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Posts posted by randj

  1. Yes. Sh*t happens...even at St. Lukes. The culture could have been contaminated, or even lost.

    If it turns out that she needs treatment, be glad that it was caught and cured. Her health is more important than anything else.

    Hang in there. Believe me, it's worth it. :yes:

    Best wishes! :star:

    Well its confirmed positive. :unsure: We are going to start the long road of treatment. One other question. Of all the stories i have read about this no one ever mentions the USC getting a TB test? I will get one just to make sure but has any one else had themselves checked? Thanks again for everyones help! :thumbs:

  2. +1...Derrick... :thumbs:

    Either she is positive for TB, or St. Lukes needs some more sputum. I hope it's the latter.

    Best wishes. :star:

    We are preparing ourselves for her being positive for TB but have you really heard of them "needing more sputum"? i realize i am reaching here but you guys know how hard this all is. Regardless we will keep fighting for this! Thanks for your feedback! :thumbs:

  3. Ok she had her sputum test August 17th,18th, and 19th. At that time they told her to call on October 18th for her results. They called her today and want her to return to St. Lukes on Sept. 14th. Of course they wont say why. So what does everyone think? Does this mean she is positive and they want to start treatment? As anyone heard of this and it didnt mean they were positve? Please share any experiances or ideas good or bad. Thanks!

  4. Just got our Case number!!! :dance: i had called and e-mailed just like everyone else on here. Still don't know whats up with the delay but my NOA2 was on June 22nd and i just got it! It really seems likes its going day by day. The 22nd today, 23rd tomorrow, and so on. Hope you guys get them soon!! Best wishes and in the words of my Pinay Lady "Now its time to Rock and Roll" :rofl:

  5. Im assuming you are waiting for you case number from NVC? If so, the best thing you can do is to call them everyday. Ours took 11 business days. When you have your case number, it'll take like 2 days to a week for your case to arrive in Manila.

    So in between those times, you can now pay for your visa application and can even take your medical exam. Goodluck! :)

    Curious? My understanding is that you had to schedule your interview before you could take your medical? I know all you need is a copy of your NOA2 and case number for medical but, you dont have to have the interview scheduled first?

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