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Posts posted by Allegra+Hadrien

  1. They recognize certified copies in France so that will not be a problem. For one of the documents that Hadrien did not want to send (because he only had one), we photocopied it for the packet and told them we would bring the original to the Consulate.

    They did NOT check the NOA 1 and 2 for us. You just have to bring your convocation and they check in their system to see if you have already paid or not. Have it just in case?

    For the pay stubs, I photocopied all of my dad's papers (no originals) so don't worry about that being original.

    Bring as many things as you can (even photocopied) to be prepared. Since you are the one going to the interview, they will check out more all of your documents and proof that you are in a bona-fide relationship. They also ask you if you have lived in other countries.

    They are really nice over there so do not stress out, with VJ I was MORE than prepared than some other people having their interview.

    Get there EARLY..lol.

    OMG GOOD LUCK!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU. When is your interview?

  2. POE was EASY. Hadrien said they took his papers and entered them in their system (I was waiting outside the room). They asked him what date he got married then they stamped his passport with CR1 visa expires Dec 20th, 2013. We almost missed our flight to LA because we did the POE on our lay-over in Houston, but luckily we're here and happy. Hadrien is adjusting. He is waiting patiently for his green card/social security number. I feel so bad leaving him at home alone, but he is decorating and cleaning and HOPEFULLY trying to find a job.

  3. Allegra! Congratulations again! What a riot I had reading your interview, GH is the same way- dates are lost on him :) How great is the feeling of walking out of that embassy together knowing they get to come back home with you and that it will be their home too? All the best to you both in 2012!

    You know why I had to personally attend then. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: (although I have no clue why I forgot which year I graduated in as well).

    The feeling is wonderful! We did it, girl!!!!

    I hope you guys have wonderful holidays. I am looking forward to hearing about your POE soon. :dance:

    Congratulations to both!Happy New Year and Happy New Life!!!

    Thank you! I wish you the best in your journey :thumbs:

    Happy New Year!

  4. Allegra I am so excited for you both. I cannot imagine what a relief it is to know you both will be coming to USA. That is the best way to start off the New Year. I pray that God Blesses you and your lives together and all your dreams come true. You have been a great friend on this forum and you deserve the best in life for your help to others. Hopefully next year I am coming to LA california with my husband and I will try and look you guys up and maybe hang out one night. But, if not I know for sure I will see you back on VJ within 2 years for removal of condition time!!

    God Bless you both and Happy New Years!!!!

    Thanks, my friend! I am waiting until I hear good news from you too. It's coming soon; you must be so excited. Let's keep in touch and please let me know when you are in town, I would love to hang out.

    Have the best of New Years!

    Big hugs and lots of luck for your interview!

    Congratulations!!! toutes mes felicitations! et bonne vie à deux!!!

    Merci, Rujby!

    Bon courage a toi!!!

  5. I'm happy it went well, except for the 4 hours wait... :wacko:

    I was so excited on the 21st that I kept checking VJ all afternoon to see if you posted any news :lol:

    Birth certificate with mention of the wedding on it : checked I have that already! And I'll take the biggest Chronopost enveloppe I can find, when our turn comes...

    You must be so relieved it's all over! I can't wait for our day to come...

    What you say about people having lived in other places being grilled scares the hell out of me though. I lived in Turkey for 5 years! I hope it doesn't make things even more complicated... cause it has nothing to do with it.

    HAHAH sorry Laure to have taken so long to post the review!! I wouldn't worry because the vice-consul is young, nice, and she listened intently to every answer provided.

    The difficult cases that were there were married before, and one had citizenship through a previous marriage...it was a different story than yours, so don't worry too much.

    I just hope you can get a hold of that certificate though, it will be one less headache for you. All in all... EASY. Bring something to read though :rofl:

    I will keep up with your progress! Best of luck with everything. Bises.

  6. Hadrien and I were approved on December 21st. :dance: :dance: :dance:

    With all of the holiday parties and work I had, I am a little late sharing the news and expressing my gratitude.

    Words cannot describe how much this forum has meant to me. I complained, panicked, learned new things all of the time, met some incredible people, people with unbelievable stories... it was nice going into this process knowing that you are not alone. Thank you for the support and the shoulder to cry on, it means the world to me, I will remember you all.

