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Jo & A

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Posts posted by Jo & A

  1. Hello,

    We are getting ready to file the I-751 for my wife next month and are getting read up and prepared. My question is about our new baby and the I-751. He was born here in the US. The form says to list children, but I can't figure if it wants all children listed, or just those that will also be looking to remove conditional status. Does anyone know the answer?

    I'm leaning towards writing him down and answering

    5. Is child living with you? yes

    6. Is child applying with you? no

    Thanks for any help

  2. We are preparing to send in the I 485, I 864, G325A, I 765, and I 131 for AOS, EAD, AP on a K1 Visa. We would like to, if possible, receive her green card, and any other official documents with my wife's new married name.

    We have her SSN in her maiden name that matches her foreign passport. We tried to get the SSN changed to the new married name, but we were with in the 14 day window of the I-94 expiration, and will have to wait until this new paperwork is processed by the UCIS.

    Which of the forms above can we use her new married name, and which do we have to use her SSN / foreign passport / maiden name?

    Again, we want to use her married name, and receive any new official documentation with the new married name where ever possible.

    Thanks for any help

  3. BTW, what kind of questions did they ask?

    First window, "How we know each other, for how long, what she does, what I do, where we will live, if she knew that I was married before, and what is my cell number?"

    Second window, "What does she do, what do I do, how long have we known each other, how did we meet, how many times have I been to Colombia to see her?"

    review is posted

  4. My novia's K1 visa was approved this morning with little problem. :thumbs:

    There were a couple of interesting things that did make us a bit nervous when she was asked to turn in her documents at the first window.

    First she was not asked to hand in one shred of evidence of our relationship.

    The second was that she was told that the divorce document that we used for the I-129 and for the interview was not a Colombian divorce document. I figure it was the divorce being listed on the birth certificate that saved us.

    She was almost in tears while we waited for the decision.

    After a short wait we were called to the 2nd window and given the approval.

    In at 7am, and out by 8:30am.

    It's time to relax. :)

  5. For K1'ers, I got my hands on a copy of the Spanish Packet 3 & 4 dated October 2011. I just checked and the embassy site still has the June 2011 Spanish version.

    I still have yet to check and see if the October Spanish version is any different than the June Spanish or October English versions.

    I have a question. Our interview is next week and the medical is scheduled 2 days in advance. From what I've read, this is plenty of time to get the medical results before the interview.

    I'm getting more nervous as we're getting closer. Can anyone confirm that the medical 2 days ahead of the interview is ok?



  6. My question,

    "I am writing to get confirmation that the DAS certificate concerning entries and exits from Colombia is no longer needed for the interview.

    I see in the new October 2011 Packet 3/4 that we received that it is no longer listed."

    Embassy response,

    "Thank you for your inquiry. It is not required. The consular officer may ask you to provide one at a later date if there is any question regarding your relationship that can’t be answered, i.e., have you been to Colombia to visit her? Have you travelled anywhere together. In general, it is rarely requested."

  7. I had paid and scheduled the appointment online myself Saturday the 15th. I just called the Dept of State to confirm that our appointment was scheduled. The lady I spoke to was very nice, but unaware of the changes in Bogota. She did state that other embassies were set up in a similar fashion so she wasn't totally surprised. She can peak right into the embassy system and see what info the embassy has on us. She was able to confirm what emails the embassy had sent us, and what the emails contained, but did not see neither where I had paid the fee online nor the appointment that we had scheduled. She said that I should give it some time for them to enter it into the system in Bogota, and check back. I guess it makes sense that the old system that the DOS can look into isn't yet connected to the new system, or is it?

    I just want to book these flights to Bogota, and have some kind of peace of mind that we do indeed have an appoinment before I do it.

  8. No, you dont need the DS156, just the DS2100, DS230 for each beneficiary...

    Take the DS156 with you for the appointment, you'll need it when you go to Bancohelm to pay the fee..

    Also, they will want the form printed 2 sided.. At least they made us do that...

    As far as I can tell, DS 2100 and DS 230 are no longer needed.

    DS 156 (2 copies) still needs to be taken to the appoinment.

    I paid the fee online last night.

  9. Definitely birth certificate. Haven't researched it yet. I'll probably go ahead and have her translate the police certificates and baptismal certificate as well if it's not an arm and a leg.

    Did you schedule your interview? If so, is it a calandar showing the available dates? We're discussing dates right now, trying to weave through all the holidays and commitments I have to be in the US on.

    Ok, here's what I have. You do not actually need the DS 156 filled out to register or make the appointment. They make it read that way though. Once you register, and navigate (the guide in the Packet 3/4 helped, but was not totally accurate) your way through the set up, you have the option to pay. Once the $350 or 700,000.00 pesos is paid, you can then move to the calendar to chose an appointment date.

