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Posts posted by Sabrinaandmatt

  1. Called DOS again this morning and got a really friendly lady that told me she could see that our case went from *In Processing* to *Approved* and we should be hearing from the consulate (in her words) "Really really soon!!" smile.gif..... I was hoping for a *it's been printed*.... but I'm happy to have some sign of forward movement!!!!!yes.gif

    *fingers crossed* that they will be pushing to get as many visas out before the holiday next week!!!!

    Hi from Utah everyone!

    S and P, approved status is pretty much printed, this is what the lady told me and by that evening I had the DHL email. Can't believe its taken them this long for yours!

    My poe at port huron was super smooth! Got to the boarder around 2pm, honestly waited longer in line going over the bridge and getting to the booth than the actual processing of the visa in the.building. had a trailer full of stuff and they never even wanted me to open it, truck imported with no problems. Travelled 3900 kms in less than 48 hrs.

    Only crappy part was Matt and I.had Sunday together then he had to head six hours away for work for ten days. He will be back Wednesday. We are going to get our marriage license Thursday and getting married Friday. So excited to see him in five days and get married on Canada day. Hehehe pretty great choice of date on my part I have to say!

    Good luck to everyone who still have their interviews to do, are waiting on their passports or about to POE

  2. has anyone who has interviewed in the last few weeks gotten their passports back in the 3-5 business day window? or is around 2 weeks the norm right now? we're debating whether or not we should try and book a plane ticket and HOPE i get the passport back on time :P

    Mine was the 25th. Took 3 weeks. I'd say give yourself 3-4 weeks after ur interview to play it safe

  3. Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll try again tomorrow, and hopefully I wont get her again. I think I might just keep hanging up until i get that nice guy again!!

    neoalissa pocheros & SabrinaandMatt, Im SURE thats the same person! She never says her name, I can barely hear her, and she just sounds soooo annoyed. AUGJ!

    Sabrina, YAY!! I am so excited for you that you got your visa! Congrats! Which state are you driving to!?

    A long 40 Hrs to Northern Utah... At least now i can do the drive with Matt, I can drive my truck well enough, but a 12 foot trailer.. not too sure that woulds worked too well. Thank goodness hes in construction and the Uhaul trailer size is a joke for him to drive. Not just for the POE, kinda worried about the process, going to import my Dodge Ram, and i have a doggie along for the ride also. Hope everything runs smoothly at Port Huron Friday Morning :)

  4. Thanks all! For everyone getting interviews here on out i hope that it doesnt take 3 weeks for you guys!! Seriously.. this process that i was told by a lawyer would take 5-6 mths.. 7 max took a long 11 months!

    But its all over.. don't think ill be completely calm until i pass the boarder!

  5. Finally got my DHL Email! Talk about pushing it to the last minute, was going to have to cancel Matts flight here for our drive tomorrow AM.. but i got my waybill.. this is crazy, didnt know an email could make you this excited.

    Also, DOS this morning told me my visa wasnt even necessarily printed, so everyone, ive conculded DOS doesnt know anything thats going on with our cases.. Just wait to the trusty email around 7PM :)

    I was chatting with Matt on facebook about how it looked like he wasnt going to be flying here.. then all of a sudden i told him OMG i just got the email. He thought i was messin with him.. hehe

  6. Ahh there is someone out there looking out for me!! Just got an email

    Dear SABRINA CANTAFIO, Your passport has been picked up from the Consular Section and within the next few days you will be able to pick it up at: DHL Dorval HOLD FOR PICKUP1805 Chemin St Francois

    Tried to track the Waybill number but guess it hasnt been scanned yet.

