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Posts posted by essbee

  1. Thanks guys, appreciate the clarity.

    (and of course i meant to type infopass not path...)

    One last question, and apologies if I seem obtuse, but i just want to be clear - can I request an infopass appointment to file an AP based on emergency medical grounds, before I have submitted or am waiting on the AOS NOA1?

    Unfortunately since I posted my first post below, my dad (who lives in BC, Canada) has suffered a heart attack and today was told he needs to be flown to Vancouver for a triple bypass. I only ask the question above, as we're waiting for our certified marriage certificates to be sent back, then i need to submit the 485 and then wait for the NOA to be issued. That could take a week plus, and I'd rather get moving quicker if possible, as I want/need to see him before the op.

    As if i didnt have enough to worry about.... :(

  2. Thanks both.

    Yes, I had considered an INFOPATH appointment, I just wondered if a wedding would be a good enough reason, as it seems from documents, they try to limit the award to emergent or urgent/emergency reasons. My guess would be it isnt :(

    I suppose I can call the local office on Monday morning and ask the question (and I'd even be happy to pay the I-131 fee just to get it in time, as opposed to the "free" submission with an I-485).

    Interesting that I dont need to give a reason when submitting if I decide to co-file. I agree with Harpa though, that a submission wouldn't get approved in time.

    Guess my options are limited, as unsurprisingly, its not really practical to have to start over again...

    Thanks again


  3. Hi

    Quick question for you knowledgable VJ'rs :)

    I am about to submit my I-485 and wantg to co-file the I-131. What are acceptable reasons that others have used in their applications?

    I need to go to Canada next month for my friends wedding, is this likely to be accepted?

    Also, do you have to be in actual posession of the card before you travel, as I've read on a USCIS document somewhere that no biometric is required for an AP application (it is for refugee or re-entry), and I can travel as long as the application has been submitted and is being processed.

    Thanks in advance :thumbs:


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