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Posts posted by AshleyyMariie

  1. Hello everyone. Just have a quick question. I recently sent in my I-129F form and everything with it so I know I have a way to go. But when the time comes for my fiance to do his interview must he have his passport at that time? Please if someone can let me know. We are just having a terrible time trying to get it and we're afraid of what might happen if he does not get it before the interview date. Please let me know. Thanks!

  2. I just sent in the I-129F packet just 2 days ago and now I'm a mess worrying because I think I might have made a mistake. I sent everything I was supposed to but the thing is that with the letter of intent I had my fiance sign them of course along with the G-325A and put them in the packet but I didn't put the envelope in the packet proving they are originals, that he sent them to me. Will this cause a problem??? I'm so nervous now that it will but I don't know if it is necessary to send that in or not or just the papers themselves signed is proof enough. Please someone help!!!! Thanks!!! :help:

  3. On his G-325A, when it asks for his employment for the last five years, are we able to put down that he has been self-employed as a computer technician for a while now? Plus he's not able to remember exactly the addresses for the places he's worked at before, will this be a problem?

    Thanks in advanced

  4. You still have to fill out your own I-134 since you are the primary sponsor. If your mom or dad agrees to be the co-sponsor, they will fill out their own I-134 and submit their own documentation to the information they provide (tax transcripts, letter of employment, paystubs, etc)

    But if they co-sponsor then they would just send their paperwork along with mine correct? They would not send it separately or anything would they? Thanks for all the help you've been given me! I'm almost done with the I-129F packet!!! :D

  5. I was just wondering.. I want me and my fiance to have as much documents as we can for his interview. I have traveled to Argentina recently for almost a year but I was wondering is there any way for him to visit me here with only having his passport with no visa? So that way we can have copies of his passport showing his entrance and exit of the United States which is more documentation of us meeting and being together. Please help! Thanks

  6. HELPPP! Quick question! So I'm getting everything ready to start this Visa and I need to know something..

    With the form G-325A that my fiance has to fill out and sign, can I receive that via fax and send it in like that or does it have to be original with his signature etc.. (my finance would have to send it via mail to me then)..

    Thanks again!

  7. Thanks again so much. After looking around this site and also looking at people's personal situations going through this process for the K-1 visa I'm feeling better and less nervous about doing it. I'm seeing it's not too hard if you have pretty much all they want which is mostly showing that it's true that there is a relationship going on.

    Is there a common hard spot where most people run into? I'm seeing it might the financial support part.. is it hard to get a co-sponsor if needed? And what exactly is it?


  8. Hello everyone. Me and my fiance, who is a citizen of Argentina, are most likely going to file for a K-1 visa. We have been together for 2 and a half years and have been engaged for some time now. I found this website seeking help, I'm just nervous I guess because I really want him to be able to get this visa and for us to start our life here and I'm scared of that chance that we might not get it approved. So I'm seeking some help and just answers to my basic questions. I know there are many forums out there but I was just hoping someone could help me personally..

    My first question is, do most of everyone here have some sort of lawyer or something to back them up in this process or are you guys all kinda doing it just by yourselves?

    Second, I'm currently a student but also working full time, making about 22 thousand a year, and don't have really anything very expensive to my name, as well I'm living with my parents. Would that be enough for this visa? I know I saw something about financial status, either me or him. But would not having my own place, would that cause me to run into problems? I have enough saved etc to find my own place of course if I must.

    Third, at what point is the longest wait time? I'm reading some of the dates on people's posts here but I'm new to the "lingo" of the visa process.. Sorry.

    I'll probably have more questions later but I just want to get these out of the way.. if someone can just help me out. Thanks so much in advanced. I'm so glad I found this website!

    Ashley :)

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