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Dante & Geor

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Status Replies posted by Dante & Geor

  1. Exploring DC together.....I feel like a tourist again....;)!

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      Enjoy your time together! It's a forever now!!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Enjoying Peru....2 more days until POE.

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      Congrats! Finally, mine will be in 2 weeks!! yayyy

  3. 173 Days and still counting...... no signs of our NOA2.. My beautiful fiancee is sicks and was almnost admitted to the hospital once again, and I am not there to help her or at least be by her side.

  4. My Fiancee is going thru a crisis.. too much wait, its already over the 5 months for processing time before NOA2. ANy ideas what to do???

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      You need to be much more comprehensive these days, trust me, talk more than ever, and love her more than ever. All we woman need is for you guys to be there ready to hear all our whining and just give us more strength! You guys will be fine Tell her she can join a group of peruvian girls in FB maybe that will help here. PM if you want the info :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. hey, um, how do you make all those images and fun timelines show up on your sig?

  6. Visa fee paid, 99% done. Bring it on interview, we'll be ready!!! :)

  7. So excited!!! The NVC just sent our package to the US Embassy in Lima!!!

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      When is your interview?

  8. Still no interview date! Would you mind doing some work?? Damn

  9. I'm a stalker!

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      Me too! hahaha I'm stalking USEM now

  10. Petition sent to Lima! Woohoo

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      Muchas gracias! Espero que tu proceso sea rapido tambien y que por fin esten juntos!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. I am now Mrs.... Today marks a wonderful chapter in life, God bless our union!!!

  12. Noa 2 gracias dios mio gracias

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      Aun no lo tienen en el NVC hoy me contestaron un mail. Otra persona averiguo tambien y le dijeron que las aplicaciones de Brasil no van mas por NVC asi que tendre que averiguar si es todo sudamerica o solo brasil :) ojala seamos todos los de por aqui

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Noa 2 gracias dios mio gracias

  14. Hoy tengo ganas de ti...!!!

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      lol! Lo extraño tanto, y canciones como esa me ayudan a recordar la sensacion! Dios ducha fria al instante.. Lmao

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. NOA2!!!! Hell yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      Thank you!!! I still cannot believe it!! Lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. Wanting my NOA2! You can sue me if don't like it! lol!

  17. Yay, I'm so Happy, I got approved yesterday(US time), Thank You Lord God Almighty...I love you!!!

  18. 5 weeks after he received his citizenship he left me after an argument which he instigated.

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      I so sorry to hear what happened to you. He will get what he deserves! you just need to be strong girl :) I'm sure the right guy is waiting for you out there

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Just passed the 300 barrier on Igor's list!!!

  20. I know it's nowhere near guaranteed. But I'm seeing approvals at 3 & 4 months for VSC. Keep em comin!! :)

  21. Cheap tickets to Peru...

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      If you find some, please let me know... I can't find any

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Driving lessons sucks!

    1. Dante & Geor

      Dante & Geor

      I'm trying manual, once you learn how to drive manual, automatic is piece of cake.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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