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Status Updates posted by DC&Kiki

  1. PS: bankkonto hani na ide schwiiz, aber han au eis ide staate gmacht... und du muesch di abmelde wenn'd schwiz verlahsch. Chasch nid warte bis dini greencard hesch. Grüessli

  2. De pensionskasse würi au mal alüte, det hani mini abmeldg au gschickt. Het nachli en batze geh, halt je nach dem wiä alt dass'd bisch =) ja das wärs eich... wenn'd wiiteri frage hesch denn nur melde, ich schrieb snögschtmal schneller zrugg ;-)

  3. ... und meldisch di ab uf ds Datum wo'd usreiisch. Bi mir hets gheisse en monet bevor abflügsch. Evtl muesch ebe na dini stüre zahle aber seb rechnets der eich schnell uus am stüramt. het bi mir nur en tag brucht. Und sus ebe all di restliche chündigunge (natel/krankekasse) IMMER mitere Kopie vode Abmeldig wod vode gmeind überchunsch schriftlich mitschicke. Bide Pen...

  4. Hey sorry dassi mi erscht etz meld, aber sisch mir chli undergange sorry =/ Aber krankekasse hani mi müesse abmelde welli nüm länger ide schwiiz agmolde bin. Han dene e schriftlichi chündigung müesse schicke mit de Abmeldig wo du vode Gmeind überchunsch. Die chunsch erscht über wenn all dini Stüre zahlt hesch. (inkl vom 2012). Am gschidste gahsch mal bidi...

  5. Hi, do you speak swiss german because it will be easier to explain what to do. =)

  6. Wow thats some good news!!! =) I wish you all the best for you both!! =)

  7. Congrats to you guys!!! I wish you all the best with your future wife =)

  8. Hey Sweety, did you make it to the US by time???

  9. Good Luck for your interview!! I updated the consulate review =)

  10. Good Luck for you tomorrow!! =)

  11. I know right, I was like all this stress for just this small little thing in my passport smh =) but it was worth it tho =).. I booked my flight an I'm leaving on Nov 28th!!! YEY!! Can't wait tho... I keep havin my fingers crossed for your interview but you'll be good for sure =)

  12. I got it today =)))


  14. APPROOOOOOOOVED!!!!!!! =D I'll send you a private message later, I have to celebrate first!!! =D

  15. No, not yet =( but I'll try to call the embassy today tho to see if they received my Package 3. I wanna know my Interview date soo bad... =(

  16. No, not yet =( I'll call the embassy today tho to see if they got my Package 3. I just hope I'll get my interview date real soon...

  17. Wooooop Wooooop Yey!! =) I'm waiting on my interview date now too. I wish you so much luck already, fingers crossed =)

  18. I hope so too, but I only have to send the checklist back to the embassy, and all the papers I gather I have to bring to the interview, so I probably won't get an RFE yet...

  19. I'm sending my Package 3 today... I hope we get our interview date soon tho. Let me know when you have your interview

  20. Wow, that is a long time tho. Hope you'll have your visa in your passport very soon!! Keep me posted about how the interview was =) You will probably have it before me.

  21. It was super good! We enjoyed every second together. But it was hard to leave him back again =/ The plan is to be back there beginning of December. When are you planning on going there?

  22. Oh ok my fault I probably missunderstood something sorry. But that's good. Hope we soon there (=

  23. I mean did your fiance had his medical exam already? lol

  24. Hi, delay on my package 3 too )= I also have to wait for some paperwork of my Fiance. ugh. But at least I have my medical exam on monday. Oh I thought you were from Australia =) But I hope we'll have our visa soon tho... it is about the time. Did you have your medical exam already?

  25. Hi yeah I'm glad I got it, they post it but I'm still in the States visiting. So I'll send it back next week right after I get back. Hopefully you'll get yours soon too!! =)

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