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Dwight - Hanilyn

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About Dwight - Hanilyn

  • Birthday June 18

Profile Information

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Dallas TX
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We were introduce by her best friend from college who is now living in Mississippi. My neighbor had told me about a planned trip to the Philippines for a vacation and about a local Filipino that was going to be his guide while he was there.

    He told me of her story and about how she had helped several couples find the love of their life and get married. I asked him to introduce me and told him that I was interested in knowing if she could assist me in meeting someone special.

    In December, on Christmas Eve, I was given a name of her friend and told to contact her on FB. So, I sent my first message on FB and also sent her and email. Since Hanilyn was a day ahead, she received my email and request on Christmas day. She had prayed earlier that God would introduce her to a man that would be her husband. Just as I had prayed earlier in the year just before my neighbor started talking about her friend.

    By mid January, we had emailed and chatted several times a day and new that we had made a lasting connection. By late January, I had my tickets purchased to visit with Hanilyn, We knew at this time that we were meant to be together. I told her then I had a question to ask when I got there and she said that the answer would be yes.

    We then used Yahoo Messenger webcam to chat once or twice a day. We still do. We hardly ever miss a day that we don't webcam. We talk on the phone at least once a day and text all the time. She is my soulmate.

    I will be back to see her again in August, We can't wait to be together and married. We hope the VISA process happens without holdups!

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