    Not to mention this morning DOS told me it wasnt even printed yet.. so dont believe DOS ever.. just keep checking for an email around 7PM :)

    No need to cancel my American Fiances air ticket, and i wont need to drive 40 hrs alone.. :)

  7. So I called DOS again today, and I'm pretty sure the lady I talked to was the same unhelpful lady I talked to a week or two ago. AND SHE HUNG UP ON ME! She told me my case was still in AP, and I was like "ok" and I explained to her that the guy I talked to last week (who was sooooo nice!) said if I didnt have anything by this week to call back and they could contact the consulate for me to see what was going on" and she was like "no, it hasnt even been a month, you need to wait" and I was like "No, it's been over a month" and she said "well it could take 3-6 months so you just need to wait" and then tried to tell me that Montreal is fast and efficient and never has problems or complaints. WHAT!? I (not rude or anything, Im actually meek/timid and thats something Im working on!) started to ask about what the guy last week had said again, and she interrupted me and said This Call is over, goodbye!

    AHHHH!! I hate DOS! Why do they have some awesome agents and some horrible ones?! This lady was so rude! WAHHH! I want my visa! Should I try calling back to see if I can speak to someone else? Do they know how many times Ive called, does it say in my file? haha.

    Should I try calling the consulate in Montreal directly?

    Ahhh.. I think i know exactly who you are talking about.. Think i've got her 2 out of the 4 times ive called DOS. Called again, asking if there was any progress or info that my passport was going to be sent. She said its issued why are you calling, im said id like to know if there is a waybill, she said call DHL.. Duh DHL needs the waybill to find the info.. She says well what did they tell you at your interview.. (Does that even have any relevance to what i was asking her, no) Then she says well does DHL have you address, if it being delivered to your house (Dont they have our chosen DHL locations in our files) Urgh... she was soooooooooooo frustrating. She didnt hang up on me, but i pretty much just ended to convo at that before i flipped out!

  8. sad.gif sorry to hear you visa isn't on it's way to you yet!!! it's really messed up on how you can't seem to trust what your told when calling DOS...seems to change with each person you get on the phone!mad.gif

    So frustrating, yet someone from our group on the 25th got there's last week. I'm really happy for eveyone who is getting them. But in really wanted Matt to fly in Thursday and drive with me. Looks like if it doesn't get here he is away for work for two weeks, and I've way over stayed my welcome living at my parent since February. So looks like I'll be towing the trailer. Watch out all the states that I'll be drivin through. Lol

  9. So.... I called DOS today to see if there was a waybill or any change in my file since my visa was apparently printed last Wednesday. However the woman today said, I don't know who told you it was printed, she said the status was approved on the 8th. Which I gather is a step ahead or AP. She said they normally print thevday of or soon after the file is approved. So confusing seeing as my interview was may 25th, you'd think approved would mean from the Interview

    Anyone else ever experience this?

  10. Well, it's Monday so ti e to pump up this thread. As many of you know with my frequent frustrating posts. My k1 was printed last Wednesday....interview was the 25th, Praying that it's in today dhl shipment.

    Supposed to pick up haul trailer Wednesday, fiancé flying in Thursday. Leave Friday.

  11. I had my interview on june 2nd in montreal for a CR-1 visa and was told that my package was ok and was given the "welcome to USA" letter. It has been 10 days and I am still waiting for my visa. I called DOS and was told that my status was pending?? Has anyone who interviewed around this date received their visa?

    Mine was the 25th... Still waiting. It'll be three weeks Wednesday. Getting so fed up, just when you think it's finally over. More waiting

  12. thanks - but did you mail in any of this evidence when your fiance sent in the k-1 visa petition?

    Yes we sent in a few photos as well as the airline info with the petition. When i went for the interview and saw my file in front of the lady i saw all the flight info in the back of the file. So i gather since they already have it they dont really want further copies.

    Even for the 156, 156K, all those other forms you need to sent to the consulate after receiving packet 3.. they say to bring a couple copies of each to the interview.. but they only made my sign the original ones i had sent to them the pervious month

  13. When we are providing proof that we have met within the past 2 years do we provide photocopies or originals...we have boarding passes, pictures, letters to each other with envelopes, receipts of packages sent, letters from family....please let me know what the best practice is

    Copies or original are fine. But from what ALL Canadians on here say, as well as my experience at Montreal COnsulate for my K1. They don't ask for ANY support, good to have if they do, but they don't.

    My whole interview entailed one question, how did you meet?