    A big shout-out to Saylin who not only has helped the NVC stagers tremendously but is also such a nice and patient person and to TogetherForever, my good friend, doing wonders with all of the Egypt filers. And to Nickky just because he's my May-filer twin. You go guys. :thumbs:

    Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!

    Here is how our interview experience went down:

    Hadrien's appointment time was at 1 pm on Dec 21st, 2011. We checked the information on the embassy portal and it told us that we did not need to arrive earlier than 30 minutes before, so we arrived at 10 to 1.

    After going through security, we took a number, bought a Chronoposte enveloppe from the vending machine and took passport pictures from the photo booth. ***WARNING*** the embassy's Chonoposte vending machine only carries 500g enveloppes ~ according to the amount of paperwork you included it is safer to buy a 1kg or 2kg envelope before the interview.

    Hadrien and I waited about 30 minutes before our number was called to one of the windows. An older woman checked our appointment letter and made sure we paid the fees.

    We sat back down and waited for our number to be called again. Unluckily for us, because we arrived late and there were 2 couples and 2 families before us, we waited FOUR hours before being called again. Three of the four couples had complicated cases and took about 1h-1h30 each for the paper checking.. I didn't catch all of the details but both were multi-cultural and had lived other places (whether or not they had children, did not make a difference) and were defending their cases more adamently than the rest of us.

    The other visa case was a young couple interviewing for their K-1 visa and they got approved in NO time.

    Anyways......after FOUR hours.. we FINALLY get called to window 11. At this point EVERYONE left the consulate. lol. A really nice woman was apologizing profusely for making us wait so long. She told us that most of the cases were difficult that day and that they usually don't end this late. She looked through our file and already had everything photocopied because I sent those in as with the originals.

    The only thing she wanted was Hadrien's birth certificate that has our marriage date written on it and thank goodness I told Hadrien to order new ones right before the interview!

    She was talking to us like our file was already accepted and asked us when we wanted to leave (we told her the 31st).

    The only problem we had was that we bought a 500g enveloppe from the vending machine and were worried about it not being big enough for all of our documents. We asked if it was possible to bring another one the next day and she said to come bring it to her directly and she would mail it out right away.

    After checking all of our documents we were asked to sit back down. The vice-consul called us up to window 14 about 5 minutes later for Hadrien's interview. Because I accompanied Hadrien to the interview, she made me come up and answer questions too. I'll re-enact the dialogue for you, Hadrien and I messed up the questions quite a few times but thank god it was alright in the end:

    Vice-Consul : - Where and how did you meet?

    Hadrien: - At the Opera 7 years ago. Allegra was a student in Paris and we were both working as ushers there and were friends. A year later we started "hanging out." And have been together 6 years now.

    Allegra: - HANGING OUT??? you mean Going out.

    Hadrien: - Yes, sorry. lol. Tomorrow will be 8 months exactly since our civil ceremony.

    Allegra: - Not tomorrow!!!!!!!! You mean TODAY!!!!

    Vice-Consul to Allegra: -When did you move back to the States?

    Allegra: 1 year and a half ago.

    Vice-Consul: When did you finish school?

    Allegra: -I don't remember.. I think it was 2010

    ****It was 2009*****

    Vice-Consul starts reviewing the papers and tries to trick us: - I see here you were married in "March".

    Allegra and Hadrien: -NOOOOOO we were married in APRIL!!!

    Vice-Consul: -So you got married in the United States?

    Allegra: -We had a civil marriage in the States in April, but had a religious ceremony in Paris over the summer.

    Vice-Consul: - Is the Co-Sponsor your father?

    Allegra: - Yes.

    Vice-Consul smiles: -OK, I think I am going to approve you.

    Hadrien and Allegra are staring blank faced at her.

    Vice-Consul: - Guys you HAVE YOUR VISA!!!!!!

    Hadrien and Allegra after a long delayed reaction: - YAYAYAYAYAYAY, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    Then we walked around Paris, went to the Opera House, said good-bye, had bottles upon bottles of champagne, started packing up our French lives and, on the 31st of December, off to bigger and better things.


    The next day we brought the 1kg Chronoposte envelope- the woman held her promise we received our visa the very next day (23rd).

    Lesson: don't listen to the embassy page telling you to arrive no earlier than 30 minutes before, you WILL wait forever.

  7. On behalf of "My Fellow December Interviewees" thread's community :D I would like to wish Allegra (and since I'm her twin :lol: as well ) good luck on tomorrow's interview :thumbs: ! We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, Allegra!