    We are not going to schedule the date yet until we get to talk to the doctors to see what kind of wait time there is for appointments.

    I can tell you that as of tonight that these are the available appointment dates for interviews

    Oct 19,20,21,26,27

    Nov 1,3,4,7,8,9,10,15,16,17,21,22,23,28,29,30

    Dec was not yet available

  10. Yeah!!! My fiance got the email with the "new packet 3/4" today as well.

    A few questions...

    1) It says to fill out the DS-156 and DS-156k on their new online system and print, etc. It makes it sound like they are recording this info after we type it in and they want the print-outs. Are you guys clicking on the "Generate Family Duplicate" button when you enter your information?

    2) My fiance has a record of a few of the vacunas, but not all of them. Which of the 3 (now 4) doctors do you guys recommend so we don't get gouged or asked to pay for unnecessary vacunas?

    3) It looks as though we need to schedule the medical and have blood work/x-rays done at another location. I assume we need to schedule the blood work/xrays as well, as opposed to just showing up.

    I have the calandar of all the upcoming holidays. I would like to go onto the website and fill out the DS-156 and DS-156k right now. I am also going to set up the Interview date. Realistically how many days do we need for the blood work/xrays, medical, and interview? I.e. Could I set the blood work/Xray and then medical up in the same day and then have the interview the next day or is that not enough tikime? Unfortunately I can set the interview up today and then what would happen if we call Monday to set up the blood work/xray and or medical and there are no availabilities the day before the interview... that would kinda suck.

    Filling out DS-156...

    Question 14... National ID #? That is cedula #, correct?

    Question 22.... When do you intende to arrive in the US? Can I put a date like 2 weeks after the interview, even though we haven't bought the ticket yet?

    Question 24.... At what address will you stay in the US? I am going to put my current address, but I am planning on moving either right before or right after she moves.... if I move before can I just give them the new info at the interview, or can I just wait till she gets here and then send in a change of address form? Even if I move before she gets here I will still be paying rent at my current address through the end of November anyhow.

    Question 26... How long do you intend to stay in the US? Answer... For the rest of my life???? Is this a trick question?

    Question 27... What is the purpose of your trip? Answer... To live my life with my future husband?

    Question 32... Do you intend to work in the US? Answer.... Sometime? No plans right now, but we would like to apply for the work permit as soon as we can. Or should I just say "No." Or should I just say "Yes" and leave all that employment info blank as obviously we don't know where she would work when she is eventually given work permit.

    Application prepared by.... is this relevant? Should we put my name (the petitioner) since I'm the one going online to fill it our, or can we just put her name?

    Thanks... so exciting!!!!

    1)About the DS 156, just finished it 5 minutes ago. I also thought they were recording the answers, but I'm pretty sure it is only a fancy way to scare you into not screwing up.

    2) 3) can't answer for you

    I see your point about not knowing if there were available medical appoinment dates right before the interview date. I'm still aiming to set the interview date tonight, and then we'll call about medical appointments Monday.

    DS 156

    14) we used the CC number

    22) we left it blank since it said "provide specific date if known"

    24) I can't tell you

    26) we put "until death"

    27) we put "marriage according to the terms of the K1 visa"

    32) we left it as "no" since that wasn't the reason she is coming

    we had a discussion over the "prepared by" and decided to leave it blank

    I hope this helps

    I can't get an answer on this from anyone, do you have an opinion on what forms need translated? We are thinking we will have the birth certificate, and police certificate translated if anything.


  11. I haven't yet seen any chatter about this, and I haven't yet completely figured it out yet, but I need to start some discussion and get feedback. I'm not sure which all visas are affected, but the way we do K visas has changed as of this month. Much of what I have read here on VJ and at the embassy site concerning packet 3 and 4 has changed. I got an email response today from the embassy telling me that "This office is pleased to inform you that it can begin to process your fiancé(e) visa case." There were 6 attachments with it. 3 in English, and the same 3 in Spanish. Medical Exam Instructions, How to Schedule you K Visa Appointment, and K Visa Instructions Packet 3/4.

    Well my head is still trying to sort this out, but what I see that is different so far is that we no longer mail, fax, or email the DS 2100, and DS 230. Those are gone. We go to he embassy website and create an account, pay online?(still trying to figure this out), and schedule the interview date ourself. The day of the interview you take in DS 156 and 156K, the list of documents(changes here!), and your medical exam info(now 4 doctors to choose from).

    The embassy still has the old packet 3 and 4 posted on the site. I'd have no idea about the new stuff had I not got the email. My novia told me a month ago that we could pay online for the interview, but I had told her she was loca until today. The new Spanish Packet 3/4 is dated revised June 2011. The English Packet 3/4 is dated October 2011.