    The evidence i had was photocopies of e-tickets, 8 pics, last few months of Bell Telephone bills that showed our number going back and forth a few times a day

  14. I keep saying that we're done trying to reschedule... and then I keep checking. The most we could move it up now would be a week or so, but that week or so would really help... I just need to block the website from my computer or something, it's getting unhealthy LOL.

    Hehe, that's me right now. Bouncing between Hotmail, Visa site, Visa Journey and DHL.COm, still waiting on my Visa which was completed Wednesday... still not sent out i guess :(

  15. I just sent it to Chrysler to get the letter for my ram. I sent my noa2 the top half where is says approved. As well as the top half of my packet 4 letter. Seemed to work fine. I got the letter in two days via fax as I had requested. And by 10 days by mail

  16. They said they do pick them up daily.

    Awesome! Thanks, here's to hoping mine will be in the next bunch. I need it by Tuesday latest, if not Ill need to change my fiances one way ticket since it's a 48hr min change time,,,,

    You must be sooo happy, they've put you through way to much waiting

  17. I got the email around 6:50 PM last night. It was first scanned at 6:43 PM.

    When I talked to DHL earlier this week, the operator told me the visas are picked up during the day and on the road to the DHL branch by 7 or 8 PM that same day. Mine transited through Dorval and has now reached its destination. CSC website has also update to show the waybill.

    I hope you gets yours quickly!

    Guess mine wasn't it that bunch. But urs was done on Monday, mine Wednesday. Did DHL tell u ifnthey pick up every day from mtl?

  18. Just got an email from dhl with the waybill # !

    Right now tracking shows it is in a processing facility in montreal. I guess we'll expect it tomorrow or monday.

    Hopefully a bunch of you just got emails as well :)

    oooo my! Im so excited for you, and seeing as my Visa was done yesterday i hope that mine went out of Montreal along with yours today. Hope i get an email soon, ill be checking every few minutes :)

    Just got an email from dhl with the waybill # !

    Right now tracking shows it is in a processing facility in montreal. I guess we'll expect it tomorrow or monday.

    Hopefully a bunch of you just got emails as well :)

    Did they ever update it and show your waybill on the DOS website?

  19. I recieved an email june 6 (monday)and it says may visa was sent late last week.Till now no waybill number yet.

    Wherever it was sent, it had to be there now. I would go to the branch you signed up at. DHL would take a max of two days to get from Dorval to anywhere within this side of Canada

  20. Well what a surprise! The Consulate just responded to my email from last Thursday and says they are sending it out today via DHL to her local DHL office. So that would be 13 business since the interview and 8 business days since they printed it. Good luck!

    Did the Visa arrive for her? Or is there a waybill number online?

  21. actually I just called, the operator I got was really nice and he said that the last two people he talked to that had similar cases were issued and he hoped to keep the streak alive laughing.gif...

    but unfortunately for us he said that our case was still being processed.....sad.gif...... so yeah... I'm guessing now that when they said it wasn't going to be issued until the 20th, they meant it

    Sounds like you may have got the same guy as i just did. He was really nice. I actually emailed the consulate last week, explaining how i had a flight booked and trailer rented since i thought it be received in a week or so. Told them i know its my problem that i booked all those things but that i really didnt want to pay all the fees to cancel and change. I wonder if my email arrived at someone who felt bad, i hope so, shows some people at the consulate care :)

  22. *fingers crossed for you*smile.gif please keep us posted!!

    I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high....blink.gif but I'm still hoping they issue my fiance's before the 20th!!

    Have you tried calling DOS to see, since it seems that two of us one here with interviews the 25th did get issued this week.

  23. Just called DOS, Looks like it took exactly two weeks (my interview was the 25th of May) for ym Visa to be issued. My Visa was issued yesterday, hopefully Montreal will get their butts in gear and send out our passports DHL soon!! Maybe i won't need to change all my plans :)

    Not sure if it made a difference, but i email the consulate early last week explaining i had a one way flight for my fiance coming next week, as well as a trailer booked. That i was told it would only take a week or so to get it. I didnt blame them at all, actually told them i know i shouldnt have planned anything but that i would hate to have to pay all the change fees.. Wonder if my email happened to have ended up with a compatiante person :)

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