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morocco_usa 4ever

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Posts posted by morocco_usa 4ever

  1. the only thing i agree with is the changing the 90 days to 180. unfortunately my fiance is in morocco and YES we have seen each other MORE than once and we are still waiting to be together. we jumped thru all the hoops and have watched people get their visa in a couple days but yet we still wait. there is a post "its not a crime to fall in love with someone from another country" and ITS NOT. its sad that people everyday in the usa can meet someone and marry them and maybe divorce and nobody cares but because our love is from another country its all in someone elses hands if we can be together let alone marry. you have your love in america with you some of us would love to be in your shoes rite now!!!!!!!

  2. How do you guys cope? Not being able to see Amel is driving me crazy. I miss him so much. I try to keep busy but he is forever on my mind. Also, the limitations placed on the politics of Cuba are also limiting. Phone calls are anywhere between seventy and ninety five cents per minute. No internet access for everyone in Cuba so we cannot Skype. I can text him but he cant text me. We can email through a friend who has internet access at work. We talk three to four times per week but you can imagine it is getting expensive. I feel so helpless. :-[ He just called me... we spoke for about 40 minutes, expensive. Also, the earningability is very low in Cuba. He earns around $320.00 Cuban pesos per month which equates to about $14.00 USD. I see this as a long process, especially for Cubans. Even when the petition is approved, the interview appointments are taking around 8 months. I have to pace myself. I was in Cuba for 10 days returning to the USA on 3/29 and I have lost 8 pounds since then. Its always good to lose weight but not like this. What do you guys do to avoid getting wrapped up in ths process?

    its very very hard being away from the one you love but the way i keep my self busy is work on the visa process. every night after work i come home and try to find the things he is going to need when his interview is scheduled. Ive found that keeps me busy most of the time.

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