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Posts posted by Cheffheid

  1. Have you already sent in things like:

    • Joint car insurance policy
    • Renter's insurance if that's in both of your names
    • 401K documents showing you are each other's beneficiary
    • Any legal documents e.g. wills

    Not sure what you mean by that it would "also apply to the joint tax return transcripts", our transcripts show both our names and SSN.

    Good luck!

    Car insurance, got that and was planning to include it. Thanks!

    No renter's insurance or 401k though. Financially, things are a little complicated right now. One could say I'm being underpaid - which means flying anywhere has been out of the question (hell, constantly getting hit with things makes saving in general a bit difficult). We've included photos of a road trip to North Carolina though, but there's no official paperwork in that.

    And what I meant by that is that they didn't say the tax return transcripts are okay. Or specifically that they're bad like they did with the bank statement and health insurance proof. Just lumped in with the utility bills for the "one name only" statement and so it implies that they're bad too. Even though both names and SSNs are on it. Hence my confusion. But maybe I'm thinking into it too much. :)

    As far as the health insurance goes, we signed up when ACA became a thing and have been on it together from the moment we signed up. No coverage prior to that. I can try and get a statement from the insurance company but I'm not sure if there's any benefit to that. It's one of those things that's easily faked too, I think.

  2. So after waiting a long time we finally received a letter in the mail. Unfortunately, it was a notice requesting more evidence.

    They specifically highlighted the joint account statement (only sent one, which apparently was silly) and a printout of the health insurance showing an active policy, main policy holder, and beneficiaries (which didn't show it was active or paid for according to them, but so be it I guess).

    What confused me is that for the others we got a blanket "The other documents all appear to be in one name only". I can get that for the utility bills, since those are only issued in one name and I've added multiple to show joint residency (cable is in my name, electricity in hers).

    Where the confusion comes in is that this would then also apply to the joint tax return transcripts (2012 and 2013), and family photos.

    Besides sending in the insurance billing history and an up to date health insurance policy dashboard printout (FLBlue only shows this stuff online, their member cards don't list beneficiaries names, or dates), apartment rental agreement (admittedly, was dumb to forget this one), and flooding them with more bank statements, is there anything else we can send in or do?

    NB: We have no loans, no credit cards, no mortgage, no car lease, and no children.

    Thanks a lot!

  3. yes thank you! I saw some similar timelines here in VJ,5 similar timeline that has been filed their papers on Miami,Fl which where I filed mine too....and at the same month and until now they are still waiting...so it's somehow gave me a relief that it was just normal... :thumbs:

    And you may even need to wait longer. I've filed in May and my application was transferred in June and I haven't heard since. I'm in Florida as well, but had to do my biometrics in Tampa. Even though Orlando is closer, oh well. :)

  4. Well, my worries are put at rest. Just got a call from the consulate, which basically comes down to "I simply decided to schedule, because there doesn't seem to be anything strange about your application and we don't really schedule around the Christmas season, so I just went ahead and scheduled a bunch of them".

    She also let me know that the I-134 doesn't really have the same kind of evidence burden, and it's mainly to show that you can be supported during the time you are in the US for the wedding.

  5. What I understand(or so it says in the first set of instructions, but it may differ per country I suppose), is that:

    "After the form has been returned to this office, you will be scheduled for a medical examination and a visa interview at the earliest possible date."

    So guess you don't really get to pick. :<

  6. As per instructions, I had completed and returned the forms stated in the first part immediately(2x DS156, DS156K unsigned, DS230 Part I and a photocopy of my passport bio page). I had not, however, included the stub for the third part that specifically states "You will not be scheduled for an appointment until you return this form". Since I am still waiting for some stuff from my fiancée, I had not done so just yet.

    However, today I received some rather confusing envelopes. The first envelope included pretty much these instructions again(But in colour, awwwriiite!), which didn't really surprise me. What did surprise me were the contents of the second envelope: A letter stating my interview was scheduled on November 7 and instructions for the medical examination and photographs.

    I have already e-mailed the Amsterdam consulate(Got home too late to call, unfortunately), but I can't help but worry a bit. Is this kind of thing normal? >.>

  7. Hello all,

    First post and all that, apologies for jumping straight in :).

    Anyway, me and my fiancée are currently in the process of preparing the I-129F package and looking ahead a little at the other things we need and so we're looking over the I-134 Affidavit of Support.

    Now my question about this form is the following:

    There is a sentence on there, near the top, that's like "I am xx years of age and have resided in the United State since xx/xx/xxxx"

    Now my fiancée, who will be the one sponsoring me, was born in Puerto Rico and came to the "mainland US" when she was 8 years old. And so we're both wondering what date to put there, the day she was born or the day she actually moved to Florida.

    I'm hoping someone is able to answer this question, thanks in advance for everyone's time :).

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