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Russ and Jie

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About Russ and Jie

  • Birthday 08/15/1963

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  • Gender
  • City
    Eugene, OR

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. Driving to Seattle on the 19th to meet Jie at the airport!!! Woo-Hoo!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryan H

      Ryan H

      FYI: The skybridge from the garage at Sea-Tac that is closest to the area where international arriving passengers come up from the underground train is closed for escalator replacement. Is Jie arriving on Hainan Airlines or Delta?

    3. DanishBill


      So, how's the cleaning coming along? Did you get new sheets? Bedspread? Clean the bathroom - very important..... Hey, seriously, one mistake I made was to get the Social Security card before we got married, you should get married and then go get it and bring your marriage cert - that way you don't need to make 2 trips. How come I think you're all excited??

    4. DanishBill


      So, how's the cleaning coming along? Did you get new sheets? Bedspread? Clean the bathroom - very important..... Hey, seriously, one mistake I made was to get the Social Security card before we got married, you should get married and then go get it and bring your marriage cert - that way you don't need to make 2 trips. How come I think you're all excited??

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