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Status Updates posted by mugumogu

  1. A year since our interview and approval!

  2. Our petition was approved a year ago today! Wow, seems like a long time ago...

  3. Sent the petition a year ago today.

  4. Green card received!

    1. TheFantastics09


      Congratulations!! :)

  5. Welcome letter received

  6. Had the AOS interview today. Green card approved! No more USCIS for a while!

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Congrats!!! :) :) :)

    2. monyfer


      That is great. We are still waiting for ours! Stuck at CSC... Oh well, at least my hubs is working so that is the most important.

  7. $3000.00? No way. Not unless you plan on staying for the summer or something.

  8. We spent about $180.00 for the medical and the rest was just hotel and food expenses while we were there.

  9. ASC appointment done!

  10. Received Social Security card :)

  11. Might be a little more now.

  12. Glad you liked my review! While I was waiting for my fiancee (now wife) while she was at her appointments, all I could think about was, "I should get a picture/video of this or that for Visa Journey". It was something for me to do. In September when we had our interview, the exchange rate was a little better than it is now. I think we paid about $192.00. Might be a little m...

  13. AOS package sent!

  14. PS - I didn't find Juarez to be as bad as they make it out to be in the news.

  15. Our interview was September 22 and my fiancee (now wife) was approved that day. They said the visa would arrive within 5 days, but the DHL Waybill number didn't even show up until October 4th. Most people that interviewed when we did had the visa within 3 days. I was worried, but some people told me it just takes a little longer sometimes and it did for us.

  16. Together at last!

  17. Thanks! Good luck with yours too!

  18. No problem. I'm happy to help! Good luck with your journey.

  19. We're doing pretty much the same thing except instead of a courthouse, we're going to nearby Lake Tahoe and getting married at a chapel. Then we're planning a formal wedding in Mexico in May :)

  20. You know it's true! And it's the weird stories that would keep me up worrying.

  21. When are you getting married?

  22. Yes, well it was scary not having it. Good luck with yours too. I'm sure we'll corss paths here and there as we continue on with AOS. In the meantime, it's time to get married!

  23. After my rant on Visa Journey (and a lot of praying), we got our DHL number today.

  24. Sí, lo hice un montón de búsqueda de nuestra situación acerca de cómo podría afectar a la cancelación de nosotros conseguir el K-1, pero estamos bien ahora. Buena suerte con tu viaje!

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