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Status Replies posted by Blue&Gold

  1. Now over 6 months in AP...patience is a virtue...patience is a virtue...

    1. Blue&Gold


      OMG over six months in AP!! what the hell are they doing! Have you tired contacting your state senator? I feel so angry for you, how they play with our lives! have a safe trip.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Call me proactive! I just sent an email to my state senator (the democrat - probably the party you want to go with when dealing with immigration lol) to let him know I will be travelling for a K1 interview and we may need his offices assistance if we are denied or placed in AP. Now let's see if my vote will earn me a response!

  3. Dipu wrote an email to VFS asking for Packet 4 because he still hasn't received it. After sending the email, he logged off and left for work. As he opened his front door, there was Packet 4!!! Interview is August 3!!! I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW, I GET TO SEE MY LOVE IN 3 WEEKS!!!

    1. Blue&Gold


      OMG I am so happy for you, you are my VJ buddy!! i can't believe it!!! this is so so awesome!! is Dipu staying in Delhi, is that where he received packet 4?

      oh my gosh i can just imaging your heart racing and you smiling and crying at the same time!! get packing girl!!!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. July interview dates FINALLY published, and we didn't get one:( Here's hoping for the beginning of August!

    1. Blue&Gold


      hopefully they will post August dates by July

      15th - anxious to purchase ticket!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Still don't know when our interview is, but the medical is done! 7 hours of waiting (so much for scheduled appointments) and 4 minutes of checkup. Whew!

    1. Blue&Gold


      we are still waiting too.

      Have been trying to schedule medical exam but no one is picking up the phone. did you guys go to

      Max Medcentre

      N - 110, Panchsheel Park

      New Delhi-110017

      Telephone: 8800334457

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Dipu's PCC was delivered to his family's home today!!! He is flying there to pick it up this weekend. Don't want to risk the mail service.

    1. Blue&Gold


      Hey- so Krishna wrote an email inquiring about his interview date (submitted packet 3 on the 24th) and this is there reply "Dear Applicant,

      As per the U.S Embassy they have updated your case and hope to schedule you in the forthcoming months. "

      hmm?? have you guys tried calling or emailing to see if you have been assigned an interview date??

      take care & Happy 4th! =)


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. In my entire life, I have never encountered a less efficient or productive government office than the Guwahati passport office.

    1. Blue&Gold


      i have a feeling all of India is like this! At this rate i am worried the petition will expire before Krishna can get all 25 police locations in the district to sign off.

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