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Status Replies posted by mjlassi

  1. still no word on my husband's visa :( is almost 4month's in AP

    1. mjlassi


      if we don't hear something this week we will contact the senator.. we didn't want to get them involved unless we really needed too

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. still no word on my husband's visa :( is almost 4month's in AP

    1. mjlassi


      Thank you for the reassurance EABBAS I really need all the positive thing's to look at right now am such a reck not knowing what is going on or even who I can contact to get any information. I call the dos and the embassy and they really tell me nothing the dos staff are so rude it's unbeleivable I had a women hang up on me today she was talking over me and wouldn't even take the time to hear what I had to say I am so upset. I am worried something is wrong with my name the consula...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. in 2 week's it will be 3 month's since my husband's interview and we are still in AP.. wondering if I should get my senator involved?

    1. mjlassi


      many ppl say yes it help's.. I have not sent anything to the senator yet we decided to wait a little bit longer before taking that step

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. has been 8 months since I held my husband's hand, have been in AP for 3 month's wondering if I should go visit my husband I miss him so much :(

    1. mjlassi


      I changed my name while we were in nvc stage they just had me send a copy of my new id showing that I changed my name along with a letter stating that I had changed my last name to my husband's name.. no they did not give him a paper saying congrat's.. my husband ask is everything ok and they say yes you are approved and to come back in two day's to get your visa..when he come back they say we will contact you by email when your visa is ready I called the DOS to find out what was ...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. officially 7 months of AP.... all we are waiting for are the checks to clear... dear GOD pls let us be together soon!!!

    1. mjlassi


      I know how you feel we have been in AP only 3 month's but it feel's like forever just want to have my husband here with me and be over this night mare.. incha'allah we all get good new's soon. I am having a hard day our best friend left Tunisia today to be with his wife in Texas, I am happy for them but so sad for my family. It makes it so hard when you see all your friend's getting their visa's and traveling to the usa to be with their families but know nothing on you...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. Can anyone tell me what exactly is administrative review?

    1. mjlassi


      it is good to know we are not the only one's though.. ty :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Can anyone tell me what exactly is administrative review?

    1. mjlassi


      I understand that and never said he is the only one.. I ask if anyone can help me understand what it even mean's.. and not every male goes through administrative review.. none of his friend's did they had their interview's very close to my husband's date and they have their visa's and one of them is already here in the usa..

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Can anyone tell me what exactly is administrative review?

    1. mjlassi


      Our case is in administrative review and I can't find anywhere or get any real answer's on what this mean's exactly.. Plz someone explain I am so confused the embassy told my husband at the interview they have everything and there is no red flag's everything is good.. so why administrative review?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)


    1. mjlassi


      oh sorry I have not been on vj for a long time.. we was approved with nvc.. my husband had his interview oct. 31 but still no answer on their decision :( we don't understand what is going on it is taking forever.. I called the embassy in Tunisia and they couldn't tell me anything just to wait they have not made a decision yet.. it's horrible what you have to go through to be able to be with your loved one when you are from other countries..

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. It's so great to have a man that makes me feel special all day long from halfway across the world. I truly am blessed. God is good!

    1. mjlassi


      I know exactly how you feel! it's amazing isn't it?!?!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. nvc is taking so long to get our case number =(

    1. mjlassi


      We was approved 6/21/2011 I called nvc on 7/22/2011 and they had just entered our case in the system so I got my case number but they did not have an invoice number for us yet. So now we wait for them to notify my husband by email and send the invoice number by email so we can pay the bill's and send our document's! everything is a waiting game I can't wait to get this step done! I know I am not alone everyone feel's the same way as I do.. good luck to everyone and God...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Bought the plane ticket... She'll be here next week!

    1. mjlassi


      Congradulation's can't wait to be where you are now! Hearing that bring's encouragment!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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