    The new document requirements not only say nothing about the petitioner needing the DAS thingy, but also has omitted it for the beneficiary. (this is the DAS that pertains to entries and exits)

    The baptism certificate looks like that it is only needed if the birth certificate is older than 2 years.

    Overall, the changes I see are positive, but on the downside I have no "cookbook" to follow with the from the experiences of others.

    I need to read through it again, and hopefully have enough confidence tomorrow to create the embassy account, pay for the interview, and schedule the date.

    Any insight is appreciated.


    PS: As to exactly what does and does not need to be translated is murkier than ever. At least for me it is. The new Packet 3/4 says "If you already

    included an English translation in the documents you submitted to USCIS as part of the petition process, you do not

    need to provide additional English translations or duplicate copies." From reading this, I assume everything needs translated that wasn't translated for the original petition. From reading previous posts, I gathered that nothing needs translated for the embassy. Anyone?

  12. I'm reading Packet 3 for the K1 visa and this is what it says about documents.

    "Informal English translations are required for civil documents written in a foreign language. We can return most

    original documents if you also bring notarized photocopies to your interview."

    What are informal English translations?

    Does anyone know which documents need to be translated for the interview?



  13. Andy,

    You're right, you don't want to send packet 3 too early or they will ignore it completely. The DOS won't know if they have the case at the embassy, they only know the date of your appointment once it's scheduled since they have access to the same system that's available at the embassy.

    What you need to do next week is email them on Tuesday to see if they reply to let you know that they have it. I know they say they're too busy to reply to such inquiries but they still do it anyway. If you don't hear from them that day, you can call them every Wednesday from 2-4 P.M. which is when they're available by phone. Once you're 100% sure that they have the case, you can go ahead and send packet 3 if you're ready to do so.


    Ok, I think the embassy info page on VJ matches better with what you are saying.

    I got that info from the Colombia Club Guide entry on the VJWiki . It is either incorrect or I read it wrong.

    But I have to ask, if the DOS has access to the embassy system, wouldn't the DOS also be able to see if the embassy has entered the case into their system or not, as well as having the appointment dates?

    I'll start emailing them everyday come Tuesday until they tell me they have the case.


  14. I want to confirm that I am understanding this shortcut correctly.

    Our case left the NVC Tuesday the 27th for Bogota.

    It will supposedly arrive in Bogota today Friday the 30th.

    In 2 business days, Tuesday the 4th, I should call the U.S. State Dept. Visa office at: 202-663-1225 press 1 then 0 and they will let me know if the embassy has received our case.

    If they say that the embassy has the case, I can then have my novia email the required packet 3 information.

    I guess my question is what does it mean exactly if the U.S. State Dept. Visa office says the embassy has the case?

    Does it mean that they can see the case was sent to the embassy?

    The case has arrived and may or may not be sitting around still waiting to be entered into the embassy's system?

    The case has indeed been entered into the embassy's system and ready for the packet three info to show up?

    I'm understanding it to be the last, but want to be sure. I don't want the packet 3 info showing up at the embassy too early.



  15. alt+3 thanks for the link

    Ready to do it, if I understood correctly, you are saying that due to not having enough time to pick up the DAS, your are going to take your chances without it, or did I miss something there?

    thanks again

    Nevermind, I went back and found your previous post about the "poder". I'll get there a week ahead of time and make that the first thing we do.

  16. Hi Everybody,

    Our NOA is dated Sept 12 so I figured that I had better get busy preparing for the next steps. Today I've read every reply on this thread, and I'm getting lots of good information.

    alt+3 you had mentioned another K1 Colombian thread out there and I am not able to locate it, any suggestions on how to find it? Also if anybody knows of other good threads to read about Colombia, I'd like to see them.

    I'm guessing if all goes well we may be interviewing in December. My novia and I are planning on going to Bogota for the week prior to the interview for the medical exam, labs, and vaccinations. I also plan to get my DAS whatchamacallit for the petitioner during that week prior to the interview. Do you guys reckon that will be enough time for me to get it? Has anybody heard of any USC yet being asked for it?



  17. I am preparing my my third I-129 application. It makes three in 6 years. The first 2 were for the same woman. Both of which were approved. I had to write a request of waiver at the time of the second visa, which was fairly easy to compose.

    After 2 visas and 3 attempts for her to get settled in, we decided we weren't going to make it living together here in the states, and she returned home.

    Now I have met, and fallen in love with someone new. I need to again write a request of waiver, but I am not certain what they are looking for in the letter.

    Do I say that I met someone new and need a new visa? Do I add how the other two visas ended in my wife returing home? Or am I missing the point here?

    Thank for any help,


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