    P.S. Still, please, make sure guys, you go to the consulate first :rofl: and the rest - is afterwards :lol: .

    Good luck :thumbs: !

    Thank you visa twin! One thing that is good, is that I am back in Paris, so now, if we can only make to the the Embassy, we'll be going places. :rofl:

    I am not nervous at all since Hadrien's going to be doing all of the question answering. Going to sit back and watch :pop:

    I will keep you guys posted. :dance:

    My wife had her interview on Dec 16th and she passed! :thumbs:

    She is flying to the US tomorrow on Dec 21st. Her first flight longer than a few minutes. :yes:

    I am very worried :unsure: about her 20 hour international flight with a stop in Hong Kong, but she is brave and smart, so she should do fine.

    The last step of the long arduous journey! :whistle:

    Good luck to those still waiting to hear some good news!

    Congrats HarryWho!!!! :thumbs: Have a happily ever after today :yes:

  8. CONGRATS JP&BP! So happy for you guys. The thread you created is definitely bringing us all good vibes.

    JON&Cess- happy that you visa is on it's way. How exciting this all is.

    Utopia2004 - December 1st, 2011 (London) :thumbs:

    MrsP2010 - December 2nd, 2011 (London) :thumbs:

    Nickky - December 8th, 2011 (Montreal) :thumbs:

    Jon&Cess - December 9th, 2011 (Manila) :thumbs:

    Cipollina - December 12th, 2011 (Armenia)

    JP&BP - December 13th, 2011 (Stockholm) :thumbs:

    Allegra&Hadrien - December 21st, 2011 (Paris)

    nica_chica - December 28th, 2011 (Nicaragua)

    I arrived in Paris yesterday. It is so good to see my husband - it has been 4.5 months. GAH what a relief this waiting thing is almost over.

    He's taking me skiing today, so we will be back 2 days before the interview. And I am less worried now that you are all getting approved ;)

    I'll keep you posted on the 21st. Hugs to all.

  9. Hey guys, the day has come! I am off to Paris to see my husband! :dance: :dance: Haven't seen him since August. I told everyone here that I am not coming back without him, so let's just hope the interview goes well, or I probably won't have jobs to come home to :rofl:

    Since I'll be in the plane all day tomorrow, someone needs to take over and give JP&BP a big thumbs up on the list if they passed their interview.

    Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dancing:

  10. Utopia2004 - December 1st, 2011 (London) :thumbs:

    MrsP2010 - December 2nd, 2011 (London) :thumbs:

    Nickky - December 8th, 2011 (Montreal) :thumbs:

    Jon&Cess - December 9th, 2011 (Manila) :thumbs:

    Cipollina - December 12th, 2011 (Armenia)

    JP&BP - December 13th, 2011 (Stockholm)

    Allegra&Hadrien - December 21st, 2011 (Paris)

    nica_chica - December 28th, 2011 (Nicaragua)

    WELCOME CHICA! Are you ready or what?!?!?

    Cipollina, if you're reading this, how did the interview go? Give us news!!!!

    JP & BP - ONE MORE DAY :dancing:

  11. Utopia2004 - December 1st, 2011 (London) :thumbs:

    MrsP2010 - December 2nd, 2011 (London) :thumbs:

    Nickky - December 8th, 2011 (Montreal) :thumbs:

    Jon&Cess - December 9th, 2011 (Manila) :thumbs:

    Cipollina - December 12th, 2011 (Armenia)

    JP&BP - December 13th, 2011 (Stockholm)

    Allegra&Hadrien - December 21st, 2011 (Paris)

    So far so good. If anyone else having their December interview is reading this forum, let me know and will add you to the list. (Cipollina I added you!).

    jon&cess: Congratulations, that was clearly an approval and you're going to be home soon - how perfect is that!?

    nickky: SOOOO happy for you too - well done!

    A+H: Deep breaths. They're not looking to catch you out, they just want to finalize everything in the paperwork, it's not a test - it's tying up loose ends, just remember how much you love each other and know your paperwork inside out, you'll be fine.

    Me? Well, my visa turned up in the post on Friday and I booked my flights today. This time next week I'll be in the arms of my soul mate for the first time for the rest of forever. My mind is so peaceful right now!

    Thanks girl, I know that the minute I see him, I will forget about the interview. HA.

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