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Status Updates posted by miss191209

  1. hey how are u..im sorry to write u like this..but ive read some of ur interventions here and i think that u know a lot of stuff regarding visas..

    so here is the story..my brother met an american girl3 months ago..and she went to morocco and they hang out a bit and decided to get married..they did get married and now she is back to the us and wants to file for a green card for him...but we ...

  2. well everything is okay with me , how about u my friend?

  3. and we hardly found our way to the highway, and then we went to lake geneva...thanks

  4. thank u so much for defending me and feeling my real pain...i really appreciate it...

    wish u good luck on ur journey

    btw, i live in chicago and we went last week to wisconsin dells, it was much fun, even thou it was cloudy and sometimes raining, but we had fun, we also went to madison by the lake, and we got lost cuz they were havin some racing and some roads were closed, and we...

  5. thank u for ur comment

    hope the same for u

  6. having q wonderful time with hubby

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ambermarie


      thank you ! WE wish you the Best here in the US!! ..:)

    3. ambermarie


      thank you ! WE wish you the Best here in the US!! ..:)

    4. anum


      Wow! wonderful have a great time dear!

      I am still waiting for my interview date.....thanks for checking out with me...do keep in touch

  7. is in chicago with my hubby life cant get any better

    1. Silverberry1331


      Hi Miss. I am so glad that you are here. I am praying for good outcomes for you. I know that this time is challenging being away from family and adjusting to a new place. America is truly a wonderful place as is Morocco. I hope we can meet someday since we are so close by. I'll bring the chubeckkia and you bring the masmmin :)

  8. tomorrow inchallah

  9. oh i see, but its just a matter of time, no more stress hein?

    im flying in two days to be with my husband :) so sxcited

  10. did ur wife pick her visa?when is she coming?

  11. hey how is it going?

  12. visa picked today , finally this nightmare is over...72 hours more to go to be in my husbands arms "sigh"

    1. Aya820



    2. huki makio

      huki makio

      CONGRATULATIONS :) best of luck for the new life :)

    3. miss191209


      thank u guys so much for ur support and wishes

  13. Visa to be picked today and poe Chicago thé 26th august

  14. well i coming to chicago, but i'll be visiting, colorado very often to visit my brother, and sometimes florida to see my aunts and uncle and cousins,

  15. well thats a good news, congrats, well i went there and gave them the paper needed and im waiting for their call, cuz my husband sent me an otehr copy with his friend who came on monday

  16. did ur wife ha dher inetrview?

  17. congraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats on her visa, so happy for u guys

  18. hours goes by so slow, feels like an eternity

  19. so mad, 9 business days for packet to be here!!!!!thought i was done with waiting :cry:

    1. EAbbas


      hang in there.. its easy to overcome a missing document :) good luck!!!!

    2. adam2507


      dont be too mad, 9 days of Ramadan in morocco is better than here, sooner you will be by your husband

    3. miss191209


      thank u Eabbas and adam, true, i guess ramadan in here is better than there...thank ufor ur support

  20. waiting for my husband to send me the missing I864A to take it to embassy, hope it goes well, i cant wait to be with my lov

  21. interview ok==> but i have a missing paper==> I864A for the joint sponsor...im so mad at NVC why didnt they tell us it was missing!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. julie85


      I sorry to hear - do you have to go there again? Or do you just need to fax it to them. I hope they figuring it out soon!

    3. miss191209


      Julie85 : yes i do,i have to give them the papers needed and then wait for my visa to be issued,i cant fax to them , they need the original signature, so i have to wait for my husband to send to me through ups and then take it..

    4. miss191209


      Adam : they did approve it, but its just documentation they need,..she didnt ask for anything of what u said, i offered her to show her my pic, she smiled and said no there is no need.

  22. interview in a couple of hours....

    1. huki makio

      huki makio

      waiting for ur result :)

    2. Aya820


      Good Luck!

    3. dsamyra3


      My prayers are with you both. best of luck. :)

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