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  1. I'm an Associate Producer at a TV network in New York. I'm looking for men or women who have just recently started an international long-distance relationship and who are interested in sharing their story.

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    2. RashidaABC


      Thanks for your response! I'm hoping to find someone who is in the beginning stages of an international relationship--two lovers who are longing to see each other again after having just met or two people who have just started a relationship within the past few months. So you and your husband are still living in different countries? If so how often do ou see each other?

    3. RosyMad


      He lives in the UK, I live here. We see eachother no less than every 3 months.. he has no internet so when he is gone we just rely on phone calls and letters.. no Im or Skype.. it has been that way for about a year now.. :( if you have any questions im happy to answer.. email me at the.stranges@live.com :)

    4. matt&tara


      Hi! My fiance and I have known eachother online for almost 8 years, and JUST decided to meet last August for the very first time! I knew I loved Matthew before I met him, but when he actually came to see me, I literally fell in love with him :) We were engaged by November 2010 and started the LONG immigration process for me to enter and live in the United States. The wedding is on September 9th!!

      If you'd like more details or have any questions, let me know! --Tara

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