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Posts posted by Happydude

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask my questions, but I figure it's not gonna hurt so I'd like to start my posting here to give it a shot.

    I got married with my US-citizen spouse in the summer of 2007, and got my permanent residency card upon the removal of conditions by the end of last year. This green card is good for 10 years, and I expect that I should be able to apply for naturalization in a few years.

    The problem is I just got a very good job offer to work in the embassy in the U.S. for the counrty I was originally from. The offer along with excellent benefits including tax exemption is too good to pass. But by taking the job, I am afraid that the tax exemption status is going to draw a lot of problems. Not to mention I'm not sure if dual cizenship is acceptable for either side of governments(though permanent residency is not legally considered citizenship yet). Even though I am not certain how anyone is going to find out, I don't want any trouble. Therefore, I am thinking about giving up my green card.

    However, by giving up my current green card I am wondering if I can still apply for naturalization directly after a few years when my contract with this job is up. Or do I need to start all over again though by then I'll be with my spouse for more than 7-10 years and we have kids? What are the conditions for anyone to apply for naturalization directly if he/she can prove to have been remaining happily in a truthful marriage? I am afraid the record of me ever giving up the green card will cause difficulties for me to apply for naturalization (or any other status if I have to start over) though by then I will be in the marriage long enough. What should I do to avoid it? I would very much appreciate any good advice here. Thanks.

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