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Posts posted by Jayceeya

  1. Hi,

    My Brazilian girlfriend and I have been dating for quite some time and would like her to visit me here in the U.S. We have travelled to several countries in Europe and South America, but were not able to obtain a tourist visa to come here to the States.

    My girlfriend dated a guy several years ago and they were married in Brasil. They began the process for the K-3 visa for her to come to the USA. However, within a week after getting married, she found out that he had been lying about his "situation" back home in the US and immediately broke up with him. Consequently, when the consulate sent her some follow- up paperwork in order to complete the K-3 process, she ignored it. She being ignorant to the US visa process, ignored the repeated attempts by the consulate to contact her.

    Over the last year, she has tried twice to obtain the B2 visa. During the first interview, the consular officer brought out a pink piece of paper and wrote something down. I believe she was writing down some sort of deficiency that would allow her to get the visa as soon as she fixes the problem. But, then she quickly through the paper away and handed her the generic denial form stating that she does not have enough ties to return back home. Mind you, on both visits, the consular officer did not look at any of her paperwork that we spent hours putting together. They just looked at the computer screen and made their decision.

    My question is do you believe she has been put on a permanent denial list because she did not follow through with the K-3 process without at least canceling it? Could there be another reason that would predispose my girlfriend to denial without evaluating her full package?

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