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Nemata Musa

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Status Updates posted by Nemata Musa

  1. When hard times, difficulties, or rainy days appear, do you give them all your attention? If you are like most of us, you probably do. Nothing is ever as it seems. What looks bad today, can be a blessing tomorrow. Keep the faith and never give up.

  2. God will never give you the wrong person. So when someone is not staying with you, it's God trying to save you. So let them go,and wait on God match for you. Happy Tuesday everyone

  3. Been 6 months, still waiting for GC approval or interview date..I hope you all having a great and smooth visa journey.

    1. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      at least you're that far along. i'm still trying to get my future hubby to land in the US :) good luck!

    2. Nemata Musa

      Nemata Musa

      hang in there,he will soon be with you...

  4. welome to VJ,wish you all the best!

  5. Welcome to VJ..Wish you all the best

  6. Once they see you doing better without them,that's when they want you back. God always send along great partner the moment you get rid of the bad/wrong ones.

    1. Olomi_811


      hahaha...TRUE! You have to let go and hold to what's real!

  7. Never be intimidated by your challenges. No matter how tough they are, they will bow to your destiny.This 2012,i want you all to BELIEVE IT! (in your mind) RECEIVE IT! (in your heart) ACHIEVE IT! (in your life).

  8. God uses adversity to bring out potential you may not have even known you had. Stay faithful to him in all circumstances.

  9. Awwww my honey is finally home!!! Best birthday present..Happy birthday to me

    1. Ben and Jill

      Ben and Jill

      Best birthday present ever. Enjoy your beautiful life together!

    2. Nemata Musa

      Nemata Musa

      thanks Ben and Jill

  10. My birthday on the 12th and my babe coming on the 11th...I can't wait to see him..Best birthday present ever!.Inshallah it shall be well

    1. stronger


      That's fabulous! :)



      Congrats!!!! Happy Birthday! Mine is the 11th

    3. Nemata Musa

      Nemata Musa

      awwwww thanks, happy belated LAgoslove,i hope you had a great time.

  11. Whatever life gives you, even if it hurts, just be strong and act like you’re okay. Strong walls shake, but never collapse. Be Strong, Have faith and never give up.



      this was right on time.. thanks :)

    2. Akaitay
  12. Make every day Thanksgiving Day! Be thankful for your caring spirit, loving heart, strength of mind and your gifts of will power and determination! Be thankful for another day to share your most valuable gift and that is showing others you love them more than yourself! Do it every day and DO IT BIG!

  13. God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons we could not learn in any other way. The way we learn those lessons is not to deny the feelings but to find the meanings underlying them.

  14. damm flight tickets are not cheap

  15. Thank you all so much!!! My Fiance got approved!!!!God is good and he do answer prayers

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nemata Musa

      Nemata Musa

      I'm on cloud 20 right now..Just waiting for the day i will pick him up from the airport...Thanks you all so much

    3. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      congrats and your are sooo right he does answer prayers:)

    4. patient2010
  16. My fiance interview in 2hrs 30minutes..Oh lord help him..

  17. My fiance interview is on Wednesday November 9th..I'm so nervous,i can't wait for this day to come,and hear the word approve!..I so need him around for my birthday(dec 12th)..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nemata Musa

      Nemata Musa

      I sure will..thanks you all so much!!...yeah he can't afford to miss my birthday..



      God Bless you my sister and brother. With your positive attitude and love.. it is well



      God Bless you my sister and brother. With your positive attitude and love.. it is well

  18. I believe in the sun even if it isn't shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent. Happy New Month everyone...

  19. Don't accept defeat, even when the situation seems hopeless. Try again, it might work out - something good that will change You forever!. I learnt that what we have tried before and failed at, sometimes, it is the right solution to our problem



      You know, sometimes God allows us to have trials just to prove to the devil that you have enough FAITH to overcome and move that mountain. All we have to do is COMMAND that mountain to move and it has to MOVE.. so let's all move the USCIS< NVC< CONSULATE mountains.. AMEN!



      You know, sometimes God allows us to have trials just to prove to the devil that you have enough FAITH to overcome and move that mountain. All we have to do is COMMAND that mountain to move and it has to MOVE.. so let's all move the USCIS< NVC< CONSULATE mountains.. AMEN!

    3. Nemata Musa

      Nemata Musa

      ameen my dear...you are so right

  20. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.Never give up. Realize that when you face problems, you are almost there.Happy Sunday everyone!.

  21. Every set back is a set up for great comeback!..So please dnt get discourage and sad,have faith and believe..Your day will come.

  22. believe no matter what, God's always been my soft place to land when life's roads get bumpy and I stumble and fall. He not only cushions my fall but revives my spirit with an abundance of mercy and love. Where can I go that Your love does not reach? Your presence is everywhere and Your love blankets me, protecting me from life's storms. You are truly a safe harbor for my soul.

    1. chuckchuck


      this is sooo inspirational....

  23. In life we are all in line to God's wish-granting house. In that line, we are all given a specific number. Before you think of giving up remember this: it may be your number that gets called

  24. Life is like a book,each day is like a new page.May your book be the best seller with adventures to tell,lessons to learn and tales of good deed to remember.I know visa journey is not easy,but you all hang in there,have faith and believe.



      smiling. you are so right. testimonies for thoes yet to come!

  25. Life is hard and it gets harder, but you are strong and you can get stronger. You may think that the world is ending, just take a breather and say I am strong and I will get stronger.....Goodnight



      Encouragement to others in times of disstress is a gift from God. Bless you

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