second day he bought promess rings for us, and we decided that we wanted to get married and that we wanted to wait one year an half to do so. I flew back to Mexico , he flew back to Wisconsin, i invited him to come to Mexico and meet my family and also i invited him to my cousin wedding. He came to Mexico 8th March 2011, and on march 10th he gave me my engagement ring and ask my parents for my hand.

    Is as easy as that to know that you really love this person, just like some one else here said, it feels like you were waiting for that special person. You just know from inside to the outside that this is the ¨one¨ :dance:.

    i love him for the man he is, and the man he wants to be.



  10. Yes, you can pay fee in USD.

    Question , once you have to do the medical stuff, is this takes places on where? in Mexico on a hospital, or they give or you have to travel to the border to do so? or they give you several hospitals where you can do that? also where do i do the police certificate o what ever is call?

    Blessings to all


  11. Lindo ver a gente escribiendo en español. Yo tambien soy nueva, y por lo visto no soy la única que empieza con temor el proceso de la K1 , que buena idea tuvo el que hizo este web site, en realidad si ayudan mucho a que te calmes y tengas la informacion correcta en tu proceso.

    Un resumen de mi y de mi prometido, nos conocimos en internet, hahahaha si asi es otros mas que caimos en la gran red. El es de Wisconsin nació en Philadelphia y creció en Wisconsin. Yo soy de la ciudad de México. Nos conocimos en la red en el año pasado en noviembre 18, decidimos conocernos en persona en enero 13, me invito a la boda de su primo en Denver Colorado. Una vez que nos conocimos todo fue tan sencillo, todo fue natural..., nos compramos oh bueno he dedir el compro argollas de promesa, y decidimos que si podiamos aguantar 2 meses sin vernos, nos comprometeriamos, finalmente JUSTIN (novio) vino el 8 de marzo a la boda de mi primo ahhahaha si puras bodas, en fin me dio mi anillo el 13 de marzo, se quedo un semana. Y ahora yo voy a ir a verlo a Wisconsin en Junio 23.

    Supuestamente ya habia mandado el la formato para que nos dieran los formularios del K1, pero segun c no pago nada, y no mandamos nada que evidencie nuestra relacion, ni fotos, ni carta como dice en la guía, asi que yo creo que le van a regresar eso que mando que es nada mas y nada menos que la I-29F , en fin eso tendremos que hacer cuando lo visite.

    Saluditos a todos desde Mexico

    Muchas bendiciones y mucha suerte en su proceso.


  12. Hahahaha a :bonk: i am calm now, ok i read the guide like 3 times already and i am not that scare anymore, sounds complicated but i think it just sounds but the process is not that hard. SO THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN is to filled in again, good that about the 2 years, hahahaha sounded a little silly , but well i need to ask just to make sure i am mot doing something wrong. Good thing that i am going to visit my fiance on June i think it will be better if we sit down and read the guide lines together and once we have all the forms we need for I-29F then we send it again.I guess we should wait until the office send back the petition , fill in the petition again.

    Thanks to all for sharing and helping us!

    Blessing to you all


  13. Thanks a lot to every one that reply to my message.

    I think we some how messed up on the PETITION for the I-29 or what ever name it is...Because we did not make a letter, just like a read on the guide here, or gather evidence about our relation ship, that we do have them ,lots an lots of txt messages and phone conversation , facebook, we do have plenty of photos,but no letter afraid, hahahaha, i don´t know if that petition he send will be good for us, i mean obviously they are going to rejected , but i am wondering if this is going to be bad on our process of getting the approval for K1? i want to think that the worse that can happen is that we will have to do the petition again and fill in the letters and all that stuff. You guys Mexico do yo recommend to get married by the law on the US, or do you think it will be faster for us if we get married by the law on MEXICO and then asked for the K1?

    Thanks again for the advices

    Blessings to you all!!


  14. :unsure:I think that my fiance and i sort of mess up with that form we fill in the from I-29 or what ever the name it is, because we did not fill in any letters, he just send that form Texas offices, he did not tell me that he had it to pay something, and i can be really sure that he did not pay anything. Does any one know if we did not fill it the correct stuff if this petition will reach the Texas office, is this some how can affect us on getting the K1 ? Because i did not make any letter, he did not make any letter. :help: i am about to cry , and i don´t even start the process yet hahahaha ok i guess i have to calm down first. Also he wants to fill in the form after we have a religious ceremony next year and then send it, that´s on JUNE 30 2012, because we have not reach 2 year relation ship that HOMELAND SECURITY WANTS US TO HAVE. Do i have to wait until i have 2 years of relationship with him. Would you recommend to be marry by the law first in Mexico an then apply for the K1? i am so confused!!!


  15. Hello!

    Hope things are better for you, reading all the post seems like there no update from you, hope that you are ok. As everyone already said. The firs thing will be to go the Authorities and tell them what are you feeling, if you already did, either you go with a male friend to let him out of your house, it will be better with police officers. Change the locks of your house right away. You don´t have to worry about him anymore, is not your problem that he does not know any one in the US and he has no place to stay, that is only his fault, he should it think about that. Let´s be honest every one that is here that is marrying some one that is not from our own countries, in some point we think what if we don´t make it. I MEAN I LOVE MY FIANCE WITH ALL MY HEART, but like we said in Mexico (nadie tiene la vida comprada) meaning no one has our life already purchased, we don´t know what can happen, if you don´t get a long, if your husband is going to died, then what... you end up in a country with no blood family around, with babies, and no job.So he is a grown man he is not a child, and your a not his mother, the first sign that he doesn´t love you for real, is from the first moment he is hiding to his family about your marriage, that for me is not giving your place as WIFE , as the one he loves at the eyes of others. Its really easy to say do this do that, but seems like you are smart, don´t get your good heart to stop you to make a decision on this kind of things, dont let your husband to step over you, that is not acceptable. Believe me you will meet the right one, he is not for you.

    My prayers are with you.


  16. Hey there to all!!

    I am from Mexico, my soon to be husband and i have some concerns, that maybe you guys know something about it. My fiance is a born US citizen, he live is Wisconsin, i live in Mexico, i have always have tourist visa, never been denied one, thanks god!! And i we want to know if i am able to visit him in Wisconsin this June, We just send the first form to Texas to received the package with the forms to apply for the K1 at the end of this summer ¨supposedly at the end of this summer¨ and i bought already my plane tickets for visiting him and we did not stop to think that if we fill in this form, i will have problems going in the us with my tourist visa, by any chance any one knows if it will be better for me to canceled this trip and not go? I just don´t want to do something that could be wrong for us, with out knowing, because when we fill on the form there was no notes , saying after you apply if alien has a tourist visa, he*/she wont be able to use it. Any one of you know please let us know.

    Blessing to all!


  17. Hi there!! i am from Mexico city and my soon to be husband it´s a us born citizen. We are wondering the same thing we are trying to check if i am able to visit him in Wisconsin this june, we fill the form to get the k1 forms, (supposed to be arriving in the summer, or at the end of this summer), we did not stop to think when we fill the form if i was going to have problems entering to the US after we fill the form. I am lil scare, because lets be honest some migration officers can be a little racist sometimes, and well i just don´t want to be stop on migration for 16 hours or what ever trying to explained that i have a job, family and life and my intentions are not bad. If we know anything about this, we will let you know. Lets not panic, cse if we do this process will be so unpleasant.

    Best wishes for you guys! :thumbs:

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