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Status Replies posted by Jack&Ana

  1. AOS APPROVEDDDD!!! Yay!! Glad that's over with...

    1. Jack&Ana


      Congratulations!!! How's the pregnancy going?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hello friends. Sorry for the long disappearance but it was with the only intention of not jinxing anything

    1. Jack&Ana


      My timeline will be updated shortly.

  3. Visa is pending one document... I hope it doesn't take to long to get here.

    1. Jack&Ana


      My Police records of when I was living abroad. The procedure is fairly simple, I wish I knew before the interview how to do it.

      The CO at the Embassy was very kind and helpful. She told me EXACTLY where and how I could request the document. Now, a little more waiting to do and hopefully it'll be done soon.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Visa is pending one document... I hope it doesn't take to long to get here.

    1. Jack&Ana


      we're waiting for a document and then we're good to go... Still no visa in hand.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. And the interview date is official: March 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Jack&Ana


      OMG!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Let me know how your trip to Colombia was :) Hugs!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  6. i wish i could say everything is fine but this long wait is badly, badly, badly affecting our relationship and we are already considering withdrawing the petition by the end of the month. i just want to thank all of my vj friends for the support.

    1. Jack&Ana


      I have the slight suspicion that we all get to *that* point. Hanging on to each other no matter what is really hard after so long and the distance. HANG IN THERE!!! I hope we'll all look back on this and recognize that it made the relationship stronger.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  7. it's official....Colombia bound on Wednesday. :D Can't wait to see my love!

  8. happy happy!! We got an interview date!! Jack is getting his tickets! Yeepee!!!

    1. Jack&Ana


      thank you so much!! It feels like we're back on track after all that waiting :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. We got our local case number today!!! Filling forms was never this much fun!! We're thrilled and sense that the most grueling part of this process is over :)

    1. Jack&Ana


      I was wrong *sighs*

  10. OVERWHELMED! (Breathe Ro, Breathe)

  11. happy 197th day noa1 :D

    1. Jack&Ana


      OMG!! WTH?? Have you tried to contact somebody? It's over the 5 month limit now. I'm crossing my fingers for you two!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. NOA 2 dated November 28th... I wish it was Jack writing this, he's much more eloquent than I am... Now, we're pulling for the NVC to hurry and send our documentation to Bogota. I can't begin to describe how happy we are.

    1. Jack&Ana


      I hope it does! I'm so excited today I can barely stand still :) btw, our SO live pretty near by. Jack is an hour away from Seattle.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. 6 days since RFE response review, hope we will get the NOA2 on Thanksgiving.

    1. Jack&Ana


      ... and there you go!! I'm so happy for you guys! I guess the longest part is over.

      Round 2: get packages 3 and 4 ready :)

      Congratulations to you three!

  14. We got our hardcopy for the RFE. They want us to send again the Letter of Intent, we figured someone lost it over there. Jack called the CSC to see what was wrong with our original statements and what he told me was: "I was livid! I felt back in the army!". Anyway... this weekend my letter will be in his hands.

    1. Jack&Ana


      He did!! Yesterday... snail mail is just that :P Now, waiting for a response.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. We got our hardcopy for the RFE. They want us to send again the Letter of Intent, we figured someone lost it over there. Jack called the CSC to see what was wrong with our original statements and what he told me was: "I was livid! I felt back in the army!". Anyway... this weekend my letter will be in his hands.

    1. Jack&Ana


      We are solving it right now... both our birthdays got a bit in the way of general research. The CSC was of no help whatsoever.

      Anyway, that's that and I'll be sending the letter by tomorrow evening and it'll take another month for the process to unfreeze.

      *sighs* yay for savings though. Not quitting my job anytime soon. :P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Booked our wedding venue and ordered some little details for the wedding....all I am missing is MY LOVE! 394 days until our wedding!! :D

    1. Jack&Ana


      OMG!!! you are a planner indeed!! I want juicy details :)


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. This week WE WILL be APPROVED!

    1. Jack&Ana


      jeje, indeed! Hang in there, you'll get your approval very soon:)

      It's a relief to get the RFE in a way, at least I'm not checking the USCIS site 20 times a day :P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. RFE :(

    1. Jack&Ana


      Thank you!! I think the worst part of my flip out is over. Although Jack keeps telling me that there won't be anything they can ask of that we don't have.

      The main thing is the time... a bit stressful to be waiting on a deadline to start your life with your huney, isn't it?

      And you're right, it's a good thing to know for sure that your papers were already seen, scanned and studied. At least someone has them and they are waiting for our reply.<...

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  19. RFE :(

    1. Jack&Ana


      jaja, all my family and friends are saying the exact same thing. As the 5 months were soon to be up I was checking compulsively the USCIS site (a bit of fake-OCD too called impatience) and when I told everybody at work they were really supportive, when I just wanted to burst into tears.

      I just came back from a visit and already planning for the next one :) One day at the time right? Now, hardcopy, hurry TFU!! :P

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  20. RFE :(

    1. Jack&Ana


      Good luck indeed!! I bet it's something silly like more passport pictures or plane ticket stubs :)

      I just want them to hurry!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  21. We got an RFE, :( we have to wait till next week to get the hardcopy. Even then, I thank God that our papers was touched.

    1. Jack&Ana


      NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I was a bit nervous about getting one, but after stewing on it for half a day I can finally hear what Jack, family and friends have been telling me.

      They touched the case, there is someone reviewing it and we send whatever it is they need then it'll be touched again.

      *relief sigh*

      Anyway, we will all "patiently" wait for the letter to come and then get cracking. :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. RFE :(

    1. Jack&Ana


      I hope you're right! For now I'm just kicking myself not taking any more screen shots of webcam conversations or reminding him to do the same.

      Until we get the actual letter we won't know for sure. Thank God we saved other stuff!!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  23. RFE :(

    1. Jack&Ana


      thank you! Jack has been talking me down for the past half an hour :(

      You're both right though, at least they're on our case.


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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