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Posts posted by nicky&imad

  1. thx Shayma but I am afraid I have bad news :( I am so embarassed but I made a mistake and will take resposibilty. I was looking at the wrong petition. I could have sworn it was the right number but when Imad checked again I had someone elses case number :( I feel sooooooooooo embarassed right now. So right now we are still waiting... again........... He just wants to work so he can help me out with things. It is so rough right now. incha allah. he will here something soon.

  2. Hi everyone :) So I haven't posted anything on here for a long time so now is the time to show my presence again, lol Anyway, so my husband and I filed for his AOS in March. we did receive an RFE in April and sent everything they needed, at the same time we filed for his working card, ofcourse. We kept checking the USCIS website after we sent the RFE answer into them, and one day we checked and they received it. :) So after, we kept checking on his working card and one day it came up that on May 15 th they mailed us the appt for biometrics and fingerprinting and if we didn't get anything within 30 days ..blah blah, you all know the story. So about 10 days go by and we didn't get anything and we were kind of freaking, so I called USCIS and the girl said not to worry we would recieve before the 15th of June. So I said ok. Then another week passed and I was still worried and I kept checking the website. Then lowe and behold a different message was there. It said his working card was being put into production on June 6th, so ofcourse we were excited that he would be able to work soon. The next day, just for the heck of it, I checked again and it said it was being printed up!! I was like WOW!!! Only one day later?? That's fast and then I just checked now and it says it's been mailed out already on the 7th and he would recieve it via USPS tomorrow :) My question is, after all this yackity yacking I'm doing... Why was he not given an appt for his biometrics and fingerprinting?? I thought everyone had it done before the working card because it was stated in the i-765 that they mailed it, not in the i-485. I'm just so confused.... gaaaahhhhh Don't get me wrong, I am so happy that he can start working because he is so bored. Thx in advance for anyone's help :)

    Nicky and Imad

  3. I am so happy for the both of you. You are so dedicated to your husband and faith and this is why you had a great outcome I believe :) If it wasn't for you and some others I would have gone crazy. So im thankful for you. You are so kind and caring and im sure the consular officer saw this in the both of you. <3 <3

  4. I agree about working. It really does help to pass the time quicker. My fiance kept working until the week before his interview. He had it last Monday and is going crazy without work, he sits at home playing pool on Fb or goes and spends money and walks the streets, lol. Thank goodness he comes home to me next week, lol. Even just something part time would help pass the time. Good luck on your journey :thumbs: :thumbs:

  5. The pictures aren't surprising, they track everything you do online in Morocco. I think a lot of the interview is just to verify the things they already know about you two seeing that they can look up his whole chat history online.

    WOW!! interesting, he did mention something about interpol and they can get whatever they want. That's the only way I can figure they got anything. I hope they didn't read to many conversations... :blush::blink:

  6. congratulations! that's very interesting re. the facebook pictues as well.

    so I guess having FB helped, lol. It makes you wonder what else they can see. Considering they are the gov't, they can do whatever they want. I was only worried about the sponsor but it turned out well. He gets his visa tomorrow at 3pm :dance: :dance:

  7. Thanks everyone :) Im going to post on the Morocco forum after for the results of interviews, but for now, here's a little something. First of all, he had the man with the goatee, he said he was very funny and also kept laughing at Imad because he is naturally funny, LOL Sorry anyway, he said he was nervous at first but calmed down. He asked him questions about me, my job, do i like my job, my kids names, how old are they, where do they go to school, my brother and if he is married and there children's names, my sister and her husband and do they have children, my parents and how old are they, where do they live. Ummm, who are my best friends, how many times have I visited. I am maybe missing a couple, but Imad said he just kept talking and answering until the man said ok thats enough, Imad asked if he wanted to see the evidence he brought. The man said No he had everything he needed and told him he was approved. The weird part.... He had pics of us when we went to Mohammedia in April and I was with Imad and my best friend Adil at the beach, the strange thing is that I didnt even send anything from the second visit because I sent the petition before I went in April. Imad had glanced over the man's desk and saw the pics, he said, I swear I gave him NOTHING of the evidence you sent me. WEIRD!! Im sure they looked at my FB cause I have them posted on there. Incha'allah Everyone else will get lucky also and for those of you waiting in A.P. be strong, your day is coming :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

  8. Helloooo everyone and hope to find u all well :D Imad's interview in Casa was this morning. He called me at 8:05am to tell me he got approved!!! He couldn't give me details yet but he will this evening when he comes on skype. He goes Wednesday to pick up his visa. SOOOOOOOOO happy right now. I cried and laughed at the same time I was excited.. Good luck to everyone else with upcoming interviews and just be yourself and relax while your there. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

  9. Agree with everyone else here. Definitely don't miss your interview or you could be stuck a lot longer. I myself am going to send everything by FEDEX this week. Don't ruin your chances of getting approved that day.. Incha'allah you get it Monday. But if not, what everyone else said. Good Luck!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

  10. Perhaps it won't cause more denials. But I would think it is going to create a lot more and longer in depth scrutiny of anyone trying to get to the USA from any of the places where rioting is happening. That's not said to scare anyone, that's only common sense. Given the reports out the UK and European countries, such as the copy and paste from the daily Mail below, I would think embassy officials will be taking a very cautious approach.

    "The terrorist network has urged Muslims around the world to step up their protests and kill more diplomats in Islamic countries. Praising the attacks by angry demonstrators in Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Sudan on U.S. and other Western missions as 'natural responses to a huge insult', the statement said that American embassies should be burned and diplomats killed.

    It said defending the Prophet's honor was a 'religious duty and obligation to the Muslim nation, each according to his ability'.

    The group also said that Muslims living in the West have an extra duty to be involved in attacks on key targets.

    'They are more capable of doing harm and reaching the enemy is easier for them,' it said"


    WOW!! messed up :(

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