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About zapatosfeos

  • Birthday 08/03/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Miami, FL

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met when we were 5 years old, but we fell in love as teenagers. We had an on and off relationship for about 15 years, both of us having gone through a marriage and a divorce with other people. In all these years though we stayed in contact, we supported each other, I've always considered him my best friend. When we were young he would laugh at me when I told him that, then one day, as an adult he told me he finally understands why I call him my best friend, and he says I am his best friend as well. We drive each other nuts, we know each other at our best and at our worst. Together we have laughed and cried and have gone through so many experiences. I cant imagine my life without him at this point --> just dont tell him, cause he will get a big head, lol...just kidding !
    Pretty soon he will have his interview and I guess he has 5 minutes to prove and demonstrate a lifetime of what we mean to each other. I am confident things will go well and he will be here so we can start our own family...Finally !!!

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  1. Medical exam tomorrow !!! squeeeeeeeee, lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zapatosfeos


      HI :) He went to the interview on Tuesday, he got there at 8:30 and was done by about 1pm. He had about 3 of the vaccines they asked for, so he only had to do 3 more vaccines. He says everyone was very nice and the doctor asked him a bunch of personal questions. He told me he paid about 500 soles and has to be back in a week to pick up results.

    3. zapatosfeos


      Oh by the way, he needs to take his passport to the medical. We didnt realize this, but luckily my fiance had taken it just in case.

    4. zapatosfeos


      Oh by the way, he needs to take his passport to the medical. We didnt realize this, but luckily my fiance had taken it just in case.

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