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Status Updates posted by little_g

  1. To answer your question Jingo, Life with Jock is great! On the 6th of Sept it was a month since our wedding! Seems so weird to say that after alllll that waiting. Hope you and your SO are enjoying your time together too :)

  2. Back together again for good!!! THANK YOU VJ!

    1. Susan&Daniel
    2. uklover


      Congrats!!!! How wonderful it must be!

    3. BryaNadiya


      We're so happy for you both!!! Congratulations!!!

  3. 1 week from today Jock flies back over to stay, can't wait!!

    1. DiZZyLoX


      really happy for you!

    2. la2011


      Just came across one of Jock's posts in a forum I was commenting on, and yes, he is direct and to the point but also, right on the money! Good luck to you both in your new life together and wishing you a super smooth and easy POE!

  4. Congrats on starting your Visa Journey, good luck with everything and feel free to ask questions! :)

  5. Hi there, Yes we are on a very close timeline! I did put our date down which is August, 6th. I see you guys actually got your Packet 3 in the post. My fiance never did so thank go we just kept calling the DOS until we had a case number. Did you put your wedding date down and if so what is it? Hope we both get our interviews soon!!!

  6. Thank you and good luck with interview!

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